“Now let’s talk about your clan’s arrangements.”

Wu Bie said seriously.

Hearing this, Di also struggled to get up from Wu Bie’s arms.

However, he was quickly suppressed by him.

“Please be obedient, little pet.”


There was no way to resist, Di answered obediently.

Anyway, there is no other way, right?

Besides, it is still very comfortable here.

Seeing that Di did not think about it again, Wubie said

“There are currently three places for you to go, one of which is the Human World.

You are rabbit monsters, which are basically harmless to humans. Although the humans in the Human World do not like monsters, they do not hate them either.

With the introduction of me and Aqiu, I believe that the humans in the Human World will accept you, so there is no need to worry.

Of course, if you want to live in the Human World, you need to work, and you can only get food by working.

The advantage is that it is absolutely safe. As long as you do not violate the law and do not leave the Human World, then you will be absolutely safe.”

Wu Bie told them the details of the Human World and the things they needed to pay attention to.

Di was also listening carefully and nodded from time to time.

Because she had to analyze it carefully and should choose a place for her people to live.

After explaining the Human World, Wu Bie continued

“Then the second type is to live in the Beast Path or the Monster Mountain like other monsters.

The advantage is that it is relatively free and there are not too many rules and constraints, but the problem of food needs to be solved by yourself.

You can plant, or you can go to the human village to exchange.

You can use labor, or you can use your own abilities to exchange, it depends on you.

But it is more dangerous.

You should have heard that Gensokyo is a paradise for monsters. This refers to all the monsters in Gensokyo.

Therefore, killing is allowed here, and humans and weak monsters may become prey to powerful monsters.

Although indiscriminate killing is not allowed, we still agree for the sake of survival.

However, there are only a few places in Gensokyo where hunting is allowed, so you just need to stay at home.”

After hearing Wubie’s detailed introduction to the rules of Gensokyo, Di gradually understood why it was said that this was a paradise for monsters.

The blind pursuit of peace will only lead to more conflicts. The best way is to directly bring out the conflicts and then propose solutions.

“Then the third place is naturally my place. I don’t have any obvious disadvantages.

If you live here, you are mine. Whether you like it or not, you will be labeled as me.”

Wubie said with a smile.

The emperor in his arms suddenly raised his head and said in surprise

“Oh? Can they live here too?”

“Of course, wait, you said they……”

Wubie, who was nodding, suddenly stopped, and then he knew what the emperor was thinking, so he smiled and said

“Haha, you didn’t think I was just talking about your tribesmen, did I bring you in as well?”

“Me? But as a deal, I am your pet, so I have to stay here, right?”

Di said with some doubt.

Wubie rubbed her ears and said

“Indeed, but this does not mean that I will restrict your freedom. You can live according to your own ideas.”

Rabbit monsters are more active monsters.

If you force them to stay by your side, it is like tying a bridle around their necks.

There is no need for such things.

“Of course, if I need you, I will still call you. Normally, you just need to live according to your own ideas.”

After hearing Wubie’s words, for some reason, Di suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart.

This was a feeling she had never had before.

At the same time, her ability told herself that if she could grasp this feeling, she would get the greatest luck.

So she subconsciously said

“But my ability……”

“I naturally understand the nature of your ability, but as far as I am concerned, this is not a reason to restrict you.”

Wu Bie shook his head and interrupted Di.

Di’s ability is to make humans luckier.

The humans here are not just humans, but life.

In other words, luck can be bestowed on anyone.

And this level of luck is equivalent to the luck of a forty-leaf clover.

Simply put, it has reached the level of a miracle.

Of course, Di can control it. If he has complete control, perhaps Di can control luck.

Not only giving, but also deprivation.

Those are very distant things, but even the current ability is enough to make people jealous.

But for Wu Bie, this is really a useless ability.

As a traveler, a child created by all dimensions, he is favored by the world.

Although he cannot give others luck like Di.

But as long as it is anything related to probability, it will develop in a direction that is beneficial to him.

But Wu Bie naturally would not say such things.

So he explained in a different way.

“Although I really want to say that I don’t need it, let’s put it another way.

If I really do this, how will it be different from your previous masters?”

Di stared at him blankly, and all the rabbits stared at Wubie blankly.

No one thought that Wubie would say such a thing.

Seeing Di’s shocked look, Wubie smiled again.

“Don’t think too much, I just said it in a different way, but more importantly, I don’t need it.”

But just after I finished speaking, Suika next to me said jokingly

“If you care about others, just say it directly. You go through so much trouble just to prevent the rabbits from feeling pressured. Come on, drink.” He directly put the Ibuki miyabi into Wubie’s mouth to stop him from talking.

Kaguya on the side also laughed. Perhaps only Suika could use this method to shut Wubie up.

As for herself, she would act like a spoiled child.

If it were Yuyuko and the others, they would probably just say it directly.

Being exposed by Suika and having no way to explain, Wubie rolled his eyes helplessly.

But there was nothing he could do, so he had to drink.

Di naturally saw all the interactions between Wubie and Suika, and he couldn’t help laughing at Wubie

‘s expression. At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel envious, envious of their relationship.

To be able to communicate with such a powerful person like this, the relationship must be very good

“Wubie and Suika have a very good relationship, the kind of relationship that Suika wants me to call her mother.”


Hearing the sudden voice, Suika looked over in confusion.

She found that it was Mubie’s very beautiful daughter who was speaking.

Seeing Suika looking over, Kaguya drank a mouthful of soup elegantly, and then said

“In fact, there is no need to be so envious. Let me tell you a secret. Those who can live in my house are those chosen by my father. Ouch!”

“”Huuye, don’t talk nonsense.” Wubie reluctantly put away his knife and said to Emperor

“I don’t like lying, so what I said was true, so naturally there is nothing wrong with what Kaguya said.”

He continued, stroking Di’s rabbit ears.

“To me, pets are like family members, so you can make your own decision.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion. If you don’t want to, no one will force you.

Family members should understand and care for each other, and there should not be such a compulsory relationship, so you should think about it carefully.”

As he said, in order not to embarrass Di, Wubie picked up a carrot and fed it to Di’s mouth.

With Kaguya’s explanation just now, Di naturally understood that Wubie did this in order not to embarrass himself.

So she also opened her mouth to eat.

It’s just that this time, it’s obviously the same dish, why does it feel more delicious?

And this embrace feels warmer and more comfortable.

It really seems like I’ve been staying here forever, sleeping peacefully in this embrace.

(That’s it, it shouldn’t matter if I’m a little greedy.)

Looking up at the smiling Wubie, Di thought so.

At the same time, he made a decision in his heart……

————Five years later————

The Emperor, who had transformed into her original form, quickly shuttled through the bamboo forest.

After walking for a while, she stopped at an open space and shouted loudly:

“Huashan, your master is calling you home!”


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