Chapter 75 Contract Yukinoshita Yukino! Shinomiya Kaguya: Scumbag, actually hit a woman!

Yukino's Apartment……

At the entrance, the girl's delicate white cheeks were already covered with an attractive blush.

The sound of her heartbeat was so clear that it seemed that the whole room could hear it.

Knowing what was about to happen, Yukinoshita Yukino's breathing became nervous.

She didn't dare to look up at the people around her.

Su Mo chuckled and looked at the girl beside him.

Looking at the girl's lovely side, he was also excited and looking forward to it.

After all, this was Yukinoshita Yukino. The iceberg goddess coveted by countless otakus.

The symbol of purity and beauty, the white moonlight that can only be admired from afar and not played with.

And now, he is about to pick this pure snow lotus with his own hands.

His mood has become more urgent and unbearable than ever before.

However, when the last moment is about to come,

Su Mo is still very patient.

After all, before the most wonderful moment comes, even in the process of waiting, it will become a beautiful memory that is difficult to experience a second time.

Su Mo can still wait for this little time.

Neither the boy nor the girl spoke.

Obviously, they knew what was about to happen.

The girl's delicate face was flushed, and her pearly teeth gently pursed her pink lower lip. She was at a loss and felt nervous.

She also felt a little embarrassed and tormented.

But in the end, the girl was the first to speak.

"I...I'll go take a shower first……"

Yukinoshita Yukino suppressed her shame and slightly opened her red lips.

Hearing this, Su Mo's heart warmed up and his eyes suddenly became hot.

Restraining his excitement, Su Mo slowly opened his mouth and"shyly" put forward a request that was difficult to say:"Yukino, can you wear the Sobu High School uniform and over-the-knee socks?" Yukinoshita

Yukino wearing the Sobu High School uniform and over-the-knee socks is the most attractive Yukinoshita Yukino in Su Mo's mind.

He hopes that this most important day will also be the most beautiful moment for the girl.

Yukino without over-the-knee socks.

After all, it's a bit lacking.

The girl blushed immediately.

She looked at Su Mo with shame and anger.

How could she not understand this guy's dirty mentality?


The girl spat lightly, her cheeks burning.

But in the end, she still nodded with shame.

Since her lover likes it

, she certainly won't refuse this little request.

In the consciousness space,

Shinomiya Kaguya still didn't understand what the last step of the date meant.

But, seeing the way Su Mo and Xue Nao looked at the moment, she inexplicably felt a sense of shame that was hard to speak of.

Her delicate face began to heat up, and her heartbeat accelerated a bit.

Despite the extreme shame, Shinomiya Kaguya still said something very concerned.:

"So, this is the final step? Hayasaka, Chika?"

"Why don't you speak? Answer me?"

At this moment, both Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika blushed and were too embarrassed to answer Shinomiya Kaguya.

They all knew what this last step meant.

In the past, they had only heard about it from their friends or seen it in Xiao Shenying.

Now, they were about to see it with their own eyes.

Their hearts were beating like drums and their bodies were a little hot.

Their hearts were filled with tension, shame, and a little expectation that was difficult to express.

After all, hearing about it from friends and seeing it in Xiao Shenying was not as exciting as seeing it with their own eyes.

For a moment, even the fact that they had fallen into the hands of the evil spirits was forgotten. They had all forgotten.

They all felt that it was worth their lives to be able to see such a wonderful thing before they died.

Naturally, the two guys tacitly did not answer Shinomiya Kaguya.

Instead, they also couldn't wait to peek at what real male-female affairs were like.

Time began to slow down.

Every minute and every second made people feel uneasy.

Whether it was Yukinoshita Yukino in the bathroom,

Su Mo waiting in the living room, or the three people in the consciousness space.

However, no matter how slow it was, time would not stop flowing because of everyone's nervousness.


That moment is finally coming.

Yukinoshita Yukino's pretty face is flushed. She is wearing a neat black uniform of Sobu High School. Her slender legs are wearing over-the-knee socks. Her jade feet are stepping on the floor, and she slowly comes to Su Mo.

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino at this moment.

Su Mo can't take his eyes away.

His heartbeat seems to have stopped.

There is no silence for too long.

At this moment, Su Mo can't wait any longer.

He hugs the girl's delicate body in his arms.

He looks at the shy and nervous girl with a fiery gaze, and a hint of obsession appears on his face.:

"Xue Nai, you are so beautiful."

The girl's face flushed, her body trembled, she didn't dare to look up at Su Mo, she just whispered in a low voice:

"Don't... don't stay here, go to my room."

Hearing Xue Nai's response,

Su Mo couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up the girl in a princess hug and went straight to Xue Nai's bedroom.



"Eh? Wait, you won't let us in? Let me see too!"

Fujiwara Chika suddenly panicked, and shouted while suppressing her shame.

Hayasaka Ai, who was extremely ashamed, also showed a trace of pity in her beautiful eyes.

She also wanted to see it with her own eyes like Fujiwara Chika.

But, unfortunately, the couple did not bring them in.

Therefore, they could only stay outside.

"What on earth are they going to do... Chika, Hayasaka?"

Shinomiya Kaguya's delicate face had flushed red, and her shy eyes were filled with deep curiosity. She felt itchy and uncomfortable.

Seeing that her two companions did not respond to her, she became even more depressed and a little angry.


But it didn't take long.

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned.

Although the sound in the room was far away, Shinomiya Kaguya could still hear it vaguely. She soon became confused.

Then, the doubt turned into anger.:

"Scum, that guy Su Mo……!"



"Stop talking!!!" ×2

At this moment, Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika could no longer hold back and shouted in anger, trying to stop Shinomiya Kaguya from saying anything that made them so angry.



Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika could no longer bear it.

They gave Shinomiya Kaguya a lesson on the spot.

As a result, Shinomiya Kaguya fainted on the spot due to shame.


【Ding, the host is so bold that he suppressed the sixth-level ghost king Yukinoshita Yukino with his third-level body for one day and two nights. He will be rewarded with 50,000 experience points and 1 platinum treasure chest.】

【Ding, the host's luck is incredible. With the strength of the third level, the sixth level ghost king Yukinoshita Yukino is contracted. The reward is 120,000 experience points and 1 golden treasure chest.】

【Ding, Yukinoshita Yukino has a seven-color talent: time stop (the time stop time will be determined according to her strength, first level: 1s, each level up: the time stop time increases by 3 seconds)】

【Ding, the host gets critical hit feedback: Get the highest talent: Time Power (first three levels, time stop, middle three levels: time acceleration: last three levels: time rewind) After surpassing the ninth level, the host will master the supreme time law (this power can be applied to any level of plane)]

Time Authority!

Su Mo's eyes flashed with joy.

In any world, the law of time is the domain of the strongest. Mastering the law of time means being invincible.

Su Mo couldn't believe that Yukinoshita Yukino could bring him such a big surprise.

"Time authority, now I can only use time stop, even so, it is far better than Yukino, the first level can stop time for 5 seconds, each level can increase 5 seconds, if it exceeds the ninth level, it can stop time permanently."

Su Mo smiled radiantly, and gained another top talent with unlimited potential. Now he is more and more confident about the doomsday in a year. Even if the doomsday really comes, with his current strength, it is enough to protect the people around him and be invincible.

Realizing this, Su Mo's mentality gradually began to calm down.

Of course, strength is never too much, Su Mo was only happy for a while.

Then he put his mind on the present.

It was a ridiculous Monday morning, and it was time to deal with the matter of these three girl dolls.



At this moment, in the consciousness space, the three girls whose hearts were about to explode with shame finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally it stopped, it was really horrible."

Shinomiya Kaguya was extremely ashamed



The three girls were extremely ashamed at this moment.

God knows their mental state.


If they hadn't lost control of their bodies, they didn't know what they would have done.

No one could have listened to this for so long without reacting.

But it didn't take long for the three of them to become angry.


"Hentai, didn't do anything obscene to these dolls!"

In the living room, Yukinoshita Yukino's embarrassed voice suddenly sounded.

She had already put on her uniform and packed her schoolbag, ready to take the three dolls to school.

Originally, Su Mo wanted to go on with Yukinoshita Yukino. One day and two nights was nothing. Seven days and seven nights, Su Mo thought it was not a bad idea.

But a good girl like Yukinoshita Yukino would never agree to such an absurd request, so Su Mo had no choice but to let Yukino go.

Seeing that Yukino actually blamed him, Su Mo felt a little wronged.:

"Please, Yukino, when have I ever left your sight in the past two days? How could these dolls play a prank on me?"

Yukinoshita Yukino blushed, and she felt a little ashamed and unbelievable when she thought of the absurd experience during the day and night.

She couldn't believe that she would be so absurd.

However, after experiencing such a thing, her face was naturally not as thin as before.

After being a little shy, she calmed down and looked at the dolls in her hand in confusion.

During this short period of time, Su Mo had indeed stayed by her side and had not left her sight.

It was true that she had no chance to touch these dolls.

"If you really have no contact, then these three puppets……"

"It's all dirty.……"

She looked at Su Mo with some suspicion, and a hint of shame and anger appeared in her beautiful eyes.

In fact, except for Su Mo, she couldn't imagine who would do such a dirty prank on these dolls.

It couldn't be her.

However, as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the consciousness space suddenly became extremely awkward.

The three girls' delicate cheeks were all red, their beautiful eyes were dull, and their bodies were shaking.

They turned their cheeks away, not daring to look at each other's expressions.


This photo was reviewed like crazy, so I can only modify it like this, sorry


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