Chapter 74 Confused Kaguya Shinomiya: Is there one last step in the date?

"Welcome, two guests."


A cold voice suddenly sounded.

In the mysterious space, Kaguya Shinomiya, Hayasaka Ai, and Chika Fujiwara all felt their hearts sink.

The hope of survival that had been ignited at that moment quickly began to disappear.

"Be optimistic... maybe these two people won't buy the dolls here."

Shinomiya Kaguya said with a dry laugh, but her tone was very heavy and uneasy.

"Yes, as long as you don't buy the doll, you still have a chance to avoid being involved in evil spirit incidents."

"I hope so……"

Chika Fujiwara and Ai Hayasaka also became nervous.

They stared at the boy and girl eagerly.

As victims, they already knew the rules of this weird doll shop.

There is still hope of leaving this weird doll shop alive.

That is, as long as outsiders do not buy the dolls here, nothing will happen.

If they buy them, then everything will be over.

The three of them ended up like this because they bought dolls here.

Therefore, the three of them were extremely nervous at this moment, hoping that the couple would never buy the dolls here.

At this moment, the coquettish look on Yukinoshita Yukino's face disappeared immediately. After rolling her eyes at Su Mo, she looked at the person who spoke curiously.

I saw a mature woman with elegant temperament and fashionable clothes walking over.

Although the voice seemed a little cold, the woman's appearance and dress made Yukino see that the other party was a very stylish woman.

She immediately had a feeling that the woman in front of her was the author of these dolls.

Being able to make such a lifelike doll is enough to show how superb this woman's craftsmanship is. Even the proud Yukino Yukino couldn't help but show a touch of respect when seeing such a master.

"Hello, are you the owner of this shop?"

Yukinoshita Yukino showed a polite expression to the visitor.

Su Mo, who was standing by, just glanced at the woman with a meaningful look, then looked away and focused his eyes on the three dolls.

"Not bad."

The shop owner nodded, and when he saw Yukinoshita Yukino, a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared,"Customer, are you interested in my works?"

"Yes, what is the price of these dolls?"

Yukinoshita Yukino likes Shinomiya Kaguya's dolls very much and really wants to buy them.

But she is a little worried that the price is too expensive and beyond her budget.

After all, with the exquisiteness of these dolls, it is not impossible to buy them even if the price is high.

Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's words, the three people in the mysterious space all felt depressed, and suddenly their eyes showed despair.

It's over!

They knew it.

Facing the dolls in this store, how could anyone resist their charm.

The three of them have such high standards. When they saw the dolls here, they were all shocked and decided to buy them at first sight.

What about other people?

"I don’t charge for my dolls."

The shop owner smiled.

"No money?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's clear eyes revealed a trace of doubt.

Such an exquisite doll, no money? How is that possible?

The owner said with a twinkle in his eyes:"If the customer wants it, you only need to do one thing."

"What's up?"

"That is, after you take the doll you choose, you need to make a doll by yourself within seven days and send it to our store as an exchange."


Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the shop owner with interest.

She didn't expect to meet such an interesting shop owner.

He didn't charge her money, but just asked her to make a doll in exchange.

Is there such a good thing?

Although she was a little tempted, Yukinoshita Yukino still said with some embarrassment:

"But I am afraid that my level is not even one ten-thousandth of yours."

Yukinoshita Yukino is very confident in her ability. Even if she is asked to make dolls, she is confident that she can do it well.

But with this kind of professional top-level doll, she has no confidence that she can compare with the other party.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care whether the doll is good or not."

The shop owner smiled and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino deeply,"As long as it is a work made by the customer with heart, it's fine."

"I value the intentions of the maker on the doll more."

Yukinoshita Yukino was silent.

Intellectually, she felt that the store was definitely the one who suffered in such a transaction.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who didn't like to take advantage of others, should have refused.

But after looking at the doll in the middle,

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't stop her heart.

Such a delicate and cute doll, she really wanted to collect one.

Besides, the store owner also said that what she needed was the work made by the doll maker with heart, and she didn't care about its excellence.

"In this case……~……"

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a moment, but still nodded,"I will use my most serious attitude to make a doll and personally send it to you in exchange."

"The deal is done."

The shopkeeper's eyes flashed with an obscure light.

The moment she heard the words"deal is done", Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt that the temperature around her body seemed to be a little colder.

But soon, this strange feeling disappeared and returned to normal.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't think much about it, but looked at the girl doll in the middle with surprise in her beautiful eyes.

The girl was extremely happy when she thought about taking such a beautiful and exquisite doll back home to collect.

"It's over!"

Fujiwara Chika whimpered and wailed,"The deal is done, this girl is completely finished, in a few days, she will become a doll and come to us, wuwuming, such a cute girl, also has to become a doll, it's so pitiful!""

"Don't worry, there is still hope. This boy hasn't bought it yet. And Chika, you still have the mind to sympathize with others, you can't even save yourself, okay!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's bright red eyes stared at the handsome boy next to her.

She still has one last hope.

As long as this boy doesn't buy it, then they still have a chance to survive.

Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai also looked at the boy nervously when they heard it.

However, the next moment, the three of them felt a jolt in their hearts.

"Yukino, why only buy one? These two are good too, why not buy them together?"

Su Mo suddenly said with a smile.

Yukinoshita was stunned, and then looked at Su Mo in silence.:

"We are lucky to get one, but you want to buy three at the same time. That's too greedy."

Buying one is already a big bargain for the store owner. Yukinoshita Yukino is not a greedy person. She wants to buy three at the same time.

"A customer can only buy one doll."

At this moment, the shop owner also spoke at the right time, in an unquestionable tone.

But when her eyes met Su Mo's, an idea suddenly occurred to her.

Her expression became clear, and she subconsciously changed her words:"However, it is not impossible for this customer to buy two. After all, you are so handsome, and it is not impossible to make an exception once." After these words came out.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the shop owner and became speechless.

Then she glanced at Su Mo with a somewhat unfriendly look.

"Why, your boyfriend is handsome, can't others give me a discount?"

Su Mo smiled slightly.

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Su Mo unhappily, but did not speak.

After all, her boyfriend is indeed very handsome, this is a fact. Since

Yukinoshita Yukino can be frank without any modesty that she is very cute, she naturally will not think that Su Mo's words are suspected of self-praise.

After all, he is just describing the facts. It's just that she saw her boyfriend actually bought two, and felt that her boyfriend was taking advantage of others, and she felt bad.

But since the store owner didn't object, she naturally couldn't say anything.

So, after a while, Su Mo walked out of the store with a doll in one hand.

Yukinoshita Yukino carefully held Shinomiya Kaguya's doll, and Mei Qiezhong also looked at this exquisite girl doll with love.

In the mysterious space, Shinomiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai all felt that there was nothing more sad than the death of their hearts.

One by one, they were no longer in the mood to talk.

But soon, the sad three people, but once again caused a storm——

"Xueno, this maid is actually padded."

The boy suddenly said,"She has the same flat body as the doll in your hand. Tsk tsk, so pitiful. I'll give it to you. Flat tablets should play Candy Crush with flat tablets. I only want this pink-haired doll with a flat body.""

"Hen*hentai, what are you doing in public!"

Yukinoshita Yukino was immediately furious.

In the mysterious space.

Hayasaka Ai let out a shameful cry and said in a panic:"I... I didn't do that!"

"I... I don't have a sexy body, I just have a normal body, Kaguya, Ai-chan, why are you looking at me like that!"

Fujiwara Chika also said loudly in shame, but then she became panicked.

Because she felt that the eyes of her two companions were full of murderous intent.

But soon, the panic turned into a shy scream.

Because she felt that the boy was playing with the doll she turned into.——

"Yeah, that's not allowed.——"

"stop it!"

"Woohoo, Kaguya-chan, I can't get married, I'm not clean anymore——"

Seeing Chika Fujiwara crying out in shame, the murderous intent in Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai's eyes turned into pity.

At the same time, they also felt a little sympathy for their companions.

"Humph, this man is such a shameless pervert, actually committing such a crime against a girl on the street!"

Shinomiya Kaguya stared at the boy with a bad look, and when she thought of his previous evaluation of her, she was furious. If she hadn't ended up like this, she would never have forgiven him just based on what he said.

"This cute girl has no vision. She is actually dating such a lustful man. It's like a flower stuck in cow dung.——"

Kaguya Shinomiya was full of anger and criticized Su Mo in various ways, but as she was talking, she suddenly found that the boy reached out to the doll she had turned into and lifted up her skirt.

Instantly, Kaguya Shinomiya screamed in shame and subconsciously reached out to cover her skirt. Her delicate face was already red and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

"You little brat, you scold me in front of me, you think I can't hear you, right?"

Su Mo looked at the Shinomiya Kaguya doll in Yukino's arms with a half-smile.

He said with amusement in his heart.

He had naturally discovered that these three dolls were originally real people.

Shinomiya Kaguya.

Another girl of destiny with seven-color talent.

Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika also have golden talent.

Su Mo didn't expect that there would be such a surprise on this date with Yukino.

However, although it was discovered that these three girls of destiny were involved in supernatural events.

But Su Mo didn't think of exorcising them today.

After all, Su Mo's exorcism rituals, those who understand it will understand.

And today is Yukino's contract day.

Su Mo didn't want to make anything unhappy for Yukino on this day.

So he just bought the three girls of destiny dolls first.

Put them by his side first.

After two days , , and then exorcise their spirits.

Anyway, with Su Mo by their side, there is no need to worry about the three of them getting into trouble.

At most, they will suffer a little. Saying bad things about themselves in the consciousness space.

It can be regarded as a small lesson for them.

Thinking of this, Su Mo didn't want to care about Kaguya Shinomiya and the others. Today's main task is to accompany Yukino on a date.

He doesn't want to be distracted by other girls.


At the end of the day.

They took photo booths together, tasted delicious food, bought clothes, watched movies... all kinds of entertainment activities were experienced.

Both Su Mo and Yukinoshita Yukino felt extremely happy and sweet.

They just felt that this was the most exciting day of their lives.

During the period, when the emotions reached the extreme, it was inevitable to kiss and hug each other.

Even Yukinoshita Yukino began to learn to take the initiative to kiss Su Mo and act coquettishly to Su Mo.

She has completely adapted to Su Mo's girlfriend status, instead of passively waiting for Su Mo's strategy as before.

In the consciousness space.

The three girls were all eye-opening and ate dog food for a day.

"So... So this is love."

Even Hayasaka Ai, who was the most courageous, was frightened and blushed.

"Wow, that's really bold... It's completely different from what I said when I chatted with everyone.……"

Chika Fujiwara also blushed, her beautiful eyes full of shame. She wanted to peek, but she was too ashamed to look any more.

Anyway, she felt itchy in her heart.

As for Kaguya Shinomiya. She was shocked by the couple's affectionate behavior, and her brain was smoking. She crashed several times.

She couldn't say anything.

The three girls felt very shy, but seeing that the couple's love was so intimate and sweet, they couldn't help but feel envious.

Which girl doesn't have spring in her heart?

Who doesn't want to experience such a beautiful love in person?

When they thought that they had never experienced love, they were involved in supernatural events. The three of them felt inexplicably sad and angry.

So, they became more interested in peeping at the love of the two.

Before dying, since they couldn't fall in love in person, it would be a good thing to observe other people's love from a bystander's perspective.

Even Kaguya Shinomiya, she suppressed her shame and her increasingly rapid heartbeat, and seriously peeped at the dating process of the boy and the girl.

Not to mention Hayasaka Ai and Chika Fujiwara, who was in love.

As the sky gradually darkened.

Su Mo and Yukinoshita Yukino's date was coming to an end.

Then, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly found something wrong and said strangely:

"Why did Yukino's face suddenly turn so red? Shouldn't she feel sad to say goodbye?"

Kaguya Shinomiya watched the date between the girl and the boy today.

She also knew their names, just like the audience watching a TV series who likes the heroine.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who was very interested in the girl, even called Yukinoshita's name intimately.

She clearly noticed that the girl had a deep love for the boy, and they were very happy during the date.

Logically speaking, the girl should be reluctant to say goodbye, but why did she suddenly become shy?

However, Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika are not as naive as Kaguya Shinomiya.

Both of them blushed.


Fujiwara Chika covered her mouth and snickered. Although there was shame in her beautiful eyes, she was also full of unspeakable curiosity. She blushed and said,"Kaguya-chan, Yukino and Mo-kun's date is not over yet. There is one last step."

"Isn't it over yet?"

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes lit up. Although she was very embarrassed to peek at their date, she still felt regretful until now.���I wanted to peek a little longer.

When I heard that it was not over yet, I was immediately surprised, but also a little curious:"There is one last step? What is the last step?"

Fujiwara Chika blushed and said mischievously:"Ahem, well, you will know when you see it with your own eyes later, Kaguya-chan."

"What? Don't say half of what you want to say!"

Shinomiya Kaguya glared at Chika in annoyance. She was too lazy to ask this mysterious guy, so she said,"Haysaka, do you know?"

Hayasaka Aimi's eyes were full of shame, and her fair face was covered with a layer of blush.

Facing the young lady's question, how could she have the nerve to say it out loud. She blushed and said,"Well, you should look at it yourself, young lady."


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