Chapter 52 Do you like to peep? Let the woman in the gap get stye!

Smoothly entered the room where the woman in the gap appeared.

Ebina Hina's mind was blank, sweat was faintly on her forehead, her breathing was rapid, and she felt like she was in a dream.

She didn't know where she got the courage from. In the middle of the night, she walked alone in the empty, gloomy and terrifying building and came to this room on the inner floor.

Recalling the experience just now, every minute and every second, she had a feeling of fear that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

Fortunately, she finally arrived at her destination safely.

"This is it."

Hina Ebina took a deep breath, her delicate face looked extremely solemn, and her beautiful eyes were filled with unprecedented tension and fear.

She knew that what she would encounter next might be a hundred or even ten thousand times more terrifying than before.

No matter how scared she was before, it was only a psychological fear.

And next, she would face the real terror - the Gap Woman.

She pulled the door handle with her slender hand and slowly closed the door, leaving a gap.

The Gap Woman is said to be a scary woman who peeks at people inside through the gap in the door.

Therefore, the way to find the Gap Woman is very simple.

Just close the door. Leave a gap in the door, don't close it tightly.

Then quietly peek through the crack.

In most urban legends, the first time a victim encounters a monster, they are not directly threatened with fatal threats.

Instead, they will continue to encounter monsters in the following period of time until the fear reaches its peak, and then they will be killed by the monster.

This is also the reason why Ebina Hina dared to come alone to find the gap girl.

If she met the monster to kill her, no matter how crazy she was, she would not commit suicide.

Everything was prepared.

Ebina Hina finally took a deep breath, suppressed her fear, and quietly looked towards the crack in the door.

Plop... Thump...thump...

The faster her heart beat, the more intense the fear in her heart became.

Her pretty face was extremely solemn, and she was extremely nervous. Suddenly, Hina Ebina's pretty face froze, her breathing instantly stagnated, and a hint of fear appeared in her eyes. In the narrow gap, a strange bright red pupil suddenly emerged from the gap.

It stared at her with a sinister and resentful look.


Hina Ebina's heart sank in an instant, and she covered her mouth with her slender hands, almost screaming.

Her pretty face was extremely pale, her beautiful eyes widened, her body trembled violently, and her legs were instantly She felt weak and almost fell down.

Boundless fear had filled her heart - the Gap Girl!

Ebina Hina had no doubt that the pupil in the slit was the Gap Girl!

She did not dare to hesitate any longer, turned around and hurried towards the window, opened the window without hesitation, and then flipped through it in a panic.

After crawling to the office area on the other side, she rushed out regardless of everything, not caring whether the Gap Girl was behind her.

The frightened Ebina Hina now had only one idea, that is to escape!

She had to escape from here at all costs.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty minutes had passed.

"Finally...finally I got out."

Ebina Hina's pretty face was extremely pale, almost fainting, and she sat down on the ground without caring about her manners.

Looking at the prosperous night scene with bright lights outside, Ebina Hina felt like she had regained her life.

When she was escaping from the building just now, she was so scared that she collapsed, thinking that she was going to die.

Fortunately, now she finally escaped.

The adventure has been successful!

Ebina Hina was so excited that she was about to cry. No matter what, she finally took the first step.

It was also the most critical step.

However, the next step is the most important step.

After all, only this next step can achieve her goal. Whether her plan will be successful or not, depends entirely on her next performance.

Thinking of this, Hime Ebina couldn't help but get inexplicably nervous, her heart was pounding, and her breathing became much more difficult.

About half an hour passed.

Hime Ebina finally calmed down.

She was also ready, she adjusted her glasses, lifted her hair, and took a deep breath.

A look of anticipation flashed in her beautiful eyes, she took out her phone and dialed Su Mo's number.

While Hime Ebina was waiting nervously, the time she spent waiting for the call to be connected seemed like a year, which made her a little tormented.


Finally, the call was connected, and Su Mo's voice sounded in the microphone.

Hearing this voice, Ebina Hina's heart suddenly trembled violently, and her crystal white skin flushed.

Her beautiful eyes revealed a trace of panic and shyness.

"Mo... Mr. Mo, I am Ebina Hina."

At this moment, Ebina Hina had predicted it many times in her mind, but she tried to sound a little scared but calm, so as not to be discovered by Su Mo.

"Ji Cai-chan, it's so late, how come you have time to call me?"

On the other end of the phone, Su Mo's tone was as casual as usual, obviously unaware of her situation.

""I'm sorry to bother you so late at night."

Ebina Hina held the phone tightly, her tone full of apology, and a hint of panic and uneasiness,"But, but I do have something urgent to talk to you about... I... I seem to have met the gap girl!"

This tone sounded like the real thing, and it was completely impossible to tell that she was pretending

"What, the Gap Girl?! Hime, where are you? I'll come and meet you right away!"

Hearing Su Mo's concerned tone, and hearing that he would come to help her immediately when she was in danger,

Hime Ebina's heart suddenly showed a trace of boundless warmth and palpitations, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and she almost cried for joy.

She knew that her plan to contact the Gap Girl at the risk of her life was close to success!

Perhaps, it wouldn't be long before she could realize what she had never dared to think about before and become Su Mo's girlfriend.

"I am here……"

Without hesitation, Ebina Hina gave the address she had thought of long ago,"Let's meet there, Mr. Mo, thank you for your help."

After hanging up the phone, Ebina Hina's heart trembled violently, and her delicate face showed unprecedented joy.

She couldn't wait to see Su Mo.——


An hour later.

Su Mo walked out of the subway station

"I deliberately took such a long detour, and now the time has finally come. Now it’s time to reap the rewards."

Su Mo's face showed a trace of helplessness.

In fact, he was always not far away from Ebina Hime.

However, Ebina Hime was acting, and Su Mo was also acting.

Ebina Hime obviously would not leave any flaws in her carefully prepared plan, so the places she chose were purposeful, and the time it would take to arrive was also calculated in advance. If

Su Mo arrived earlier, he would be found out, and the same was true for Ebina Hime.

So even though they could meet directly, Su Mo had to wait until an hour before finally appearing at the agreed place.

Not long after, Su Mo saw the figure of Ebina Hime.

Her delicate face revealed a pale background, as if she had been frightened, and the image of a girl with glasses added a bit of quiet temperament to her.

Ebina Hime's figure was not bad, but it was concealed by her temperament that looked like an artistic girl.

In fact, she was quite well-endowed, with concave where it should be concave, convex where it should be convex, plump and full, with a slender waist, and a pair of slender and straight beautiful legs under the pleated skirt.

""Mr. Mo!"

Seeing Su Mo, a hint of joy flashed in Ebina Hina's beautiful eyes, and she quickly approached Su Mo with small steps.

It was like a poor little girl met a savior. Ebina Hina's acting skills were off the charts. If Su Mo hadn't been following her, I'm afraid he wouldn't have seen the flaws.

"Jicai, are you okay now?"

Su Mo looked at Jicai Ebina with concern, as if he really didn't know anything, and his acting skills were not bad either.

"I don't have anything to do right now."

Ebina Hina blushed slightly, looked at Su Mo a little embarrassedly, and then a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth,"I'm so sorry, Mr. Mo, I have to trouble you so late."

"Aren't we friends? Why are you being so polite?"

Su Mo smiled.

"Yes... we are friends."

Hina Ebina looked at Su Mo with her beautiful eyes twinkling, and a deep smile appeared on her pretty face.

She wanted more than just being friends.

"Okay, let's talk business."

Su Mo chuckled, then looked at Himena Ebina helplessly:"Hina-chan, I already know your situation, so you don't have to worry about anything. I can still deal with the gap girl."

"However, you probably don't know what my exorcism ritual is, so don't think I'm deliberately deceiving you when I say this.……"


Ebina Hina blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment."I know. I've also heard from Mrs. Sawamura about your exorcism ritual. Perhaps it was created in that form in order to allow exorcists to reproduce as quickly as possible.……"

"Mo Jun, just tell me what to do."

She slowly raised her head, her eyes were bright and watery, mixed with a trace of shame and panic,"I will never have any misunderstandings with Mo Jun, please rest assured."

Su Mo was silent for a while, seeming a little embarrassed, but also a little relieved.

The two movie kings had no flaws at this moment.

The difference was that Su Mo knew that Ebina Hina was acting, but Ebina Hina didn't know that Su Mo was acting.

"Then let's talk while we walk."

After a while, Su Mo opened his mouth slowly and scratched his cheek, as if he was a little embarrassed. Ebina

Hina lowered her head and followed Su Mo nervously. She deliberately kept a very close distance, almost hindering Su Mo but keeping a little distance, to show her defenseless side to Su Mo, to stir Su Mo's heartstrings, full of tricks.

Su Mo pretended to be unaware, but a smile appeared in his eyes. After walking for a distance, until the surroundings gradually became empty, Su Mo spoke calmly, he pretended to be shy and said:

"Hime, the ritual for dealing with the gap girl seems a bit too much for you... I hope you are mentally prepared."

This is not a lie. If it weren't for Hime Ebina's love for herself, this ritual would be absolutely unacceptable to ordinary girls.

Hime Ebina's heart skipped a beat.

Hearing this, she was both surprised and ashamed.

The surprise was naturally because she wanted it to be as excessive as possible, even to the level of Eriri's ritual. After all, the more that happened, the more ambiguous her relationship with Su Mo would become, and the more likely they would become a couple in the end.

Shame, of course, was the girl's heart at work. She had never been in love since she was a child, and she still had her first kiss.

Even if Su Mo was the person she liked, it was inevitable that her heart would beat faster and her cheeks would be hot when such a shameful thing happened right away.

She lowered her head shyly, and her voice sounded very nervous:

"No... It's okay, Mo Jun, just keep talking, I'm ready."

Su Mo was silent for a while, as if he was too embarrassed, but in the end, he still plucked up the courage to speak.:

"Hime, the gap girl, is a peeping evil spirit. You should have heard of it.……"

Ebina Hina nodded:"Yeah."

Her heartbeat became faster and faster. Knowing that Su Mo was about to start talking about the real exorcism ritual, she became more nervous and shy. At the same time, she was also a little curious about how far her exorcism ritual would go.

"To deal with this peeping evil spirit——"

Su Mo paused as he spoke, and then slowly spoke again,"That is to let this evil spirit see something she shouldn't see.""

"Things that shouldn't be seen?"

Hina Ebina was stunned, and looked at Su Mo with some curiosity in her beautiful eyes,"What?"

Su Mo was silent for a while, and under the gaze of Hina Ebina, he spoke helplessly:"Content that will make children get stye."

Hina Ebina was stunned.

Immediately, her pretty face was hot, and her body trembled slightly.

She naturally knew what this meant.

Sure enough, it was not beyond her expectations.

"So this exorcism ritual is simple."

Su Mo nodded, with a strange smile on his face,"So this exorcism ritual is to make the gap woman have stye."

"The way to make her get stye is for you and I to do some things that only couples can do in the closed room that the intercourse girl likes the most, so that the intercourse girl who likes to peek can peek and let her see the scene that she shouldn't see."

At this point, Ebina Hime's face was already frighteningly red.

She lowered her head and was silent for a long time.

She asked shyly.:

"Well, to what extent should it go, Mo Jun?"

Even if it makes someone grow a needle hole, there are certain degrees of it. After all, the more that kind of behavior, the greater the impact it will cause.

She blushed and said in a shameful voice:"Mo Jun, can you be more specific? In the worst case, to what extent should the relationship be carried out? I won't mind."

After hearing what Ebina Hina said, Su Mo was silent for a moment, and then embarrassedly told Ebina Hina the truth.:

"In the worst case scenario, it might even be necessary to... even get to home plate." As soon as these words came out,

Ebina Hime's pretty face turned red, and her whole body froze in place.


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