Chapter 51 Flirting with Shizuka Hiratsuka; Ebina takes a crucial step!

"So, Ye Shan and the others have experienced such a thing……"


In the office.

Shizuka Hiratsuka lit a cigarette in her hand, with a complicated expression.

At this moment, Su Mo was sitting opposite.

Hayato Hayama's small group encountered a supernatural incident and was wiped out.

As the class teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka was undoubtedly shocked.

In the eyes of a conscientious class teacher like her, every student is her own child and should be taken care of.

As a result, four people died at once. Who can bear it?

This is the current scene. Shizuka Hiratsuka called Su Mo to the office to understand the situation.

After listening to Su Mo's story, although Shizuka Hiratsuka knew about Hayato Hayama's despicable behavior, he did not hate Hayato Hayama because of it.

After all, the dead are gone. In that situation, it is not incomprehensible that a child would do some excessive behavior to save his life.

If an adult encounters that situation, he may be even more despicable.

At most, the pity for Hayato Hayama has been reduced a lot, but there is still some sadness.

"Smoke less."

Su Mo had no feelings about the death of Ye Shan and the others.

If Hiratsuka Shizuka hadn't wanted to know, he wouldn't have bothered to mention them.

Seeing Hiratsuka Shizuka smoking one cigarette after another, Su Mo couldn't stand it anymore, so he snatched the cigarette from Hiratsuka Shizuka's hand and put it out in the ashtray.

Hiratsuka Shizuka smokes and drinks but doesn't perm her hair.

But it must be admitted that she is a good woman.

Whether it's her gentle and kind heart or her beautiful appearance, she is the type that Su Mo likes.

Su Mo doesn't want Hiratsuka Shizuka to torture herself because of these people.

"Wait, I just ordered——"

Shizuka Hiratsuka tried to stop him but it was too late. Her pretty face showed only helplessness.:

"Little boy, this is the only way for me to relieve stress during the day. You really don't understand the hardships of adults."

"There are many ways to relieve stress."

Su Mo curled his lips, as if he was not an adult, and then a smile appeared in his eyes,"For example, falling in love is a better way to relieve stress."


Hiratsuka Shizuka's pretty face stiffened for a moment. Su Mo's words made her feel even more pressured.

""You little brat, you're just bringing up all the issues."

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at Su Mo unhappily. He knew that he was still single, but he brought up such a way to hurt himself.

But when Su Mo talked about love, Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes suddenly became mischievous.:

"I heard that you've been getting close to Yumiko and the others recently. How are you doing? Which of these three do you like?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was quite curious about the living conditions of the top students in her class, and she immediately started gossiping.

"I like all three of them."

Su Mo smiled and said his thoughts nonchalantly.

In front of those innocent girls, Su Mo had to hide his philandering thoughts to some extent.

After all, the younger the girl, the more she yearns for pure, romantic and exclusive love.

But for an adult like Hiratsuka Shizuka, there is no need to hide so much.

Adults are not so easy to fool, especially Hiratsuka Shizuka.

If you really think that you can hide your little tricks from the other party, you are just being too smart.

"All three of them are attracted to you, you, are you planning to be a scumbag?!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka glanced at Su Mo unhappily, her expression turned unfriendly,"Little boy, let me warn you, if you are a scumbag, be careful of being chopped by a hatchet!"

"I have my reasons."

Su Mo said confidently, and then he told Hiratsuka Shizuka his theory of opening a harem to save the world.

The reason why he said this to Hiratsuka Shizuka was naturally because Su Mo had some ideas about Shizuka.

He wanted her to be mentally prepared in advance.

"Little boy, you are so good at talking about being a playboy, you are worthy of being the top student in the grade."

Hiratsuka Shizuka sneered, she was not so easy to fool, she could see the scumbag's mind of this guy

"Jingjing, how can you say that to me? Do you know how many evil spirits I have eliminated in a week? Do you know how many innocent ordinary people have been saved by those evil spirits I have eliminated?"

Su Mo pretended to be aggrieved, but he spoke of his achievements without any modesty.

Su Mo is not a saint who does good deeds without leaving a name.

Although he doesn't care much about fame and fortune, he doesn't mind using these things when they are useful.

Sure enough, after hearing what Su Mo said,

Hiratsuka Shizuka was speechless.

Indeed, even if Su Mo is fickle, it is true that many people have been saved because of him.

Moreover, so far, according to the information obtained by Hiratsuka Shizuka, the number of people who can deal with evil spirits is indeed pitifully small.

Su Mo's statement still makes sense.

Besides, men have It would be better to say that there are no unfaithful men, rather than a few.

Being unfaithful is in a man's genes.

As a rich girl, Shizuka Hiratsuka is actually quite traditional at heart, and it's not that she can't accept unfaithful men.

As long as one's abilities are excellent to a certain extent, having a few more women doesn't matter.

Moreover, Su Mo's abilities are far more than excellent, but are crucial to the safety of mankind.

Sighing, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at Su Mo helplessly:"Brat, if you really pursue all three, the teacher hopes that you will at least be a responsible man, and don't be like Hayato Hayama."

In this world, being able to marry Su Mo, an exorcist who is capable of protecting those around him, may be a good thing for ordinary people like Miura Yumiko.

Shizuka Hiratsuka also thought of this, so she gave up the idea of meddling in other people's affairs.

After all, the times are different now. Even in the upper class, those bigwigs who are often high above ordinary people can't guarantee their own safety now. If they encounter evil spirits, they will die.

Shizuka Hiratsuka has no doubt that if those bigwigs knew Su Mo's ability, they would give their daughters to Su Mo at all costs. Even if they are little girls, there are still many people who snatch them. Miura and the others are lucky to be favored by Su Mo.

"Of course, you don't even look at who I am."

Su Mo chuckled, then looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka with a half-smile,"Jingjing, don't you have any thoughts about me, an exorcist? You are single, right?" Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned for a moment.

In an instant, a faint blush appeared on her pretty face, her beautiful eyes were a little flustered, and she looked at Su Mo with shame and anger:"Little boy, you are teasing me again, right? Do you really think I won't take it seriously?!"

She is an old woman who can't get married, and she is not so easy to tease. If she is really forced into a corner, she will have to grab Su Mo and drive to get the marriage certificate immediately.

The kind of guy who steps on the accelerator to death

"I'm not kidding."

Su Mo smiled slightly, looking directly at Shizuka Hiratsuka,"Didn't I just say that for an exorcist to reproduce his bloodline, not all women can do it. It must be a qualified woman, and Jingjing, you have such qualifications."

Hearing this,

Shizuka Hiratsuka's heartbeat suddenly started to beat rapidly, her face became hot, and she became flustered.

Jokes aside, when she realized that Su Mo really had such an idea, Shizuka Hiratsuka would not really do such a thing.

After all, Su Mo is her student.

As a class teacher, it's no big deal to fall in love with her own students.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka had to admit that if considered from the perspective of the opposite sex, then Su Mo is indeed an excellent or even the best partner in the world today. After all, the identity of an exorcist is unique. Except for being too young.

But being too young is also a huge advantage.

Shizuka Hiratsuka found that her heart was abnormally moved.

But in the end, she still took her identity as a teacher into consideration.

She waved at Su Mo unhappily.:

""You little brat, get out of here! I still have to talk to Ye Shan's father on the phone, so I don't have time for you to tease me!"

Su Mo laughed and didn't take the opportunity to continue teasing Jing.

As a student, it is very important to pay attention to the scale when it comes to seizing a teacher.

It is even more important to pay attention to the point that too much is as bad as too little.

At least today, Su Mo knows that Hiratsuka Shizuka is not really indifferent. He just needs to wait for time. With Su Mo's actions again and again, Hiratsuka Shizuka will fall into Su Mo's palm sooner or later.

""Little brat, but a smart kid."

When Su Mo left the office,

Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't hold back any longer. A look of shame and anger appeared in her beautiful eyes, and a layer of blush appeared on her delicate face.

When she thought of Su Mo's words and the look in his eyes, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but feel flustered.

She intuitively felt that Su Mo was serious just now.

This playboy seemed to really have feelings for her.

She was so old.

This kid really dared to think about it.

What made Shizuka Hiratsuka even more embarrassed was that she found that she was also moved.

"It must be because I have been single for too long. I am attracted to every man I see. I should go on more blind dates and find someone to marry as soon as possible. Otherwise, if I really date my students one day, Sawa-chan will laugh at me to death.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was unwilling to admit that she was attracted to her students, found a reason for herself and decided to pay more attention to blind dates.

If she didn't get married soon, she was really worried that she would not be able to resist and really date her students one day.

At this time, Hiratsuka Shizuka's phone vibrated.

Hiratsuka Shizuka picked up the phone and saw that it was an email.:

【High-quality dating party for men and women, welcome to your arrival】

【The matchmaking party will be held at the Naraku Hotel in Shibuya and will start at 7:00 p.m. on weekends.】

【Participation criteria: Male: Annual salary of 20 million yuan or more, age limit under 35 years old (current number of applicants: 10)】

【Female: Civil servants, teachers, doctors and other established occupations are OK (current number of applicants: 1)】

【If you want to register, just keep the email. If you refuse to register, just delete the email.】

"What...annual salary of 20 million, under 35 years old, ten people have signed up, and only one is a woman!"


Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes widened immediately, and her heart was shamefully moved.

She was thinking about going on a blind date, but she didn't expect to receive a blind date invitation right away.

And it was a rare high-quality blind date social gathering.

The blind date men with such conditions were undoubtedly high-quality men, the elite among the elites.

More importantly, there was only one woman who signed up, which meant that she had few competitors.

"Weekend night... should I notify Sawa-chan?"

At that moment, Shizuka Hiratsuka thought of her good friend Yamanaka Sawako who was also eager to get married.

She thought that with such a good opportunity, how could she forget her good sister.

But then, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly had another idea.

No, such a good opportunity, one less competitor is a better one.

Yamanaka Sawako is so beautiful and has such a good figure, but she is a real high-quality woman.

The threat is huge.

If she and other men go on a blind date at the same time, what if other men fall in love with Yamanaka Sawako, and she misses the opportunity to find a boyfriend, wouldn't it be a huge loss. For an old woman to find a good match, such an opportunity is too rare.

"Ahem, and this email might be a scam. I need to check it out first. If it is real, it won’t be too late to introduce it to Savoy-chan."

Shizuka Hiratsuka explained to herself seriously.

So she immediately decided to attend this matchmaking meeting alone.

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t notice that when she checked the email, a gray-black spiral mark appeared between her eyebrows.

She didn’t doubt the authenticity of this strange email at all.


When she thought of inviting Yamanaka Sawako, the spiral mark flashed, changing her mind.


"Ebina is too bold."

It was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Su Mo stood on the rooftop of an office building.

Inspiration was released, sensing the situation inside.

After teasing Hiratsuka Shizuka, Su Mo set his mind on Ebina Hime, the quiet girl who had a bold idea.

Originally, Su Mo thought that Ebina Hime would hesitate for a few days before taking action.

Unexpectedly, that night, she went directly to Bunkyo District, the place where the rumored gap girl appeared, to scout the spot. She is really not afraid of death.

If ordinary people see Ebina Hime's crazy behavior, they will probably feel fear.

After all, this is too crazy, a little scary, and it has a bit of yandere flavor.

But Su Mo will not.

After all, Ebina Hime is so crazy for him.

Su Mo does not have any negative views on the yandere personality.

As long as you can control it, what's wrong with yandere, there is no need to be afraid.

Su Mo, obviously can control this level of yandere


"This is it."

In the darkness,

Ebina Hime looked at the area ahead with a pale face.

The rumor about the gap girl first spread from here.

"I... I actually came here?"

It was not until this moment that Ebina Hina realized how bold her behavior was. Her beautiful eyes were full of panic and fear.

She was taking too much risk this time.

What if she was targeted by the gap girl and killed before she could ask Su Mo for help

? Wouldn't her plan become a joke?

Thinking of this, Ebina Hina regretted it a little.

But soon, her eyes became firm again.:

"It's coming, it's too late to regret"

"If I really die here, I can only say that I deserve it."

"After all, I am a dark-minded person who actually set my eyes on the boy that my best friend likes."

Hina Ebina took a deep breath, and the image of Miura Yumiko in the past emerged in her mind, and a trace of shame appeared in her beautiful eyes.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of the irresponsible figures of her parents.

They gave birth to her, but never cared about her. They each had someone else outside and could only go home a few times a year. No one even cared when she was sick.

If I died, those two guys would probably not even shed a tear, but would dislike her for causing them trouble.

Because of this, at this time, Himina Ebina only had feelings for Miura Yumiko. She only felt a little guilty, but not much guilty towards other people. She mostly missed Yuigahama Yui.

After all, Yuigahama Yui was also a betrayer.

In the end, only Su Mo's figure remained in Ebina Hina's mind.

He was holding hands with a girl, talking and laughing, very close.

The girl's figure was blurry.

But Ebina Hina vaguely felt that the figure was herself.

At this time, Ebina Hina raised her head, and her pale and delicate face was full of serious expression.

There was a firm look in her beautiful eyes, and then, she took a step forward without hesitation.


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