If it were the old Neon, Hayato Hayama would naturally not dare to have such an idea of class advancement.

As a child of a lawyer's family, Hayato Hayama knows very well how solidified the upper class is in Neon. Commoners want to turn over and enter the real upper class? That's courting death.

But now it's different.

The impact of the revival of the supernatural can make even the stubborn feudal order of Neon vulnerable.

Hayato Hayama is a smart man, and because he is a smart man, he knows to be honest and low-key when he shouldn't have any ideas.

But now that he realizes that the times are beginning to change, he immediately changes his past ideas.

He has a premonition that he has seized the opportunity of the times, and the era belonging to the Hayama family is about to come.

What Hayato Hayama didn't expect was that as soon as he said his proposal to repair the relationship——

""I'm sorry, Hayama-san, Yumiko has forbidden us to discuss you anymore. If I bring up such a thing, she'll be angry."

Yuigahama Yui showed a subtle but polite smile on her pretty face, and she tactfully rejected Hayama Hayato. Yuigahama

Yui's personality is that she doesn't like to offend people. Even when facing someone she hates, it's difficult for her to show a tough attitude.

She seemed to be worried that Hayama Hayato would not give up, so she smiled and added,"Maybe you can go directly to Yumiko. Yumiko is still easy to talk to. She might agree."

Hayama Hayato was a little embarrassed. Go find Yumiko?

He didn't understand Yumiko's personality. She had a bad temper and dared to love and hate.

She liked someone very much, and when she hated someone, she hated him extremely.

After what happened, Yumiko was probably disgusted with him to the extreme.

If he dared to go to Yumiko, she would definitely give him a cold look.

That's why he came to Yumiko, who was the easiest to talk to among the three.

Unexpectedly, the easy-to-talk Yumiko directly refused

"Don't say that, Yuigahama."

On the side, Hayama Hayato's follower Tobe Sho said with a wry smile,"After all, what happened that day was indeed a misunderstanding, and Yumiko is fine. We are all friends, so why make it so awkward."

Tobe Sho's desire to repair the relationship was second only to Hayama Hayato.

After all, he has always had a crush on Ebina Hime and was preparing to find an opportunity to confess.

Now that the relationship between the two sides is so tense, how can he confess?

"Yes, haven't we always been friends? How could we become so unhappy over such a small matter?"

"Yes, yes...hiss……"

The other two followers, Yamato and Ooka, also quickly followed suit and persuaded

"I don't mind, but I don't know whether Yumiko thinks so."

Yuigahama Yui still said without any flaws.

It was Yumiko who encountered that kind of thing, not her, so of course she could say that she didn't mind.

But Yuigahama was sure that Yumiko definitely minded.

She would never agree to repair the relationship with these people.

However, when she refused, Yuigahama Yui discovered a strange scene, that is, there seemed to be several strange scars on the face of Ooka, Hayato Hayama's follower.

For some reason, seeing those scars, she felt uneasy in her heart.

However, with these annoying people in front of her to increase her disgust, the uneasiness soon disappeared.

Seeing that Yuigahama Yui was not moved by soft or hard means.

No matter how uncomfortable he was, Hayato Hayama could only smile helplessly and politely say goodbye.

In the corridor

"Really, I didn't expect Yuigahama to become so difficult to deal with."

Tobe Sho complained

"Isn't it just a misunderstanding? Is it necessary to mind it so much? Women are really petty."Yamato said very unhappy

"I heard that Miura and the others have been getting close to that Su Mo guy recently. Humph, they have fallen to the point of hanging out with a chuunibyou. Yuigahama even rejected our kindness. She is really ungrateful...hiss……"

Ooka spoke with disdain, but his eyes showed some jealousy and dissatisfaction while he spoke. As he spoke, his face twisted, and he couldn't help but touch the scar on his face and scream.

The three members of the current female group are all beautiful girls. Ooka, a follower of Hayato Hayama, actually has intentions towards the three of them in his heart.

He originally thought that he had a chance to get the upper hand, but he didn't expect that these people would become familiar with other boys in a blink of an eye, and they were the same class, Su Mo, who made him extremely jealous.

This made Ooka couldn't help but say bad things about Su Mo. When

Tobe Sho and Yamato heard this, they couldn't help but show an expression of agreement.

Although Su Mo is an excellent student, and he is handsome and talented, the term"Chuunibyou" alone is enough for this current student to think that they can despise this excellent student who is a hundred times better than them.

Seeing beautiful girls like Miura Yumiko getting close to Su Mo, they were also jealous in their hearts.

"Su Mo?"

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Hayato Yeshan's eyes flickered.

After all, the club founded by Su Mo happened to be the supernatural club, and he also called himself an exorcist.

This made Hayato Yeshan doubt that the person who solved the evil spirit in Yumiko was Su Mo?

But soon, Hayato Yeshan threw this idea behind his mind.

How could it be possible? Su Mo is just a middle school student with a second-year syndrome.

He is so young and their age.

He is so outstanding, how could he also be an exorcist.

No matter how talented he is, he has to be logical.

In the final analysis, Hayato Yeshan was a little jealous and unconvinced of Su Mo, a boy who was not a popular person and had a worse family background than him, but performed better than him in all aspects. He was unwilling to accept that Su Mo could be so outstanding.

So, he decisively discarded the answer that was closest to the truth.

"I'll find a chance to repair my relationship with Yumiko and the others later."

Hayato Hayama shook his head, but he didn't give up the idea of repairing the relationship and finding Yumiko's secret.

But right now, it's not appropriate to discuss this.

""Ooka, is the scar on your face okay? Will it affect the social gathering later?"

Hayato Hayama showed a concerned look to Ooka who was screaming all the time, and changed the topic very naturally, which also attracted the favor of his followers.

"It's okay, it's just a stray cat scratching me. If I see that stinky cat again next time, I will kick it to death. I really regret that I only kicked it once. Damn it." As expected,

Ooka immediately showed a touched expression. After complaining a few words, he waved his hand disapprovingly.

"I can't wait for the social gathering later. I heard there will be several cute first-year juniors. Thanks to Ye Shan, we have the opportunity to meet these cute first-year juniors. It would be even better if there weren't those light bulb juniors."

"Let's go quickly, don't let the juniors wait anxiously."

Tobe Sho didn't care about his companion Ooka's injury, and said impatiently.

Since it was difficult to repair the relationship with Ebina Hime and the others, it seemed like a good choice to get to know those juniors who were easier to deal with.

"Well, let's go."

Hayato Hayama smiled and walked out first.

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