As soon as these words came out,

Touka Kotori, who had turned into a black cat, was stunned.

She couldn't believe that her innocent and pure sister would say such a shameless thing.

She didn't remember educating her sister about these things.

Could it be that she had learned about these things because she had a boy she liked?

For a moment, Touka Kotori felt complicated, and looked at Su Mo with vigilance, as if the pure cabbage at home had been polluted by a wild boar. Yukinoshita Yukino was also stunned when she heard Rikka say such bold words.

Her face immediately became hot, but she didn't despise Su Mo as she did in the past.

After all, it was Rikka's sister who was in trouble.

If Yang No encountered such a thing, Yukinoshita Yukino felt that no matter how ashamed she was, she would probably be the same as Rikka.

It was Su Mo, a shameless guy, who took advantage of her.

Just thinking that Su Mo was going to perform that kind of obscene ritual with Rikka again.

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

She couldn't help but think of what Su Mo had mentioned to her before, that the reason why those rituals were so obscene was to allow exorcists to multiply and grow rapidly.

Doesn't this mean that as Su Mo continues to exorcise spirits, he will have ambiguous relationships with more and more girls, and even develop that kind of relationship?

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino inexplicably felt a sense of anxiety.

"Liuhua, don't be anxious. It's your sister who is cursed this time, not you, so this ceremony has nothing to do with you."

Seeing Liuhua even say such words, Su Mo's heart beat a little bit.

But he still has some bottom line.

He has been eyeing Liuhua for a long time, and sooner or later he will eat her.

There is no need to take advantage of others just for the sake of momentary pleasure.

This kind of greed for momentary advantage will make the girl resist Su Mo when she calms down.

Such stupid things can't be done. If

Su Mo wants to contract a dependent, it is not enough to just take over the body, but also to get the other party's heart.

Ying Lili is an example. That kind of thing has happened, but Su Mo can't make a contract with Ying Lili for the time being.

It's because the good impression is not enough.

However, it is only a matter of time before he contracts Ying Lili.

That kind of thing has happened, and the next step is that the relationship will heat up very quickly.

Haven't you seen a female writer say that the fastest way to a woman's heart is...

Of course, Su Mo didn't really intend to charge no interest.

After all, Rikka was one of his three contract targets.

Su Mo planned to collect some interest after saving Rikka. If he took action at that time, not only would Rikka not resist, but it would speed up the progress of the strategy.

After all, at that time, Su Mo had already saved her sister, and his favorability would definitely increase significantly, so it wouldn't be excessive to do that again.

Sure enough, when they heard what Su Mo said.

For a moment, the eyes of Yukinoshita Yukino and Rikka Takanashi looked at Su Mo and suddenly changed.

If the favorability could be displayed in a numerical value, there would definitely be prompts such as favorability +1 constantly appearing.

Even the black cat looked at Su Mo with more appreciation. He could refuse such temptation. It seems that this cheap brother-in-law is not as unbearable as he imagined.

"What should I do, Exorcist?" Rikka breathed a sigh of relief, but then asked anxiously.

Although she had always been at odds with Touka, Touka, who had always taken care of Rikka and cared about her, was the most important person in Rikka's heart.

She couldn't imagine her life without her sister.

"To resolve the curse, we need to find the caster first. Let me sense the direction of the caster first."

Su Mo said calmly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Through the curse breath on the black cat, he sensed the source.

But the next moment, Su Mo opened his eyes, a little surprised:

"That cat appeared in our school not long ago, but now it has disappeared."


Su Mo frowned,"It seems that there is another person who is cursed."

"Been to our school? And cursed someone in our school."

Yukinoshita Yukino was startled, and her expression suddenly became extremely worried,"Su Mo, we have to stop Nekomata quickly."

When I think of a monster, cursing wherever it goes, that kind of scene is simply unimaginable.

How much chaos will this cause?

"Well, follow me." Su Mo nodded, then stood up and walked out directly

""Wait, I'll change my clothes."

Yukinoshita Yukino blushed. She was still wearing a maid outfit. She couldn't just go out like this.

Su Mo nodded:"Then hurry up."

Su Mo didn't want other men to see Yukinoshita Yukino in a maid outfit.

This was a benefit that belonged only to him.

Anyway, the curse wouldn't take effect for a while, so Su Mo was not in a hurry.


Ten minutes ago.

In the classroom of Class F of the 2nd year. Yuigahama Yui was tidying up her desk in a distracted state.

When she thought of what Sayuri Sawamura said last night.

She found that she had a bold idea in her heart that she shouldn't have.

She had a crush on Su Mo for a long time.

But because of Su Mo's excellence, she felt a little inferior and didn't dare to confess.

Who would have thought that her best friend Yumiko Miura would also like Su Mo and muster up the courage to take action.

She, who had already liked Su Mo, had to be a wingman and give assists for her friend.

She didn't know who to tell about the pain in her heart.

Then, the incident of Eriri happened.

This was a girl who was much more threatening than Yumiko.

Seeing the background of Eriri's family, Yuigahama Yui had to admit in her heart that only a lady like Eriri was worthy of such an excellent man as Su Mo.

Just when she felt that her relationship had not even begun, it had already been declared over.

Sayuri Sawamura's words made her have thoughts that she shouldn't have.

In order for Su Mo to reproduce the human bloodline, he needs three wives and four concubines to have many children.

Even if Su Mo already has Eriri or even Yumiko, it seems that he is not without a chance.

Such a bold idea scared Yuigahama Yui a lot when it first appeared, and she secretly scolded herself for being so shameless.

But then, this idea became more and more profound, like a kind of demon, deeply rooted in her heart, and quickly spread.

This made Yuigahama Yui both eager to act and ashamed, and she did not dare to face her good friend Miura Yumiko.

So after school, she deliberately found an excuse and did not go home with Miura and the others, but stayed in the classroom.

Just when Yuigahama Yui was in a state of confusion...


Suddenly, a familiar male voice came from the side.

Yuigahama Yui was startled and turned her head in panic.

Immediately, the panic on her face disappeared, turning into alienation and indifference.

A girl like Yuigahama Yui who dared not offend others could show such an expression.

It is conceivable how disgusted Yuigahama Yui was with the other party.

This person was the leader of the F class current group, Hayato Hayama, and there were three of his followers beside him.

Hayato Hayama and others saw Yuigahama Yui showing such an expression to them, and their expressions were a little embarrassed.

They also knew that their behavior that day made the three girls in the girl group deeply disappointed in themselves.

Despite the embarrassment, Hayato Hayama still smiled and said his purpose:

"What happened that day was all a misunderstanding. I came to you today because I actually wanted to invite you, Yumiko, Ebina and the others to clear up the misunderstanding. After all, we have always been good friends. If the relationship is always so tense, it will cause the atmosphere in the class to be weird."

These past few days, Yumiko Miura's crisis was inexplicably resolved, and Hayato Hayama was also surprised.

In addition to being surprised, he couldn't help but feel curious about how Yumiko Miura survived being possessed by an evil spirit.

In the case of such frequent supernatural events, the method to resolve the possession of evil spirits is definitely a very valuable thing.

If he can master this secret, Hayato Hayama believes that he and his family can get a class promotion.

By then, let alone the Yukinoshita family that the Hayama family has always served, even the more top-notch wealthy families will take the initiative to please the Hayama family.

After realizing this, Hayato Hayama's heart He became eager and immediately prepared to repair the relationship with the trio.

He believed that with his image and eloquence, plus the good impression the trio had of him in the past, as long as he showed a little sincerity, Miura and the others would forgive him.

As a top male role player, Hayato Hayama still had this confidence.

When the time comes, he can take advantage of Miura's trust in him and lure her into telling him the secret of dealing with evil spirits. It won't be difficult. Once he has mastered the secret of dealing with evil spirits, even the two daughters of the Yukinoshita family will have to look up to him.

Ambition flashed in Hayato Hayama's eyes.

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