Yukino Yukinoshita was stunned.

Instantly, her cheeks couldn't help getting hot.

A blush appeared on her ears. She was silent for a while, and then her clear eyes seemed to lose color, and she looked at Su Mo expressionlessly.

From her pink lips, she uttered words of contempt:

"Finally... Are you going to go to the pervert and never come back, Su Mo, this place is not far from the police station."

At the same time, Takanashi Rikka, whose face turned red, also quietly moved behind Yukinoshita Yukino.

She lowered her head and did not dare to look at Su Mo.

The reactions of the two made Su Mo realize something instantly.

Probably, if nothing unexpected happened, he was regarded as a pervert by the two.

Therefore, the attitude of the two who originally admired him immediately changed.

He was helpless

"Please don't misunderstand, Yukinoshita-san, Takanashi-san."

Su Mo sighed,"I just want to perform an exorcism ritual on the two of you."

"The exorcism ritual for the slit-mouthed woman is exactly what I just said."

It's hard to hold back.

Su Mo didn't want to do this either. His profession was so dishonest.

He didn't want to be called to the police by a girl and be sent to the police station.

"Do you think I will believe you, sexual harassment criminal classmate?"Yukinoshita Yukino laughed, but there was no smile in her beautiful eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't believe that there was such a strange way of exorcism in the world.

Now, she is more certain.

Su Mo is indeed a serious and responsible exorcist.

However, this exorcist is not much different from a normal high school boy in other aspects except that he is good at exorcism.

They are all obscene creatures with only those unspeakable thoughts in their minds.

In fact, Su Mo is more lustful and shameless than other boys. He actually made such a request to the girl openly.

Even if it is asked secretly, it is better.

Last time, he secretly put on knee-high socks. This time, he simply doesn't act, right?

Just let the girl show him his panties.

It's really a... pervert.

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's clear eyes showed a touch of shame and deep contempt.

Sensing Yukinoshita Yukino's contempt,

Su Mo said speechlessly:

"Yukinoshita-san, I think you have a big misunderstanding of me"

"Su Mo, there is no need to explain. I can understand why a boy of your age would have such thoughts."Yukinoshita Yukino comforted Su Mo in a considerate and warm tone.

If it weren't for the increasingly strong disdain in her eyes, Su Mo would almost believe that this beautiful girl with an angelic smile was comforting him.

Yukinoshita Yukino continued to slowly add:

"However, sometimes, please suppress your desires. After all, committing a crime violates the criminal law. If you are convicted, you will most likely be expelled from school and sent to a juvenile detention center.……"

""That's enough."

Su Mo interrupted Yukinoshita Yukino unhappily.

He finally understood. There was no point in explaining.

His behavior was indeed difficult to understand in the eyes of outsiders, especially in the eyes of girls. It was normal to be misunderstood.

Since the explanation was unclear, Su Mo decided to give up.

Believe it if you want, or not.

Su Mo showed a serious expression on his face:

"Yukinoshita-san, whether you believe me or not, I still want to tell you solemnly that if you want to get rid of the evil spirit in you, you can only do as I say."

He paused and added,"You have been possessed by the Slit-mouthed Woman. If you don't get rid of her as soon as possible, she will reappear in front of you soon. Not only that, she will also target the people around you."

"Yukinoshita classmate." Su Mo looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with a half-smile,"You don't want your sister to be targeted by the slit-mouthed woman, do you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's body stiffened.

She looked at Su Mo with shameful eyes, biting her lips with her pearly teeth, and her tone was a little biting:

"As expected, the pervert is not going to hide his true face anymore. In order to sexually harass his classmates, he even threatened them with his family. Su Mo, I really misjudged you. As expected, you are undoubtedly a real pervert."

"Although I had anticipated your perverted nature, I still didn't expect that you would be so perverted!"

Su Mo crossed his arms and looked at the helpless and furious Yukinoshita Yukino with a playful look.

You can scold me, but I will still lose.

Speaking of which, it's quite interesting to be insulted by a beautiful girl like Yukinoshita Yukino. Su

Mo thought secretly.

Seeing Su Mo's shameless look, Yukinoshita Yukino's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief and shame.

Her cheeks gradually turned red, and the flat part was ups and downs, feeling embarrassed and angry.

After a long time.

Seeing that Su Mo was still indifferent, Yukinoshita Yukino's face became hotter and hotter. She pursed her lips tightly and stared at Su Mo:

"Pervert, I admit that I dare not ignore your threats and can only follow your obscene orders."

She took a deep breath and said with great shame and anger:

"However, I will never forget the crime you committed against me today, please remember this."

Of course, Yukinoshita Yukino knew that she didn't dare to take such a big risk and ignore the threat of the slit-mouthed woman.

Therefore, although such behavior seriously violated the style of the Yukinoshita family and violated her principles, she felt extremely ashamed and angry in her heart, but she could only do as Su Mo said.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino still had a fluke after all.

She deliberately looked at Su Mo with a very cold look.

She hoped that this guy would have a little sense of shame.

She had said this much, and he should be more restrained.

However, what made Yukinoshita Yukino angry was that

Su Mo remained indifferent.

"When someone slanders you as a pervert, you'd better be a real pervert."

When seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's face change immediately, even Takanashi Rikka did the same.

Su Mo has realized it.

The profession of exorcist has destined him to do things that will cause him to be misunderstood.

In this case, it is better not to explain it. It doesn't matter if he is regarded as a pervert.

In this way, he can complete the task faster.

No need to waste words, so as not to be tired.

It's good for everyone.

Thinking of this, Su Mo no longer looked at Yukinoshita Yukino without any embarrassment.

There was a look of waiting in his eyes.

Speaking of which, he was indeed a little curious about Yukinoshita Yukino's weight gain. It was really just a little curious.

Mainly curious about what brand Yukinoshita Yukino, the daughter of a wealthy family, wore.

He, a poor man, just wanted to see the luxurious life of the rich second generation.

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