The slit-mouthed woman was also stunned.

She had the same idea as Rikka Takanashi. She had never seen such a brave person since she was born.

However, she was only stunned for a moment.

The slit-mouthed woman decided to help this brave girl. She directly took off the mask.

A horrible and bloody mouth, the corners of the mouth were almost split to the corners of the ears.

Seeing this scene.

A trace of panic suddenly appeared in Yukinoshita Yukinomi's eyes.

She was so scared that her heart beat fast.

But she always remembered that she had two backers by her side.

So she still maintained a sneer on her face:

"Excuse me for being blunt, but you really don't look that good."

After these words came out,

Takanashi Rikka almost fainted. She was completely dumbfounded.

She really couldn't understand.

How could Yukinoshita Yukino have such courage.

She dared to say that she was ugly in front of the slit-mouthed woman. When she thought of the consequences of the slit-mouthed woman's rage,

Takanashi Rikka's eyes could not help but show despair.

This time it's completely over!

As expected.

Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's blunt ridicule, the slit-mouthed woman's already terrifying face suddenly became hideous.

There was an extremely resentful look in her eyes, and a pair of large scissors full of sawtooth appeared in her hands.


He slashed at Yukinoshita Yukino.

Until this moment, the sneer on Yukinoshita's face could no longer be maintained. She dodged backwards in panic, and then hurriedly looked at Takanashi Rikka:

"Why don't you do it, classmate Kotori Yui!"

Hearing this, Kotori Yui Rikka was completely stunned.


Did Yukinoshita actually believe her words?

At this moment, Kotori Yui Rikka figured out everything.

Suddenly, an expression of crying appeared on her pretty face: she realized that her behavior seemed to kill this classmate Yukinoshita who trusted her.

For a moment, boundless guilt surged from her heart.

And seeing Kotori Yui Rikka's expression.

How could the clever Yukinoshita not know that she had made a big mistake.

Suddenly, her face became hot. She felt like she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

She thought that Yukinoshita Yui was a smart person and looked down on all fools.

Now, she was actually fooled by a fool.

She actually believed that the other party was an exorcist. It was so embarrassing.

Fortunately, at this time, Yukinoshita Yui did not forget that even if Kotori Yui Rikka was not an exorcist, there was still a real exorcist by her side.

Seeing the big scissors of the slit-mouthed woman cutting towards her, she couldn't help but exclaimed:

""Student Su Mo!"

Before the words fell,

Su Mo's figure appeared in front of her without her knowing.

Facing the furious slit-mouthed woman,

Su Mo shook his head:"Ugly ghosts are so evil. You are so ugly, and you don't want people to say anything, right?"

As he said, he swung his palm.

The orange-yellow spiritual power turned into a mark and fiercely slammed into the slit-mouthed woman.

With a bang! The slit-mouthed woman didn't even scream, she was blown to pieces and disappeared in front of Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka.

But then, a sudden change happened.

The fragments of the slit-mouthed woman suddenly turned into two gray mists.

Suddenly, they poured into the bodies of Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka.

In an instant, Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka, who had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly felt the temperature suddenly plummet to zero, and they shuddered.

Fortunately, immediately, that The cold feeling disappeared and everything returned to normal.

Takanashi Rikka's expression at this moment was very interesting.

She stared straight at Su Mo, her eyes full of shock and excitement, as well as a hint of guilt.

She thought Su Mo was a middle school student with a second-year syndrome like her, but she didn't expect that he was actually an exorcist.

Suddenly, Takanashi Rikka was shocked, but her mood became extremely excited. After seeing the real extraordinary ability, she couldn't wait to find Su Mo to learn about the things in that world.

But when she thought about how she almost killed Yukinoshita Yukino just now, she felt extremely guilty and didn't dare to speak.

"Su Mo, has the slit-mouthed woman been successfully dealt with?"Yukinoshita

Yukino breathed a sigh of relief, and then her clear eyes quickly looked at Su Mo, full of expectation.

It was a very meaningful thing to successfully deal with the slit-mouthed woman who slaughtered many innocent people. Of course, Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to confirm this fact.

As for Rikka Takanashi, she didn't want to pay attention to this foolish guy for the time being.

"Unfortunately, the Slit-mouthed Woman has not been completely resolved."

Faced with Yukinoshita Yukino's question, Su Mo shook his head,"When she was about to die, she had already divided her body into two parts, and possessed you and classmate Kotori."

Su Mo naturally could not hide the little tricks of the Slit-mouthed Woman.

It is better to say that Su Mo deliberately let the Slit-mouthed Woman do this.

Because Su Mo wants to be promoted to the second level, he must perform the exorcism ritual.

Su Mo does have the strength to directly eliminate the Slit-mouthed Woman, but in that case, it would only be exorcism, not performing the exorcism ritual.

Therefore, Su Mo deliberately did not kill the Slit-mouthed Woman directly, but instead left her a breath.

"What, not dead yet?"

Yukinoshita Yukino was startled and her pretty face was a little scared.

The slit-mouthed woman was not dead and was still possessed by her.

She realized that the sudden coldness she felt just now might be a sign of being possessed by an evil spirit.

" could this happen!"

Takanashi Rikka was almost frightened to death, her face suddenly turned tearful.

"Don't worry, as long as we perform the exorcism ritual, we can completely eliminate the slit-mouthed woman."

Su Mo laughed dryly and comforted the two.

At the same time, he had already seen what form this exorcism ritual took. It was as improper as before.

How embarrassing!

"That's good." Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed her panic, and looked at Su Mo,"Do you need to make any preparations?"

Takanashi Rikka also looked at Su Mo eagerly, with a pitiful look.

Neither of them wanted to be possessed by a terrifying evil spirit like the Slit-mouthed Woman, so it was better to deal with such a dangerous thing quickly.

"No other preparations are needed."

Su Mo coughed lightly, then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Takanashi Rikka with a strange look, stretched out his hand to scratch his cheek, and said embarrassedly:

"Can I see your panties, Yukinoshita-san and Kotori-san?……"

As soon as the words fell, the two beautiful girls' faces froze.

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