In the area where Togen was born, a group of cursed spirits gathered on the beach.

Xia Yujie, who was always as calm as a rock, now showed a solemn expression.

He whispered to Louhu, Zhenren and Zhangxiang:

"Hua Yu is not dead, she seems to have betrayed."

Lou Hu suddenly showed a look of shock, and shouted in disbelief:

"This is impossible!

Are you kidding me?"

The real person looked gloomy, thinking secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, the master took action.

Did he not kill him but subdue him?

This is also good.......

It is such an honor to be appreciated by such an adult!

Brain Flower Xia Yujie continued with a gloomy face:

"I heard that she joined an organization called Hades.

And she is still looking for Sukuna's finger."

Louhu was silent.

I don't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, Louhu whispered:

"Could it be that Hanami suddenly had some plan and it was inconvenient for her to meet us?

Otherwise, what's the point of her collecting Sukuna's fingers?

Give them to the leader of some underworld organization?

I don't believe anyone can subdue Hanami!

Hanami will never betray us!"

The brain flower Xia Yujie looked at Louhu with cold eyes, and then said lightly:

"I hope so.

The plan will proceed as usual.

Now we can only rely on you and Changxiang to hold Gojo Satoru back."

Louhu's face was heavy.

Having seen Gojo Satoru's true strength, he had no idea how to hold him back.

But this was the only way now.

In fact, even with Hanamiya, he still had no idea. If an ant wants to shake an elephant, it cannot be determined by numbers!

At this time.

Brain Flower Xia Yujie asked calmly:

"Do you know under what circumstances Gojo Satoru can display his strongest strength?"

Louhu raised his head, his eyes revealing impatience.

He asked directly:

"If you have something to say, just say it directly, don't keep us in suspense!"

Brain Flower Xia Yujie continued with an indifferent look:

"That was when he was alone.

It can be said that any sorcerer in front of him is a stumbling block.

So the first thing to do is to surround Gojo Satoru with more troublesome non-sorcerers.

The minimum output of the reversal of the spell is twice that of the forward rotation.

So it is almost impossible for him to start without affecting the non-sorcerers!

Similarly, he cannot increase the output of Cang to the level that can be effective on you.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to perform high-speed movement with Cang.

That force is like a big truck to non-sorcerers, and they will be smashed to pieces in an instant when hit!

In this situation, Gojo Satoru can only choose to defend with all his strength."

Lou Hu thought for a while, and then asked:

"What about the infinite space?

How to deal with it?"

Regarding this point, the brain flower Xia Yujie had already thought of a countermeasure.

He slowly explained to Louhu:

"The only people who will not be affected by Gojo Satoru's Infinite Space are Gojo Satoru himself and the people he touches.

Even if he has a special skill that can seal you guys in the chaotic crowd.

But in that case, a large number of non-magicians will be trapped and killed in the gap between the Infinite Space and the tent.

So Gojo Satoru will not open the domain.

But on the other hand, you can't expand the domain either.

If a large number of non-magicians are sealed in the domain, Gojo Satoru will have to give up the idea of protecting civilians with all his strength and expand the domain.

You should understand this.

You have no chance of winning against the domain!

In short, Gojo Satoru must focus on two things.

The first is to fight against the cursed spirits.

The second is to rescue non-magicians.

I need at least twenty minutes to prepare.

After that, I will take Yumen Jiang to the stage."

After listening to the words of Xia Youjie, Lou Hu fell silent again.

Zhenren listened silently and passed the message to Lin Fan.

However, the message Lin Fan sent back to her made her expression a little weird.

The message Lin Fan sent back was very simple.

That was to let her listen to Xia Youjie and act normally.

Don't have any concerns, and make sure the Shibuya incident unfolds perfectly!

Zhenren really couldn't understand what Lin Fan was thinking and what plan he had.

But Zhenren knew one thing.

That is, what Lin Fan did would definitely not be simple!

He must have a big move to subvert Xia Youjie's plan!

It's really exciting!

Zhenren showed an obsessed smile.

Lin Lin Fan is now the god in her heart!

When the Shibuya incident begins, it is the time for miracles to come!

Seven days have passed in a flash.

Two days ago, Hanami returned and brought back three fingers of Ryomen Sukuna for Lin Fan.

Now only the last one is left to be collected.

The domain is now only four fragments away from being synthesized!

During these seven days, Lin Fan has been staying in the special training room he built with the construction technique.

This training room is made entirely of first-level spell tools!

It is quite luxurious!

If other people see it, their jaws will probably drop! When

Lin Fan practices here, the speed at which his spell body improves is more than 10 times that of ordinary training!

The Shibuya incident is getting closer.

By then, After resurrecting Ryomen Sukuna, Lin Fan will definitely have a battle with him.

Although Lin Fan can completely drag Ryomen Sukuna's soul into his own soul sanctuary.

In this way, Ryomen Sukuna can be at Lin Fan's mercy! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But as a battle maniac, how could Lin Fan miss this long-awaited battle!

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Fan wants to resurrect Ryomen Sukuna in advance!

Fifteen fingers are not enough!

He wants all the strength of Ryomen Sukuna!

Through these seven days of continuous training, Lin Fan's cursed human body has also been upgraded from A to A+!

The overall strength has been greatly improved again!

But this is not enough!

Lin Fan wants to upgrade the cursed human body to S-level!

In this way, he can fight against Ryomen Sukuna with his hard power.

Otherwise, it is useless to have only an A+ (cbfc) Cursed Human Body, even with the Eight Gates and Black Flash.

But there is not much time left before Shibuya.

It is obviously impossible to upgrade the Cursed Human Body to S-level in such a short time.

So this is where the useless goddess Listarte comes in.

The speed of time in her God Realm and Curse World is definitely different!

But how much slower it is depends on Lin Fan's luck.

Just as Lin Fan was carrying a heavy object, sweating profusely and doing push-ups.

The door of the training room was suddenly opened.

A young girl rushed in impatiently.

"Lin Fan I......oh~~~! Eight pieces.......Hehehehe......."

Listarte, who was about to say something, turned into a nympho when she saw Lin Fan's solid eight-pack abs!

She couldn't walk anymore.

Lin Fan stopped and stood up.

Looking at Listarte, who was drooling and had a crazy look on her face, he said speechlessly:

"Can you knock on the door before you enter?

What's the matter? Tell me now!"

Listarte swallowed her saliva, resisted the urge to touch his muscles immediately, and said slowly:

"The cooling time is up, we can go to the God Realm."

Lin Fan's mouth curled up slightly after hearing this.

It's finally here!

Lin Fan nodded and said to Listard:

"Let me take a shower, change my clothes and leave."

Lisda said with a smile:

""Okay, okay! I'll wait for you!"

Lin Fan wiped the sweat off his face with a towel, then turned around and walked to the bathroom next to the training room and took a shower.

Listening to the sound of running water, Lisi Dadai blushed and began to imagine.

The glass of the bathroom was frosted and translucent.

From the outside, only a vague figure could be seen.

But this made Lisi Dadai want to peek even more.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was useless!

How great it would be if she had the ability to see through! However

, not having the ability to see through does not mean that you can't find a way to peek!

Lisi Dadai walked to the bathroom door and tried to find a gap in the door to peek inside.

After searching for a long time, she finally found a gap through which she could see inside.

Lisi Dadai was overjoyed!

But just when she wanted to take a look, the bathroom door was opened by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at Lisi Dadai, who looked infatuated, expressionlessly, and asked calmly:

"What are you doing?"

Lisidad straightened up awkwardly and explained:

"that......I just wanted to ask if you need a back wipe."

Listarte was sweating from guilt, and she was too nervous to look directly at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan passed Listarte with a helpless look on his face and walked towards his locker room.

Although he knew that Listarte in the anime was a super nympho, after actually meeting her, Lin Fan still fell in love with her.

After a while,

Lin Fan changed his clothes.

It was still the school uniform.

Lin Fan asked the school���He made a thousand sets, of which five hundred were stored in the shadow space.

It can be seen that Lin Fan likes this school uniform very much.

Lin Fan stuffed a bunch of groceries in the shadow space.

Most of them were daily necessities.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages, and then said to Lisda who had been following him:

""Let's go."

Listarte looked at Lin Fan's shadow space with shining eyes.

Is this spatial ability?

So powerful!

After hearing Lin Fan's words, she didn't hesitate.

She drew circles in the air, and soon a purple portal appeared in front of the two.

The portal was in the shape of a vortex, emitting a mysterious light.

Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all, and stepped out directly and entered the portal.

Listarte followed closely and walked in.

So far.

Lin Fan's journey to the divine world has begun!

PS:Lin Fan's journey to another world is about to begin!

The affairs of the world of spells have come to an end for the time being! What will happen to Lin Fan in the world of gods?

You can look forward to it, haha.

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