Along with the system's voice, a beam of white light appeared in front of Lin Fan!

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and covered his eyes with one hand.

This beam of white light was so dazzling!

It made Lin Fan unable to open his eyes!

Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a little excited!

So dazzling!

This person must be extraordinary!

Who could it be?



Saitama ?


Ichigo Kurosaki?

Just as Lin Fan was waiting expectantly for the summoner, the system's voice finally sounded again!

【Congratulations to the host for the successful summoning!】

【This character is from the healing goddess Listarte in the anime"This Hero is Super Strong but Overly Cautious"! 】

As the dazzling white light faded, a beautiful figure gradually appeared.

She had long curly golden hair and a blue headband on her head. She was wearing a white dress and looked very pure and cute. She had big lavender eyes and a cherry-like moist mouth.

When she saw Lin Fan again, she looked surprised.

Then her whole temperament suddenly changed!

Her saliva flowed slightly, and red hearts flashed in her eyes.

Listarte, who had just looked like a pure goddess, turned into a real nymphomaniac!


I can't take it anymore!

So handsome!

It's a heart-throb!

He must be 1.9 meters tall!


These eyes!!!


This sharp chin!!!


This figure!!!


I can't stand it!!!

The aura emanating from his body is as sacred as the male god who unified the divine world!

I really want to have a passionate love affair with a boy like this!


Lisi Dadai's imaginations immediately ran wild!

Her nympho temperament was fully displayed!

But she quickly knocked her head again to calm herself down.

She kept reminding herself in her heart.

How could a goddess fall in love with a human?

This is forbidden in the divine world!

Lisi Dadai put away her nympho image and quickly posed as a goddess that she thought was very beautiful.

Then she slowly said:

"Nice to meet you. I'm Listarte!

I'm the goddess who lives in the unified divine world!

Although I don't know why, you summoned me to this dimension and bound my soul to yours.

Then I will be your strongest helper and assist you in saving the world!"

Listarte looked at Lin Fan, who had his mouth slightly open and his eyes a little dull.

She couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

Look at me, I'm fascinated.

There's nothing I can do about it!

Who made me a goddess?

To be frank, she's the kind of good woman you can't meet in a million years!

Faced with the beauty of such a perfect woman, you're so excited that you can't speak!


Listarte lifted her hair confidently.

Lin Fan gradually came back to his senses from his daze.

Then his face became extremely ugly and he spat and said:


Another classic fashion trash!

Sure enough, I didn’t check the almanac for today’s lucky draw~!"

Lisidadai was petrified after hearing this!

Then she yelled at Lin Fan:

"Classic fashion little trash! ?

Are you talking about me?!"

But Lisi Dadai immediately straightened her posture and thought to herself.



I must maintain the dignity of a goddess!

Lisi Dadai coughed lightly, then returned to her previous state and said softly:

"You may not have heard clearly, or may not have understood.

I am a goddess!

A god in heaven!

The kind of god that is sacred and inviolable!

You are the brave man who summoned me!

I will help you save the world!"

Lin Fan immediately sat back in the boss chair with a lack of interest.

Then he waved his hand and rejected mercilessly:

"No need."

Lisidadai's face suddenly showed displeasure. She clenched her fists and veins popped out on her forehead.

But she still endured it and continued:

"I am.....Goddess!"

Lin Fan said without any annoyance:

"I heard you!

You can go back to your divine world.

You are not needed here."

Listarte clenched her fists and shouted angrily:

"I advise you to be more respectful to the goddess!"

Lin Fan sighed and said speechlessly:


I don't disrespect you.

I just feel you are useless to me.

So you can go back to your god......."

Lin Fan suddenly stopped, and hurried forward to grab Listarte who was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

Listarte fell directly into Lin Fan's arms, and her face immediately showed a lustful expression, and she secretly touched Lin Fan's abdominal muscles.

So strong!

This must be eight pack!


Lin Fan was speechless and pushed away the drooling Listarte. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The reason why Lin Fan made this sudden move.

Is because he suddenly realized something!

Although Listarte is really useless!

But she can summon a portal to the divine world!

Then can't he also go to the world where Listarte is!

It seems that Listarte is still useful!

For a moment, the sense of gap in Lin Fan's heart disappeared.

Sure enough, he is still the emperor of Europe, not the African!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan regained his usual spring breeze-like smile and looked at Listarte.

This scene stunned Listarte.

It's so handsome!

If I could live a shameless life with him, wouldn't it be hehehehehehehehehehe......

Looking at the nymphomaniac Lisidad, Lin Fan suddenly wanted to kick her back to the God Realm!

However, Lin Fan still said calmly:

"Can you take me to your divine realm?"

Listarte nodded confidently and agreed very happily:

"Of course you can!"

Lin Fan's face lit up and he said quickly:

"What are you waiting for?

Take me there quickly!"

Lisidadai nodded again and said with a smile:

"You can go there in 7 days!

It will be quick!"

Lin Fan's face froze, and he asked doubtfully:


Can't we go now?"

Lisidad shook her head and explained:

"This world has some restrictions on me. I have to wait for a seven-day cooling period before I can open the portal to the God Realm."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This goddess Lisda is really unreliable!

Lisda was immediately unhappy when she saw Lin Fan's expression:

"Hey! What's that expression on your face?

Why do I feel like you think I'm useless?"

Lin Fan nodded without giving any face and said in agreement:

"I didn't expect you to have some self-awareness!"

Lisidadai was furious!

She directly scolded loudly:

"I’m a goddess!!!"

Lin Fan shrugged and said:

"So what?

Do you have any other abilities that can impress me?"

Lisda said unconvincedly:

"I can heal you!

I can save you from death!"

Lin Fan smiled coldly.

He cut off his other hand with a knife.

Then, under Lisda's shocked eyes, he quickly restored his arm with a reversal technique and said lightly:

".I can also do the treatment, and I am still immortal."

Listarte opened her delicate little mouth, her jaw almost dropped in shock. Is this still a human being?

Is there anyone who can be immortal?

Listarte instantly felt that her brain was not thinking enough.

At this time, Lin Fan continued to speak coldly, and fiercely stabbed Listarte again!

"Tell me, what else do you have that will impress me?"

Lisidad swallowed her saliva, but still said unconvincedly:

"I am also immortal!"

Lin Fan stared at Listarte as if she were a mentally retarded person.

Listarte was so angry that she jumped up and down and roared:

"What kind of look is that!"

Lin Fan said speechlessly:

"What does it have to do with me whether you are immortal or not?

Can you kill people?"

Lisidadai was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and replied:


"Then can you hit people?"


"So can you fight?"


"Then what other abilities do you have that can help me?

I can recover myself. You can't kill, hit, or fight. You can't do anything. What use do I have for you? To be a group pet?

A fighting mascot?"

Lin Fan's words seemed to have touched Lisda's pain.

She sat down on the ground in dejection, her eyes full of doubts about life.

So that's it.......

It turns out that I am so useless.......

That's not right!

Listarte came to her senses immediately.

Why should I, a goddess, fight?

To save the world of mankind, mankind must save it themselves!

This is the rule of the God Realm!

Goddesses can only play a supporting role!

Listarte immediately regained her confidence and nodded.

However, Lin Fan's words at this time once again brought her to the bottom.

Lin Fan shook his head in disdain and said:

"You said it would be nice if you were a goddess who could bless her attack power.

But you are a useless goddess who can only heal.

I am so unlucky!"

Useless goddess!?"

These four words pierced Lisda's body like a long sword.

She immediately doubted her life and was confused about the future.......

PS:This character must be familiar to everyone, but you definitely wouldn't have thought of it, haha!

The author thought hard and finally felt that it was most appropriate to summon her first.

With her, not only can you go to the God Realm to copy a wave of abilities.

You can also mess with the goddesses in the God Realm, and go to another world to fight the devil!

It's so cool!!!!

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