It has to be said that the face of the gang leaders really works.

Zhongshan Sheng just said something to the prison guard, and in less than ten minutes, an AE86 had stopped in front of Jiang Zhou and the others.

Then, a man in his twenties got out of the car and respectfully opened the door for the two of them,"Please get in, Master Zhongshan, Mr. Jiang Zhou."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou and Zhongshan Sheng nodded.

The interior decoration of the car is simple, the fabric seats are very breathable, and the air conditioner in the car is always blowing cold air, making the environment in the car more comfortable. After getting in the car, Jiang Zhou told the driver the address, then leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes slightly.

In the co-pilot seat, Zhongshan Sheng saw Jiang Zhou close his eyes and looked like he was taking a nap, so he whispered to the driver,"Drive more steadily for a while."

""Master Zhongshan, don't worry!" The driver smiled confidently and replied in a low voice.

If it's boxing or free fighting, he may not be good at these things, but when it comes to driving, he is a professional! He is an old driver with more than ten years of driving experience!

As early as the first grade of junior high school, he drove his own AE86 to deliver tofu.

Fast speed and very stable!

It is common to run a lap of Akina Mountain in four and a half minutes and overtake two sports cars along the way!

Soon, the car started.

The speed was very fast, but Zhongshan Sheng, who was sitting in the car, did not feel much shaking.

He couldn't help but nodded secretly.

This driver is a talent!

Not long after, Jiang Zhou woke up.

It was not because of the shaking and bumps, but because he was home.

Looking at the watch in his hand, Jiang Zhou's eyes flashed with some surprise.

If he remembered correctly, it seemed to be half past nine when he came out of prison?

It only took fifteen minutes to get home? It was ten minutes faster than when he went there, and he didn't feel the bumps.

Little brother, you can do it. Are you interested in awakening a substitute to play with?

Ahem...The topic went off topic.

Putting aside the random thoughts in his mind, Jiang Zhou looked at Zhongshan Sheng who was sitting in the passenger seat and said with a smile:"Thank you so much, Asheng. If I were to come back by myself, I don't know when it would be."

"Of course, of course." Zhongshan Sheng smiled and replied, then said:"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." After the voice fell, the driver started the car again.

With a burst of exhaust gas, the AE86 quickly disappeared from Jiang Zhou's sight.......

After returning home, Jiang Zhou called Peng Shang Yuye.

After all, he needed his help to find the father in the photo.

However, the phone rang for a long time, but Peng Shang Yuye never answered the phone.

"Not at home?......"Is he going to race again?" Jiang Zhou murmured.

The previous car accident did not seem to bring much psychological trauma to the other party. On the contrary, after learning about Higashikata Josuke's healing ability, his desire to race became stronger.

There is a saying, as long as you are not dead, do it to death!

Peng Shangyu may have this mentality.

Shaking his head, Jiang Zhou hung up the phone.

When Peng Shangyu returns home, he will naturally call him back when he sees the caller ID, and there is no need for him to wait here foolishly.

Wouldn't it be nice for him to have breakfast with this time?......

At the same time.

On a relatively remote street.

Pen Shang Yuye was standing here, looking around, twitching his nose from time to time.

Jiang Zhou guessed half right, he was indeed not at home, but he was not racing either.

Just this morning, Pen Shang Yuye suddenly received a call from a strange man.

The content of the call was roughly [Your three girlfriends are in my hands. If you don’t want anything to happen to them, come to xxx.] It was a standard kidnapping and extortion routine, and Pen Shang Yuye didn’t know how many times he had heard it.

Should he extort money next?

However, what surprised him was that the other party hung up the phone directly after saying the address, without mentioning how much money he had brought.

"Where did this blackmailer come from? Isn't he too unprofessional?"Peng Shang Yuya couldn't help but feel a little confused. At the same time, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

For some reason, he called Mingmei, the red-haired beauty, among the three people.

The phone rang, but no one answered.

This made him feel even more uneasy.

"Let's ask someone else. Mingmei might be busy with other things, maybe learning to make bento or something."Punch Ueya found a reason that even he himself didn't believe.

Then he called the number of Ji Hui, the blonde with big breasts among the three beauties.

This time someone answered the phone, but it was Ji Hui's mother who answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Xiaoyu, what’s the matter with you?" Ji Hui’s mother spoke in a soft voice. She didn’t know the relationship between Penshang Yuye and her daughter, but she knew that Penshang Yuye was a senior that her daughter admired very much. Upon hearing the voice, Penshang Yuye also said softly:"Hello, Auntie, I have something to talk to Ji Hui about, can you let her answer the phone?"

"Ji Hui?"On the other end of the phone, Ji Hui's mother's voice sounded a little puzzled,"Didn't Ji Hui come to see you early in the morning?"

"Ah, is that so?"Pen Shang Yu was stunned for a moment, then exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Soon, he dialed the last number, the black-haired beauty - Reiko.

As a result, it was also Reiko's mother who answered the phone, and the answer given was exactly the same as Ji Hui's mother.

After hanging up the phone in a daze, Pen Shang Yuya's expression was completely frozen.

Could it be that what the blackmailer who called just now said was true?

Thinking of this, he quickly put on his clothes and rushed out of the room.

Riding a motorcycle, he soon came to the location mentioned by the person on the phone.

This is an extremely remote path. Even the locals of Morioh Town rarely go here. In addition, because it was early in the morning, there was no one to be seen here.

"No one, is this a prank?" Yuya Fushang frowned slightly, then twitched his nose slightly.

"If it's a prank, that's great. If you think about it carefully, maybe Jihui and Lingzi were delayed on the road."While saying this, Yuya walked slowly in another direction.

At the same time, his nose was still twitching.

Highway Star not only gave him the ability to take nutrients from other people, but also gave him a sense of smell far superior to that of a police dog.

Any smell that he smelled once would never escape his pursuit.

At this moment, he smelled the scent of a second person on this street.

Moreover, near this person, there were the scents of Mingmei, Jihui, and Lingzi!

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