The memory disk was put back on Zhongshan Sheng.

Zhongshan Sheng let out a soft groan, then covered his head and slowly stood up from the ground.

"I am......"What happened?" Zhongshan Sheng murmured. He seemed to be about to turn around and open the door when he fainted strangely. After that, he knew nothing.

At this time, Jiang Zhou explained:"It was the residual energy of the evil spirit in your body that took effect. Now it's okay."

Telling lies without thinking is also one of the useful skills that Jiang Zhou has learned in his short life.

"I see." Zhongshan Sheng nodded blankly.

At the same time, his admiration for Jiang Zhou grew even more.

It was Mr. Jiang Zhou who helped me solve it,

Mr. Jiang Zhou is really a good man!

I must repay him well!

When you are out there in the underworld, you can ignore everything except morality!

He thinks he can't repay evil with kindness, but he knows how to repay kindness.

At that moment, Zhongshan Sheng touched his head with a silly smile and said,"Mr. Jiang Zhou, you can just call me A Sheng. I'll take you to the prison."

""Yeah." Jiang Zhou nodded,"I'll go change my clothes first."

Jiang Zhou walked into the bedroom.

When he opened the door for Zhong Shansheng, he was still brushing his teeth, and he was only wearing pajamas.

Back in the room, he changed into a casual suit, and Jiang Zhou appeared at the door again, and then put on his handsome shoes!

"This pair of shoes is Berludi, right?"Nakayama Sheng recognized the brand of the shoes at a glance. Although he is not a shoe lover, he recognized the luxury brand that opened a boutique in Japan this year.

Thinking of this, Zhongshan Sheng took another look at the casual suits Jiang Zhou was wearing, and his brows frowned immediately. They were just some low-end, miscellaneous suits. They looked okay, but in fact the fabrics and workmanship were a mess!

How could Mr. Jiang Zhou wear such clothes? At least he should match these shoes!

Immediately, Zhongshan Sheng made up his mind to please Jiang Zhou, starting with his clothes.

When he goes back, he will first choose some brand-name suits, and then ask someone to check Jiang Zhou's size and send him seven or eight sets first!

On the other side, Jiang Zhou didn't know that the other party had already thought of a short essay of several hundred words in his mind in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the other party recognized the brand of his shoes, he just smiled and nodded. After all, the other party was also the son of a high-ranking gangster. After all, big and small is also a...Black second generation?

It's normal to have some preferences......

It was 8:25.

The taxi that Jiang Zhou and Zhongshan Sheng took had already stopped at the gate of the prison in Morioh Town.

Afterwards, Zhongshan Sheng, this guy, just went to the duty room and said something to the prison guard on duty, and the other party nodded at him gently.

Let him go!

The whole journey was very smooth, and there was no plot of pretending to be cool and slapping in the face like in the novel.

This made Jiang Zhou a little disappointed.

But think about it, the other party is the son of the gang leader, and Morioh Town is no different from the previous life. The influence of the gang seems to be quite popular in this world.

In fact, the current government has plans to let the gang assist in urban management, and learn from Italy in Western Europe.

Soon, Jiang Zhou and Zhongshan Sheng were already sitting in the reception room, and the table in front of them was full of prisoners' files.

These files have one thing in common, that is, all the prisoners have committed crimes that are enough to be sentenced to death.

Jiang Zhou just picked up a file and flipped through it briefly, and his brows were slightly frowned.

It was a male prisoner named Matsumoto Chio, with a big beard and small eyes.

He is a cultist who planned and carried out a terrorist attack a few years ago - releasing sarin gas on the subway during the morning rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring more than 5,000 people.

"It's him." Jiang Zhou handed the file in his hand to the prison guard.

The prison guard took the file, took a quick look, and then he showed a look of realization, nodded, and left the archive room.

Zhongshan Sheng on the side also said:"It will take about a few dozen minutes, and then we can go to the execution ground."

"Yeah."Jiang Zhou nodded.

Because of Nakayama Katsu, the verdict of this bearded criminal came out very quickly.

It was a death sentence without any surprise, and the execution time was immediate.

This made Jiang Zhou secretly sigh in his heart that a noble status could reduce a lot of trouble no matter where he was, whether it was his identity certificate when he first came to Morioh Town, or the recommendation letter of Otoishi Akira.

Or now, the verdict.

If it weren't for Nakayama Katsu's identity playing a role, it is estimated that this guy's verdict would not come out until a few years later.

As for the time of execution, it goes without saying that it is possible to drag it out for more than ten years!

The execution ground was quickly determined.

The method of execution is hanging, also known as [hanging]. In fact, hanging is divided into hanging and strangling.

The method of execution for the bearded man is hanging.

As the name suggests, it is a way of hanging a person's neck in the air with a rope to cause death.

Soon, the bearded criminal was pushed onto the execution platform by the prison guards, a rope was put around his neck, and his eyes were full of incredible

"How could it be so fast?"The bearded man was extremely confused. According to his assumption, his safety should be safe for at least seven or eight years!

But before he could think about it, the wooden board under him was suddenly pulled away, and he fell directly to the ground.


The sound of bones breaking was heard, and as the rope was stretched straight, the spine of the bearded man was broken.

At the same time, Jiang Zhou released the White Snake at the moment of execution, and asked him to take the cheap trick substitute disk and insert the disk into the body of the bearded man just before his death.

The White Snake nodded, and skillfully passed through the iron bars and walked into the execution ground.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the bearded man, he couldn't help but shook his head.

Gradually, the bearded man only had the last bit of life left. The White Snake seized the opportunity and threw the substitute disk directly in.

"What happened?"As soon as the cheap trick appeared, I felt my eyes go dark, and then slowly turned transparent and disappeared into the air.

"It's over." Jiang Zhou nodded to Zhongshan Sheng who was standing beside him, then said with a smile:"Thank you very much, Ah Sheng."

"Hey, it should be, it should be......"Zhongshan Sheng still smiled and scratched his head,"I'll take you back."

""Yes." Jiang Zhou did not refuse. The geographical environment here is a bit remote, and he forgot to bring his mobile phone when he came out.

If he were to go back by himself, he would probably have to walk back.

After all, who would go to prison for no reason?

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