By the time Josuke Higashikata arrived at the Morioh Port, it was already midnight.

The port was pitch black.

Josuke Higashikata had a serious expression on his face, always on guard against enemy attacks.

However, Jotaro, who had seen through Joseph's plan in advance, was not so serious. He put his hands in his pockets and walked as if he was taking a daily stroll.

This made Josuke feel helpless. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a sound of breaking air behind him.

Suddenly, Josuke's body tensed up, and Crazy Diamond appeared behind him in an instant, grabbing the flying object that was attacking him.

But as soon as he got his hands on it, Josuke found something wrong. How could he use rice cakes as a hidden weapon?

And in the next second, as if some mechanism was activated, the entire Morioh Port instantly became bright.

Countless figures walked out of the containers on the side, and Josuke was stunned.


The kidnapped Hirose Koichi and Nijimura Okuyasu also took out two fireworks from somewhere and exploded twice in front of Josuke.


Streamers flew out and landed all over Josuke.

Before he could come to his senses, he heard everyone saying in unison:"jsk! Happy birthday!"

Even Jotaro was smiling and blended into the crowd. In the past, Japan did not have the habit of celebrating birthdays. The only thing they would do was to celebrate grandly when a child turned one year old. But later, influenced by Chinese and Western cultures, they gradually began to celebrate birthdays once a year. When

Josuke Higashikata saw the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned red.

However, before he could say anything, Jiang Zhou on the side glanced at his watch and said immediately:"It's almost time!"

"What?"Jousuke was stunned again.

"Of course it's the cake. How can you celebrate a birthday without a cake?"Joseph came out slowly pushing the cake cart with a smile on his face.

"Blow out the candles, Josuke."

The bright moonlight and the bright Morioh Port, a group of people spent an unforgettable night here.......

June 5th, Saturday, the weather was fine.

Today, Jiang Zhou did not choose to sleep at home, nor did he go to Tiaotiao Cliff to practice wave ripples.

Instead, he came to the bookstore.

Looking at the newly published JOJO's Bizarre Adventure on the shelf, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Mr. Kishibe Rohan is still so efficient."

Picking up a comic book, Jiang Zhou simply flipped through it a few times. The plot is exactly the same as what he saw in his previous life.

Araki, you still said that you didn't copy Kishibe Rohan! (Wrong)

Hirose Koichi, who also came to buy comic books, was also a little surprised when he saw Jiang Zhou,"Mr. Jiang Zhou? Are you here to buy books too?"

"It's Koichi." Jiang Zhou turned around and nodded when he saw it was Koichi. He picked up the new book by Rohan Kishibe from the shelf and said,"It's the new book by Rohan Kishibe."

""Teacher Kishibe Rohan!" Hirose Koichi's eyes lit up instantly, but at the same time he was a little confused,"But Pink and Black Boy is still being updated? Why did you suddenly want to draw a new comic?"

"Maybe it’s because he is Kishibe Rohan!" Jiang Zhou said with a smile

"Is that so?" Guangse Kangyi scratched his head. He didn't quite understand Jiang Zhou's answer.

It seemed that he said something, but it seemed that he didn't say anything.

"However, since it is a comic by Mr. Rohan Kishibe, it must be very interesting."Thinking of this, Koichi Hirose handed the pocket money he had just received to the bookstore owner and bought a copy of Battle Trend.

But the moment he opened it, he was almost discouraged by the unique style of painting. It is significantly different from the popular comics nowadays, with thick lips, side face lines, and exaggerated muscles of the characters.

Is this kind of comic really drawn by Mr. Rohan Kishibe?

Such doubts filled the hearts of all those who opened this comic.

Because, in their opinion, Mr. Rohan Kishibe, as the author of the current trendy comic"Pink and Black Boy", should draw more comics that are in line with the current trend.

But not long after, all their doubts were solved.

There is no other reason, the content of the comics is really great!

As long as you can put aside your grudges about the style of painting and watch it carefully for ten minutes, it is no exaggeration to say that 99% of people have become JO fans, and the remaining 1% have become JO-level creatures.

It seems, not bad?

However, before this idea was born, it was replaced by a brand new idea.

"How come this comic is so thin!"A man saw the most crucial part and just wanted to continue reading, but he found that he only saw a shit-yellow button (crossed out) and a blank space.

This issue of the comic ended here?!

Almost everyone couldn't accept it.

What's more, a girl who looked weak and timid directly found the owner of the bookstore, but the owner's answer immediately left everyone speechless.

Like Pink and Black Boy, this comic will be released on time every Monday.

"Damn it! Does anyone know where Mr. Rohan Kishibe lives?"

"This is just a little bit, how can anyone read it!"

Even Hirose Koichi was thinking of going to Kishibe Rohan's house to ask for more offline.

But his inner reason finally prevailed.

At this time, he noticed that Jiang Zhou had disappeared.

"Strange, when did Mr. Jiang Zhou leave?" Guangse Koichi scratched his head, puzzled.

At the same time, he also remembered a very important thing.

"Oh no, I forgot to tell Teacher Jiang Zhou about what my sister asked me to do!"......

At this time, Jiang Zhou was already holding the comic book, walking aimlessly along the commercial street.

After reading to the end, even Jiang Zhou couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was still the familiar style of painting, the familiar Araki lines.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Where is he now?

Looking around, Jiang Zhou suddenly realized that he seemed to have walked into a place that was not right.

There was mist all around, and there were constant breathing sounds coming from behind him.

However, what Jiang Zhou can be sure of is that there is no one around him.

This is his confidence in his perception as a ripple messenger.

What's the matter with the footsteps?!

Soon, his doubts were answered, and a girl with pink hair and pink eyes appeared in front of him.

Jiang Zhou narrowed his eyes, and a string of numbers blurted out:"82 57 84!"

"What?!"The girl was stunned

"Ahem."Jiang Zhou's face turned red."Nothing, just an instinctive reaction."

""Oh." The girl nodded. Although she didn't understand, it didn't stop her from saying

"Sir, are you lost here?"

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