Just when Higashikata Josuke was determined to find the other party and beat him up.

The spicy red pepper had already gone to the other direction along the power line.

Morioh Hotel!

From the No. 1 bus stop, take the [Morioh Large Beach Line] and get off at the [Morioh Hotel] station. It is located in the high-end villa area.

The Morioh Hotel, which has a historical charm, is home to tourists from all over the world and is deeply loved by them.

The beef tongue that can be tasted in the restaurant in the hotel is even rated as a delicacy on earth.

Even Joseph, the real estate tycoon, does not have a house in Morioh Town.

Therefore, this is also where Joseph and Jotaro currently live.

The two live in rooms 305 and 304 respectively, separated by only a wall.

At this moment, Jotaro is writing his doctoral thesis on starfish in the room, not paying any attention to the passage of time.

Unconsciously, the moon is already high in the sky.

Jotaro also yawned, pinned a note in the information book, and prepared to go to bed.

At the same time, Higashikata Josuke also thought of the possibility of using his telepathic ability to directly find the other party's location.

He also came to the Morioh Hotel, asked the hotel front desk for Joseph's room number, and then took the elevator to the third floor.

However, just as he walked to the door of the room and had no time to knock on the door, a scream came from behind the door.

This instantly made him unable to remain calm.

Crazy Diamond's fist instantly appeared on his fist, and he punched the door of the hotel through.

Josuke also walked in through the hole and the handle of the revolving door.

What came into view was a miserable-looking room.

From the sofa to the cabinet, and even the ceiling, there were traces of fighting everywhere, as if a big battle had taken place.

"Are we still a step too late?" Josuke was unwilling to give in. His fists were clenched so hard that the knuckles turned white. He rushed here as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that he was still a step too late.

Now even the last way to find the opponent was gone. At this time, Jotaro also heard the noise and rushed over from the next door.

He first saw a messy room, and then saw Josuke's figure. He frowned and asked,"Did something happen here, Josuke?"

"It's Xin Hong La Jiao. That guy has appeared again. He just captured Kang Yi and Yi Tai not long ago. I didn't expect that he would not even let Mr. Joseph go."

"It seems that the other party is still very afraid of the old man's ability. Let's look around the room. The old man should have left some clues."

Jotaro said, looking around the room, and soon noticed the only TV in the room that was not damaged.

He walked forward and chopped it at a 45-degree angle.

The TV screen first lit up with a burst of purple electric light, and then was wrapped by vines.

"It's the power of the Hermit Purple!" Jotaro's eyes lit up, and then he looked at the picture on the screen carefully.

At the same time, Star Platinum appeared behind him, holding a pencil and a notebook in his hands.

Joseph had been kidnapped, and the TV should have the delayed-triggered telepathic ability left by the Hermit Purple, and the picture would not exist for too long.

There were no cameras in the hotel, so he could only use sketches to save the pictures.

On the screen, the picture flashed by, and before Josuke Higashikata, who had just walked over, could see clearly, the screen turned black again.

"What? It was just a moment. What kind of clue is that?"Higashikata Josuke complained.

"That's enough."Jotaro said calmly.

At the same time, Star Platinum behind him looked stern, then tightly grasped the pencil, and the picture on the TV instantly appeared on the notebook.

Except for the lack of color, it was almost the same as the picture on the TV just now.

"Great! Is this Mr. Jotaro's Star Platinum? It's really reliable!"Jousuke Higashikata was very surprised. Looking at the sketch in Star Platinum's hand, his eyes lit up.

Now we have a clue, right?

"here it is......"The container terminal of Morioh." Looking at the picture on the notebook, Josuke Higashikata instantly recognized the location on the screen.

Although Morioh is a port town, there is only one terminal, which is Morioh Terminal.

"Without further ado, let's go now!"

After the two of them left, the sound of conversation could be heard again in the empty room.

"Well, isn't this too obvious a clue?"Jiang Zhou asked curiously.

It was more than obvious, it was almost like telling the other party the answer directly.

However, Joseph waved his hand nonchalantly,"I didn't expect him to find the place through the clues."

"It's just a birthday celebration, so don't worry about it."

"As long as you are happy." Jiang Zhou said indifferently.

Anyway, he was just an extra invited by Joseph to celebrate Josuke's birthday, so he didn't discuss whether the script of the chief director was reasonable.

At this moment, Jiang Zhou's ears suddenly trembled a few times, and then the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously,"Mr. Joseph, it seems that your plan is about to be exposed now"

"How is it possible?"Joseph was very confident that he had fooled even Jotaro.

How could his plan be exposed?!

But in the next second, Jotaro, who had already left, came back and stood at the door.

"You, why are you back!?"Joseph's face was full of disbelief.

However, Jotaro just sat on the sofa silently, poured himself a cup of black tea, and then said:"Stinky old man, your acting skills can probably only fool Josuke."

Before Joseph could open his mouth to refute, Jotaro pointed at the marks on the ceiling and said:"With your ability, how could you possibly survive so many rounds at the hands of Chili Pepper? If you really met Chili Pepper, you would probably be killed in an instant."

"I'm not that bad." Joseph curled his lips and said,"But don't tell Josuke, at least, wait until we get there before telling him."

"I just came back to get my hat." Jotaro smiled, picked up the white hat from behind and put it on his head.

The birthday party still had to go on, and he couldn't let down the good intentions of an old father.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhou put his hand on Joseph's shoulder, then activated Chili Pepper's ability, converting himself and Joseph into electric current at the same time, and then disappeared in the room.

Jotaro silently watched the disappearing electric light, with a slight smile on his face.

It seems that Chili Pepper's Stand should have been solved by Jiang Zhou.

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