In the suburbs, Joseph was walking in front, pushing a baby stroller.

Jiang Zhou and Higashikata Josuke followed from a distance behind because they were afraid that their conversation would disturb the sleeping baby.

"So, Mr. Joseph is going to adopt this baby?" Jiang Zhou was a little surprised.

That seniority is a bit too high.

Jotaro didn't want to talk anymore!

But then again, Jotaro seems to have the lowest seniority in the first four parts of JOJO.

And in Stone Sea, although his seniority is no longer the lowest, his performance is hard to describe.

If he continues according to his original destiny, he will definitely die.

Could this be the price of being invincible!?

Jiang Zhou seemed to understand something vaguely.

Josuke on the side nodded, obviously accepting his fate of having another brother or sister.

At this moment, a roar like the roar of a giant beast exploded in his ears, and a red sports car sped past.

Almost instantly, Jiang Zhou, Higashikata Josuke, and Joseph were all nervous at this moment. wake up.

Especially Joseph, who was pushing the stroller, prayed in his heart.

Don't wake up!

Babies are undoubtedly the cutest things in the world.

But the premise is that they are asleep.

Once they are awakened, the cutest thing in the world will probably become the most terrifying thing in the world.

However, listening to the breathing sounds coming from the ears, the baby was not awakened by the loud noise just now.

This made the three of them breathe a sigh of relief. It

's good that he didn't wake up.

But in the next second, a metal can was thrown down from the car just now.

What a coincidence that it hit the stroller.

Before Joseph could react, the baby had woken up.

First he blinked, and then his little face wrinkled into a ball, with a pout, looking very aggrieved.



"Ah! What should I do? What should I do?!"Hearing the crying sound in his ears, Josuke panicked again. He had no idea what to do with the baby.

Jiang Zhou on the side also frowned. If the baby grew up to be a teenager, he would not mind. He also had enough experience to coax her to sleep.

But for the baby, even he did not have any particularly good solution.

And when the baby was frightened, even Joseph, who had experience in taking care of children, was at a loss.

"How about we knock her out?" Josuke suggested.

Anyway, with his Crazy Diamond, there was no need to worry about the baby getting hurt.

However, as soon as these words came out, they were strongly resisted by Joseph and Jiang Zhou.

Not only that, the baby lying in the stroller seemed to have sensed the danger and unconsciously activated the Stand ability.

You know, this baby is not like the Stand user of Death Thirteen. She had no way to control her Stand from the beginning, so her whole body was transparent and she was abandoned by her mother as a monster.

And now, the baby who felt the danger used this invisible ability on other things.

The first thing to be affected was the stroller under her.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the originally pink stroller disappeared from everyone's sight.

Only Joseph, who was pushing the stroller, could feel that the stroller was still in its original position.

However, in the next second, Joseph, who was holding the stroller, made an incredible sound:


"What happened?!"Hearing the voice, Higashikata Josuke hurried forward, but when he walked to Joseph's side, he found that not only the baby carriage, but also Joseph's arms were affected by the baby's ability and became transparent.

Looking at Joseph's empty cuffs, Jiang Zhou felt a chill for no reason.

But soon, he straightened his expression and prepared to solve this trouble before things became uncontrollable.

And the way is naturally to start with the trouble itself.

""White Snake!"

With a low shout, a gray figure walked out from Jiang Zhou's shadow.

Without waiting for Jiang Zhou to speak, he walked to Joseph's side very consciously, and then the gray palm began to grope in the air in front of him.

As he entered the range of the baby's substitute, the white snake's arm naturally fell into an invisible state.

However, this state did not last long, and the white snake's arm returned to its original color.

The same was true for Joseph and the baby carriage under the baby.

In the hand of the white snake, there was a silver-white disk.

But there was no intention to put it away, but to put it away. Next to the baby's pillow.

Then he found a blank disk from his body, wrote some instructions on it, and then inserted it into the baby's mind.

After doing all this, the white snake returned to Jiang Zhou's back and disappeared.

The baby yawned and fell asleep again.

Seeing this scene, Joseph couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Higashikata Josuke on the side even collapsed on the ground.

Although he didn't do anything, just listening to the long and lingering baby cry had caused great trauma to his heart.

Even now, he can still hear a faint cry in his ears.



It even became clearer

"No!"Higashikata Josuke suddenly opened his eyes wide. He really heard crying.

The originally quiet baby carriage was filled with crying again, but it was not as long and continuous as before. Instead, it had some rhythm.

"The baby should be changing his diaper, right?" Jiang Zhou said, and then explained:"Just now, when Baishe extracted her substitute ability, she also implanted some instructions in her mind to facilitate taking care of the child.���For example, the crying sound now is the reaction of urinating."

"So that's how it is." Josuke breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the reason.

However, the stroller didn't have any baby supplies like diapers, so they still had to go to a nearby store to buy some.

When the group arrived at the door of the store, Joseph realized something crucial, and then turned to Josuke Higashikata and said,"I only brought traveler's checks this time, so......"

"this......"Higashikata Josuke looked at Jiang Zhou again.

However, the latter just spread his hands. He was just bored this time and didn't come to buy anything, so he didn't even bring his wallet with him.

Seeing this, Higashikata Josuke had to offer his credit card.

Then he also told him not to buy anything randomly.

Joseph took the credit card and walked into the store.

After giving the instructions, Higashikata Josuke seemed a little worried, so he asked Jiang Zhou to go in with him.

He was left alone to guard the door.

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