

Adjusting his breathing, Jiang Zhou has now climbed to the edge of the cliff.

The weight of his body, more than 100 kilograms, can only be suspended on this cliff by the ripples on his fingertips.

This approach can certainly exercise the power of the ripples, but Jiang Zhou is also a little hungry at the moment.

After all, the ripples are not some magical skill that can eat wind and drink dew, so Jiang Zhou does not intend to hang on this cliff like drying bacon.

Immediately, the four fingers exerted force suddenly, and the body swayed back and forth, just like a gymnast. When Jiang Zhou's body was almost parallel to the sea surface, he broke the connection between the ripples of his fingers and the rock wall.

The body flew up suddenly, turned two and a half times in the air, and then landed steadily.

Looking at the white-haired girl not far away, and then looking at Hirose Koichi who was farther away, Jiang Zhou did not speak.

The development of things is finally back on track.

However, in a sense, after experiencing what happened today, this sickly girl may really be willing to make some changes for Koichi.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou didn't plan to care about the relationship between these two infatuated men and women, but greeted Hirose Koichi in the distance,"Hey, Koichi, I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you changed your hairstyle?"

In the distance, in order to get rid of Yamagishi Yukako's control, he resolutely used scissors to help himself cut a short bob.

"Ah, it's Mr. Jiang Zhou." Turning around and seeing Jiang Zhou, Hirose Koichi showed a look of surprise, then scratched his head in embarrassment and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang Zhou, I still failed, yandere or something......."

"Why are you apologizing to me? Besides, I don't think you have failed."Jiang Zhou said with a hint of meaning.

""Huh?" Guangse Kang was stunned, obviously not understanding what Jiang Zhou meant.

When he came to his senses, Jiang Zhou had already walked away.......

The next morning.

It was also the last day of the Golden Week.

After today, all students will go back to school, and all office workers will be busy again.

However, these things have nothing to do with Jiang Zhou.

He has not worked for a long time since he quit his job as a tutor because of the planning of the ripple breathing method.

But he is not too worried about the source of income.

Whether it is the filial piety of Hasegawa Juro or the dividends from Kobayashi Tamami.

It is enough for him to live comfortably in this small town.

However, humans are not a kind of creature that can be idle, just like Jiang Zhou went to the sea cliff to climb with his hands yesterday.

It is said to be exercising ripples, but in fact it is just a way to kill boring time.

And now, Jiang Zhou is once again trapped in boring time.

Just like people will be entangled in things like [what to eat for dinner], Jiang Zhou will also be entangled in where to kill time.

"never mind...I'd better go out for a walk." Shaking his head, Jiang Zhou finally decided to go out.

After all, the stand users are attracted to each other, and maybe he can meet a stand user this time and teach him a lesson.

With this idea in mind, Jiang Zhou changed into a casual suit, and then put on shiny leather shoes.......

Walking on the road leading to the suburbs.

Jiang Zhou breathed in the smell of soil and grass. He was in a particularly good mood.

However, at this moment, the sound of a baby crying reached his ears.

He couldn't help but frown.

But he was soon relieved.

This road is the only way to the highway. Maybe this mother is going on a long trip with her child.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhou continued to move forward.

Not far away, beside the road.

Higashikata Josuke is facing unprecedented trouble at this moment.

I saw a baby carriage parked beside the road, and a loud cry was coming from it.

However, there was no sign of the baby.

"The mother must have abandoned her child. Joseph frowned and glanced in the direction of Josuke unconsciously.

He did the same thing as the cruel mother.

Although he didn't know

"This child probably has no way to control the power of his Stand, so his mother threw him into the wilderness like a monster."

Joseph said as he walked over.

Ripples were stimulated, and although his body was still old, he was not so weak that he needed crutches to move.

Then, Joseph's big hands began to grope in the stroller, and soon found the invisible baby.

He picked it up gently, and then skillfully coaxed the baby to sleep.

This scene almost stunned Josuke.

Can this guy even do this kind of thing?

As if noticing Josuke's surprised look, Joseph whispered:"It happened more than ten years ago, when we were still in the desert......."

Joseph was about to talk about the Stardust Expedition, but Higashikata Josuke obviously didn't want to hear it. He simply waved his hand and said,"Forget it, it doesn't matter what, how should we deal with this guy?"


Joseph was also stunned. He had never thought about this.

But when he felt the warmth in his palm, he smiled slightly and said,"Leave it to me."

At this time, the baby stopped crying and fell asleep.

Joseph also put her back in the stroller and then slowly pushed the stroller.

"Let's go buy some daily necessities for this little guy first. Morioh Hotel doesn't have these things."

Looking at Joseph's gradually receding back, Higashikata Josuke remained silent.

At this moment, a familiar voice greeted him.

"Hey, Josuke."

Hearing the voice, Josuke turned his head almost instantly and put his finger to his mouth.

""Speak softly, the baby just fell asleep!"

His expression was serious, just like a brother who was taking care of his sister's sleep.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhou was stunned.


Where did the baby come from?

Just as he was puzzled, Higashikata Jousuke pointed at the baby carriage and whispered,"It is a baby who has awakened a substitute and was cruelly abandoned by his mother."

"I see."Jiang Zhou nodded.

Being a stand user is a normal thing.

After all, not all parents can accept that their son or daughter has abilities that they cannot understand.

Except for Qi Mu's family.

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