The coffee shop in the campus festival is naturally not an ordinary coffee shop - a maid coffee shop.

"Yotsuba, thank you really for coming!"

The female class leader of the 2nd year E class came over and held Sanjiu's hand with a smile.

Sanjiu blinked: "Next to it is Shiye, my name is Sanjiu..." The

female squad leader's expression was slightly sluggish, and after reacting, he hurriedly smiled and said: "You sisters really look alike!"

Ito looked at the situation in the store, it was empty, and it looked very deserted.

"You don't need any help, no one is coming." Ito said very unceremoniously.

"Yuejun!" Yotsuba tugged at Raitokoshi's sleeve, "That's too rude!"

Ito pouted.

Neon is really a very strange country, a very classic sentence to summarize - there is a small gift but no big righteousness!

For example, the small movie rich in neon does not prohibit its distribution, but wants to cover up and ask for mosaic.

Ito-koshi is very dissatisfied with this, you come generously, we are all decent gentlemen, covert anti-neon judges!

The female squad leader smiled embarrassedly: "Actually... We invited Yotsuba to come because we wanted her to drive the popularity of the store..."

Ito glanced at her: "Your abacus is very loud, how to calculate the salary?" "

The activities of the school festival can be profitable, and the net profit will be used as class fees.

But Ito-koshi doesn't want to be prostituted in vain.

He is used to white, or the first time someone has prostituted on his head in vain!

"Salary..." the female squad leader reacted very quickly, and quickly laughed, "The hourly salary is seven hundred yen... What do you think?

Ito waved his hand.

It doesn't matter how much, the main thing is that you can't be in vain, this is a matter of principle!

"Okay!" The female squad leader happily jumped lightly in place twice, and then looked at Sanjiu and Shiba, "Come with me to change clothes!"

Sanjiu pointed to himself: "I want to change too?"

Ito-etsu looked at Sanjiu's slim figure, and couldn't help but start imagining what Sanjiu would look like in a maid costume...


Ito Yue rubbed Sanjiu's head: "Go and try it, Sanjiu is definitely very suitable for maid clothing!" "

The hara at the corner of Itokoshi's mouth is about to flow down!

Sanjiu nodded, pursed his lips and smiled: "Good!" "


When Sanjiu and Shiba changed into black and white maids and came out, the eyes of everyone present showed a stunning look.

Ito Yue walked over and looked up and down: "Sanjiu is really very suitable for maid clothing!"

Sanjiu pursed his lips and smiled.

It seemed that all the eyes around her were focused on her, and the timid Sanjiu hid in Ito-koshi's arms a little nervously.

Yotsuba puffed out: "What about me?" Isn't Yuejun going to evaluate it! Even

Yotsuba herself didn't realize that she was making a little emotional at first.

If it is not a person who trusts and relies on very much, a person like Yotsuba will not make a mood.

Don't dare, can't.

Ito Koshi rubbed Yotsuba's short hair and looked at it carefully before pretending to exaggerate:

"Whose angel is this?" If no one wants me, I will take it home!"

"It's too pompous," Yotsuba scratched his head.

But...... I'm still very happy!

The female squad leader shouted, "Yotsuba, can we start?"

"Here it comes!" Yotsuba carried the corner of the maid's skirt and walked towards the door.

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