"It's not about being ruthless and refusing to help everyone, just being appropriate."

"And you can't promise it all at once, when others ask for help, you must put on a difficult look, so that the other party will remember your efforts."

Yotsuba tilted his head: "So... Wouldn't it be too utilitarian? "

The little angel of Yotsuba is a little unable to understand Itokoshi's philosophy of life.

Ito-koshi rubbed Yotsuba's little head again:

"You are so kind, it is estimated that you will not be able to change the habit of helping people for a while..." "

In short, if someone asks you for help again in the future, you can just shirk and say that something is wrong!"

Yotsuba was a little dazed: "I... I won't! "

For a flattering personality, rejection is a difficult task.

Ito knocked on Yotsuba's head: "If not, just say that you want to accompany your boyfriend!" This

was an angry sentence, but Yotsuba and Sanjiu looked at each other and felt that this reason was good.

Ito-koshi took the hands of the two girls and

hummed: "Even if you agree, I will push you at that time, if you don't want them to be in a hurry because of the suddenness of the incident, it's best to refuse at the beginning!"

"I... I see..." the rabbit headband on top of Yotsuba's head pulled down.

Meeting such a domineering "boyfriend", Yotsuba can only say sorry to his friends....

"Sanjiu, Yuejun is so domineering, you are really hard!" Shitaba leaned close to Sanjiu's ear and whispered.

"Nope!" Sanjiu was a little puzzled, "Yuejun is very gentle!" "

Yotsuba has a bitter little face, so it's only me who is fierce


Ito Yue smiled, you know what, I call this the right medicine!

Xue Nai is cold and withdrawn, so he doesn't have a face.

Sanjiu has low self-esteem and sensitivity, so he uses gentleness and reliability.

Senior Mai was uneasy in her heart, so she provided her with a sense of security.

Yotsuba's flattering personality needs strong people to guide her, otherwise she will be deeply trapped in the vortex of interpersonal relationships and be corroded little by little.

Ito-koshi had a somewhat flattering personality in college in his last life.

To what extent is it flattering?

When sleeping, turn over, are careful, sometimes after the bed is old and makes a sound, even prefer to maintain an uncomfortable posture to sleep, dare not move.

To the goddess too....

In layman's terms, it's called licking the dog!

Then one day, Ito Yue suddenly felt why Lao Tzu was so humble.

It is better to resent yourself than to resent the world.

Since a two-star book review with a "hehe", it is like opening the door to a new world.

The first time in the game, the first time in the QQ group.

The waist is no longer sore, the legs are not painful, eat Ma Ma fragrant!

[The above is the experience of the protagonist, which has nothing to do with the author, and is hereby declared! ]

In a word, don't take weakness for kindness, scold it when you should scold it.

Ito-koshi finished unblocking the problem girl Yotsuba and took her and Sanjiu to the café.

Coincidentally, the café that needed help opened right next door to the haunted house.

Ito looked over, Yotsuba wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, and said with a tense face:

"They are all classmates from the next class..."

When talking to people, he is in a bad mood and subconsciously shows a smile, which is also a kind of flattery.

Itokoshi nodded, and there was still progress.

When passing by the haunted house, I heard such a conversation.

"Squad leader, do you want to take a break? I've been pretending to be a ghost for so long..."

"Don't come and rob me of my life, whoever comes, I'm anxious with whom!"

The students of Year 2F seemed to know this snarky class president for the first time, and muttered:

"The class leader is really dedicated!"

"I suddenly think she's not that ugly... Vomit!

"The squad leader is really suitable for being a ghost! You see, it's all scary! Ito said as he passed by.

For some reason, Yotsuba suddenly smiled.

The smile was fleeting, but it didn't mean anything flattering.


friends with a flattering personality, stop pleasing others and wronging themselves, when necessary, scold a bad word!

Well, beg for gifts, don't scold the fish.

Ask for a free generation for love ~ฅ՞•ع•՞ฅ

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