Did I... Like him?

She stared blankly at the ground, her hot cheeks exposing the girl's thoughts.

I, I don't like this guy!

May shook her head, as if to shake the thoughts out of her head.

"May, why are you alone there? Come and eat! Nino

turned on the rice cooker, only to see May standing alone in the living room, not knowing what he was doing.


May walked to the table with a heavy heart, her beautiful eyebrows slightly raised.

This serious and stubborn girl also had her own mind for the first time.


After eating, it is still a study session.

This time, even Sanjiu and Ernai could not escape, so they could only sit at the table with a bitter little face and obediently kneel.

Yukino is responsible for sorting out and explaining the knowledge points, Mai Sakurajima is responsible for explaining the questions that the five sisters do not understand separately, and the two top students clearly divide the work.

Although learning is painful, the progress achieved is real.

Looking back at the questions that I couldn't understand before, I was surprised to find that it was so simple, and I even wondered why I couldn't do it in the first place.

The evening study is divided into two lessons, with a fifteen-minute break in between.

Finally, when the recess came, the five little ones were lying on the table, and they didn't want to move....

The lights were bright yellow, five beautiful girls with the same faces were lying or lying on their stomachs, and Yukino and Mai were talking on the edge of the sofa to discuss plans for the next study session.

Itokoshi sat on the sofa on the other side, his eyes as deep as the night sky, quietly watching this scene.

Sanjiu was lying on the table, his small face resting on his left arm, and holding a pen in his right hand to scribble on scratch paper.

The yellow light diffused down, sprinkled on the girl's goose-egg-like face, young and beautiful.

I don't know if I have a soul.

Sanjiu suddenly raised his head and looked over, and there were several looming red shadows on his face.

She looked at the person she wanted to see, only to find that he was also looking at her.

"Look what I do..." the girl muttered softly, blushing like an apple.

"Nothing." Itokoshi heard the girl's whisper, smiled, and said to himself, "I just think you're cute..."

The moon is hazy and the sky is full of stars.

In the courtyard shrouded in darkness, such a dialogue was heard.

"Ram, so... Wouldn't that be too bold! The girl's tone was a little timid.

Another girl said, "If you don't go, I'll go by myself!"

Rem stopped talking and silently followed Ram.

She told Ram about her night raid on her master, and when Ram heard it, he immediately pulled her over.

Rem was a little nervous, but she didn't understand where her nervousness came from.

I didn't feel much nervous when I was alone before, but now, obviously with Ram, but I got nervous....

Ram is very decisive, just do what she says, and she has not experienced the broken horn incident like in the original book, and she has developed a fierce personality.

Now that Rem has achieved the phased results, she chooses to expand this achievement and gradually approach the end of the victory.

Ram took Rem by the hand and walked to the door of the master's room.

Just about to open the door, I found sweaty palms.

In fact, she is not so brave and courageous, and when the time comes, she will hesitate and be afraid.

However, she will not back down!

Ram took a deep breath, opened the wooden door in front of him, took Rem by the hand, and walked into the room shrouded in darkness.

The wooden door creaked, making it a little harsh in the silent night.

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