Compared with the beginning, now they are gradually acquainted, and they are no longer so restrained in this ancient house, and they are somewhat accustomed to such a life.

Ichika sat kneeling at the table, her hips pressed against her calves, her white stocking-wrapped toes small and delicate, moving from time to time.

Yotsuba was lying on the table, looking at the textbook in front of him, densely packed words, his eyes were empty, his expression was without sorrow or joy, and he looked like he had seen through the red dust.

Mai sat on the sofa, hugging her knees, her long legs wrapped in black silk curved gracefully, and she watched this scene with amusement.

May was serious and energetic, but...

Yukino, who had just finished reading the May exam paper, rubbed the corners of her forehead, a little tired.

Sanjiu poked his head out of the kitchen, saw the miserable situation of the sisters, and suffered with empathy.

Nino walked out with the plate and put it on the table.

Yukino closed her textbook and said, "Okay, let's get here first."

Yotsuba was amnestied, instantly rejuvenated, and ran into the kitchen with a shout: "I'm here to help serve the bowl!" Ichika

sat down on the sofa, stretched her somewhat numb calves, and stretched her hands upwards, stretching out by the way

The light-colored knitted sweater outlines a thrilling curve, making someone's eyes move uncontrollably as if attracted by a magnet.

Yihua lowered her head, just in time to meet the somewhat hot line of sight.

She tilted her head, her watery eyes narrowed slightly, stretched out her pink tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, seeing Ito's heart beat faster.

"Not honestly..." said Ichika suddenly.

"Who is not honest?"

May held down the frame of her glasses, revealing an intellectual beauty.

"I'm talking about Koshi-kun..." Ichika looked at Ito-koshi, who was full of earnestness, and the corners of his mouth lifted: "He was not honest at all during the study meeting just now, and he didn't listen very carefully throughout the whole process..." May looked at Ito-koshi

, who nodded: "Yes, I shouldn't not listen carefully, I repent!"

May pointed at him with a pen, then lowered her head and continued to work on the problem.

The good-looking brows were slightly wrinkled, probably encountering some problem, and the delicate red lips against the barrel of the pen, delicate in the dazzling light.

Sanjiu's eyebrows are soft, and May's is slightly sharp, obviously quintuple sisters, but the subtle differences of each person highlight everyone's characteristics.

As if feeling the gaze, May raised his head, saw Ito's smiling eyes, puffed out his face and raised his eyebrows:

"What's so funny, aren't I just stupid!"

She was pondering a question that Yukino had just spoken.

May was a little upset, obviously he had said it, but he still couldn't understand it.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Ito Yue looking at her and laughing, and I was suddenly even more angry!

Ito pouted: "I didn't say you were stupid, you said it yourself." "

You!" May stood up, her little feet wrapped in white calf socks stepped on the ground, and she pedaled towards Ito-koshi, imposing!

Then, the foot slipped....

Threw himself into Itokoshi's arms.

The two men stared at each other's cheeks, and neither spoke for a while.

May's fullness was attached to his chest, and I have to say that eating enough is more fat....

May blinked his eyes in panic, left Itokoshi's arms, stood in place, blushed and stammered:

"Gang, it was just an accident just now!"

Ito-koshi smiled: "You said yes, yes..."

May wanted to retort, but found that... He is not so justified.


two more chapters of the party, Ask for a Free Power ♪for Love ٩( ́ᴗ'๑)۶⁾⁾

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