【[Yakumo Yukari]: Aren't you guys fighting the Holy Grail War? How did you suddenly go to the past?

Yakumo Yukari was more accepting of Goetia's great power. And she asked about it immediately.

Kato Megumi also reacted at this time.

【Kato Megumi]: Yes, yes, the Holy Grail War hasn’t ended yet?

【[Tohsaka Rin]: The Holy Grail War we participated in is over, but due to some legacy issues, a lot of life energy has been added. It just so happens that there are some things I want to personally question my deceased father, so Lady Goetia helped me. Let me go back in person!

【Lai Yueang]: Tsk tsk, the boss is the boss

【Ishigami Senku]: Are you kidding me? Traveling through time? This is not scientific at all.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Is it possible that the existence of this group is unscientific? Moreover, when technology develops to a certain point, who knows if a time machine will be invented?

【Ichinose Honami]: Yes, it's rare for Aqua to say something so sensible!

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Ichinose Honami, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me? Isn't it normal for me to say something so reasonable? I am the Water Goddess Aqua!

【Kato Megumi: Okay, Aqua, stop arguing here. I've sent you some Saint Quartz, go play!

【Ishigami Senku]: Kato Megumi, I want one too. I haven't drawn a five-star yet!

【[Kohiko Ninja]: Oh my, aren't you developing technology? How can you still have time to play games? Spider-girl holding back laughter.jpg

【Kato Megumi】:...OK!

Although she was a little surprised that Senku also showed up to ask for the Saint Quartz, at least these two people were sent away. In the group, let's continue discussing business!

Seeing Kato Megumi sending her away in the group, Aqua felt very sad. Have you forgotten that you were a believer of this goddess in the beginning? What is this"three, five, three" now? You actually treated me like a child and sent me away? Do you think I will benefit from it?

Wait, let's see how many stones were sent to me first.

When Aqua saw the hundreds of stones in the mailbox in the game, Aqua decisively stopped paying attention to the things in the group. Sure enough, Kato Megumi still cares about this goddess.

【Kato Megumi: Ahem, okay, the most important thing now is, how long will you need this time? I'm already on vacation. The party and the like can be put on the agenda. Ichinose, are you guys on vacation?

【Ichinose Honoki: We will be released tomorrow.

Rin Tousaka also told Gaetia about the reunion.

Gaetia thought about it and spoke.

"This time, we just want you to meet the people you want to meet. It doesn’t take too long. If there are no accidents, it can be done in these two days!"

"But...Will there really be no accidents? I always feel like something is going to happen!"

Tosaka Rin complained.

Not to mention this, even Goetia couldn't guarantee it.

【[Tosaka Rin]: Lord Goetia said that three days should be enough. I wonder how long it will take for you after the time conversion.

In fact, in the chat group, as long as everyone is online, the time is actually acceptable. But once you are offline, the speed of time may be different. However, it will be fine when the time comes. After informing the group of this news, Tosaka Rin also withdrew her attention from the group.

Sooner or later, she will be led astray by this group.

At this moment, the three servants are fighting fiercely with the sea monster. The strength of this sea monster is still difficult to deal with when these servants do not intend to release the treasure. The strength of the sea monster itself is actually about the average level of Goetia's demon pillar.

The sea monster is a monster summoned by Caster Gildre's treasure.

The textbook of Luoyan City, a magic book bound with human skin. It can summon and enslave monsters in the deep sea. This book has the ability to serve as a magic furnace core. It can ignore the magic power of the caster and automatically launch magic at the level of great magic ritual spells.

It records the taboo knowledge about the ancient evil god before the emergence of humans. Gilderrey holds the Italian translation of the magician François Prelati, which was originally written in Chinese during the Rabbit Xia Dynasty. It is said that the earlier original text was written in a language other than human.

Therefore, the sea monster itself is also very high-level.

Moreover, the sea monster is still expanding, and its size is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it is not so simple.

At this time, Medusa, as a servant, sensed something.

"A new servant has joined us."

Everyone looked towards the other side as Medusa spoke, and sure enough, a golden flying machine appeared in the sky. Seeing this scene, Rin and Sakura both screamed!


The people who came were the four Archer groups, namely Tohsaka Tokiomi and Gilgamesh. As a famous magician and one of the three great families, Tohsaka Tokiomi wanted to solve this disaster when Caster made such a big fuss. By the way, he got the Command Spell reward from the supervisor.

However, he had a very bad affinity with Gilgamesh, so at this moment, Gilgamesh had no intention of taking action after only shooting four treasures from high altitude at the sea demon below.

No matter how Tohsaka Tokiomi persuaded him, Gilgamesh had no idea at all. He even almost broke up with Gilgamesh. At this point, Tohsaka Tokiomi had to give up. At this time, the official force came, and two fighter planes headed straight for the sea demon.

Unfortunately, all the missiles and artillery did not cause any damage to it. On the contrary, one fighter plane was swallowed by the sea demon.

As for the other one, it was hijacked by Berserker in the air.

And, it launched a provocation against Gilgamesh.

Therefore, Gilgamesh let Tohsaka Tokiomi go from the Vimana, and Gilgamesh was in charge of Berserker. As for the master of Berserker, it was handed over to Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin, Sakura and Medusa prepared to rush to the direction of Tohsaka Tokiomi. Taking this opportunity, they met with him.

In fact, Goetia also wanted to see how Rin and Sakura would question Tohsaka Tokiomi.

However, before going over, Goetia spoke

"If we can't stop the fight between them, then just beat them both up!"

Gaetia's reminder made Rin and Sakura speechless.

They didn't know that their father was fighting with Matou Kariya.

Matou Kariya was still very complicated for Sakura.

In the past, the person from the Matou family who had the deepest impression on Sakura should be this one.

Although they didn't understand what Gaetia meant, the three of them left directly.

Although in terms of strength, Rin is definitely not comparable to the current Tosaka Tokiomi, although he is very talented, he is still too young after all.

Sakura, on the other hand, is actually very strong as a magician now because of the factor of being possessed by the Holy Grail.

But Sakura's body is too weak. Although she has made up a lot before, she has not reached her peak state.

Among these young people, the only one who can catch up with the average level of this group of four war masters is Illya. Of course, the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu and the color position Kenneth cannot be compared for the time being.

"Senior, now that they are gone, can we go see our mother?"

It was Illya who was speaking. It is worth mentioning that this time Shirou chose to go with Illya instead of Sakura. Because he also wanted to see that man again, the man who taught him the concept of justice.

In this regard, Gaetia did not refuse.

Over there, there was Medusa who could protect the two of them, and there was no danger. After all, all the servants were on the battlefield now. Even if there were other servants, Medusa could deal with them.

But the two of them here did not have any protective power around them, so Gaetia had to take them over.

"I'll take you there!"

At this moment, because the three servants were all fighting the sea monster, Irisviel was silently giving magical support to Altria by the river. Beside her, there was only Weber, and no other protective force. However, although no one was around her, there were still people paying attention to the riverside.

So, when Goetia appeared next to Irisviel, she immediately felt that she was being targeted. Obviously, it was Maiya who was sent by Emiya Kiritsugu to set up a sniper rifle. He originally planned to find Caster's Master and then kill him with one shot.

But now there is no fight, so Maiya will check on where Irisviel is from time to time.

Irisviel was also startled. There were suddenly three more people around her.

"who are you?"


Illya ran over. Since the Holy Grail War began and Irisviel went to Fuyuki, Illya and her class had not seen Irisviel again.

Irisviel was confused at the moment. What?...What do you mean?

Irisviel instinctively wanted to refute, but when Illya hugged her, Irisviel felt a familiar breath, that is, the feeling of a homunculus like her, a container of the Holy Grail. After they separated, Irisviel looked at the girl carefully.

Her face was roughly the same as hers, but there were still some differences. But despite this, she could still feel a sense of familiarity.

"you...Who are you?"

"Illya...I am Illya, Illyasviel von Einzbern!"

""Ah? ? ?"

Irisviel was even more confused. Illya, isn't that the name of my child? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Although it is hard to believe, we actually came from the future to this point in time."

Illya explained, and Weber next to her screamed out.

"The future? ? ? How is it possible? Don't be ridiculous. How can you go back to the past from the future?"As a magician with a lot of theoretical knowledge in the Clock Tower, Weber had never heard of it. Even in the entire human history, there has never been such a thing as going back to the past.

Therefore, neither Weber nor Irisviel believed it at this moment.....

But Illya does have the shadow of her daughter. Irisviel was completely confused, so she called Kiritsugu Emiya directly.

On a certain ship, Kiritsugu, who was preparing for action, was also confused at this moment.

Illya is here?

What's going on?

Kiritsugu Emiya had to reply. Fortunately, Maiya also reported some information in the headset. Three people appeared next to Irisviel, and one of them was indeed very similar to Irisviel. This made Kiritsugu Emiya very confused and he rushed back immediately.

Maiya, on the other hand, was told by Kiritsugu to find Caster's master.

Don't mention it, she really found him. On the Eternal Bridge in Fuyuki, Maiya acted decisively. With a gunshot, Ryunosuke Uryu died under the gun. However, even so, the sea demon still showed no signs of dissipating.

Although Caster lost the magic support of his master, at the moment of disappearance, he used himself as the magic source of this sea demon. Moreover, it was still absorbing the magic power in the environment, causing the sea demon to continue to grow.

"No way!"

Waver didn't even have time to shock Illya and the others with their origins. At this moment, Artoria, Diarmuid and the King of Conquerors all returned.

A new battle plan had to be prepared.[]

When he came back, he saw three more people around Waver, which was a bit strange. In addition, the King of Conquerors felt the power of Goetia.

"Who are you?"

Before Goetia could answer, a special figure appeared again. Judging from the aura, it was a Servant.

Everyone became nervous in an instant. Altria protected Irisviel behind her, and Waver was also captured by Iskandar. Everyone was alert to the newly appeared Servant. The reason for everyone's shock was that this newly appeared Servant did not belong to the Seven Riders at all.

That's right, it was an extra Servant.

"His identity, a visitor from the future who came back to the present, is somewhat unusual."

The new Servant told Goetia's origin.

When this Servant appeared, Goetia also understood the other party's origin.

"Alaya's reaction was too fast. Even the Guardians were sent out!"

The people who came were following Alaya's name to eliminate abnormal Servants. Just like there were always wild Servants in the singularity created by Goetia. Now, due to the arrival of Goetia, Alaya also reacted instantly.

Moreover, the servants who came were also servants from this area. They were even Guardians. Unlike those wild Servants, Guardians were directly sent by Alaya, while those wild Servants were only summoned by Alaya through the earth.

Compared with the two, of course, Guardians received more support from Alaya.

The person who came was a woman, holding an extra-long Japanese sword, and she was quite tall.

"You have crossed the line. You are not allowed to mess around at this time!"

The other party drew out his sword and pointed it at Goetia.

The people around were also stunned at this moment. Guardian, this profession is actually not known by many people, but the Heroic Spirits have heard of it more or less. After all, there is no concept of time in the Throne of Heroes, and the Guardian will also enter the Throne of Heroes 1.0

"Wait, Lord Guardian, are they really from the future?"

Alice asked hurriedly.

The guardian nodded.

"That's right, they came to this time through great power."

With the confirmation of this guardian, Irisviel finally believed that this girl who suddenly appeared and looked like herself was really her daughter?

Then, Kiritsugu also arrived. After understanding the general situation, his face was also stunned, and he also felt a little incredible.

"So, your current target should be that sea monster, right? Is it really okay to delay here like this?"

Goetia pointed at the sea monster on the river.

This reminder made Kiritsugu and others come back to their senses. But they were also concerned about the origins of Goetia and his group.

"Leave this to me, and you guys just deal with that thing."

The guardian said to the other servants.

Obviously, she was ready to target Goetia.

Goetia was somewhat helpless about this.

"I won't do anything, I just come here to help some people meet their own people....So, Miss Souji, don't worry about me so much!" Goetia directly said the other person's real name.

The person who came was one of the guardians of Alaya, Okita Souji.

It is worth mentioning that Miss Okita Souji of the Shinsengumi who often vomited blood in history was not a guardian....Yes, to be more precise, after the reversal, Okita Souji is the guardian of Alaya.

That's right, the guardian Miss Souji who appeared here is not the Sakura Saber. Instead, it is the Demon Miss Souji!

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