As the Holy Grail, Angora Mainyu discovered it the moment it was transferred.

Looking up, although the Root Hole was still there, and even a lot of black mud was left, Angora Mainyu's face changed drastically.

He could no longer sense the connection with the Fuyuki leyline, which meant that he had no huge supply of magic power. Although there was still the Holy Grail of Goetia, the magic power consumed to connect to the Root Hole was terrifying, and this unexpected situation was the factor that made him feel uneasy.

On the other side, the battle between Kurodai and Shirou Emiya, Medusa and Sakura also changed for a moment because of this abrupt change.

At the moment of entering the Temple of Time, Red A still had an inherent barrier, so Shirou Emiya also adapted to it in an instant through the influence of Red A. When Kurodai was stunned, Shirou Emiya shouted loudly:"Rider!"

Medusa also understood Shirou's idea and immediately deployed the Noble Phantasm.

However, Kurodai reacted quickly.

Moreover, for her with infinite magic power, it was a matter of a moment to release the Noble Phantasm.

The black Sword of Promised Victory attacked Medusa directly, and at this time, Shirou unfolded the Seven Rings covering the Blazing Heaven to block the Noble Phantasm of Kuredai. Giving Medusa a moment of time, Medusa's Noble Phantasm, the Reins of the Knight, broke through the black light cannon and went straight to Kuredai.

Seeing this scene, Kotomine Kirei, who was controlled by Angra Mainyu, instinctively wanted to stop it, but was suddenly pulled back by a huge tentacle that appeared.


Kuredai was hit directly and collapsed to the ground, and Shirou attacked again, directly taking out the Azoth that Toosaka Rin had given him before. Then looking at Altria lying under him, Shirou finally stabbed her in....

At this moment, if Altria is not killed, it will hurt the other party's self-esteem.

Therefore, Shirou directly stabbed the sword in his hand into Altria's heart. This sword was given to Rin Toosaka at the funeral of Rin Toosaka Tokiomi, her father. AZOTH was originally given by Tokiomi to his disciple, Kotomine Kirei, but he was killed by this sword. Kotomine Kirei gave this sword to Rin Toosaka out of bad taste.

Therefore, this sword is also called the sword of backstab.

In this battle, Shirou and Medusa won after all. With the last sigh, Altria disappeared.

In the end, the only enemy left was Kotomine Kirei, or Angora Mainyu.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Angora Mainyu was no longer as arrogant as before.

Because the black mud fell on the ground of this barrier, it did not cause any effect. Instead, a large number of tentacle monsters emerged from the ground.

"This is...Is it the Demon Pillar summoned by Senior Solomon?"

Illya was surprised and completely believed in Goetia's identity as Solomon.

At this time, Angora Mainyu learned from Illya that the man in front of him was named Solomon. In the Holy Grail War, the name Solomon was also amazing in the history of summoned heroes. The true farewell between God and man was completed under the leadership of this king.

Therefore, after knowing Goetia's identity as Solomon, Angora Mainyu had no choice.

Even the power given by God can be returned, he doesn't think anything else can attract the other party.

And Goetia, at this moment, has no more delay. 's mind.

Unlike the original work where Illya sacrificed herself, no one has to sacrifice themselves here. In the original work, Illya's main purpose was to save Shirou, so she had to perfect the real Holy Grail. Only in this way could Shirou be resurrected. But here, Shirou is still fine and has not overdrawn himself.

The most important thing is that everyone's goal is actually to destroy the Holy Grail.

Recovery is much more difficult than destruction.

Moreover, as a member of the same group as Toosaka Rin, he was told by other people in the group that Toosaka Rin is a very reliable senior, and all you have to do to follow him is hold on to his thighs.

In this case, if Goetia still If he could produce all kinds of tragic endings, it would be too unworthy of the impression of the big boss in these people's hearts.

A huge halo began to appear in the sky. It did not appear in the outside world, but unfolded in the Temple of Time. The mere sight of the unfolding shocked those who had never seen it, especially after the large halo began to gather energy.

The terrifying might made Toosaka Rin and Illya, who were watching below, look a little pale.

Shirou Emiya, Sakura and Medusa all came to Toosaka Rin's side and looked up.

As the might grew stronger, Angra Mainyu below , that is to say, Kotomine Kirei was still unwilling and wanted to resist. Kotomine Kirei was completely wrapped in black mud, and a Morse-like monster that was more powerful than the sleepwalking Sakura before appeared.

It was a pity that as the big light wheel fired, the monster was directly swallowed up.

Although it was not the big light wheel that burned human reason, it was not something Angra Mainyu could resist.

After this shot, the Temple of Time was completely quiet. Where Angra Mainyu was, there were only broken magic circles and a holy grail left. It was the bait thrown by Goetia before. It was the bait for Angra Mainyu to escape from Sakura.

"Is it over?"

Toosaka Rin was a little absent-minded.

Illya answered her. At this moment, Illya was also a little dazed:"It seems like this..."

In this final battle, neither of them had servants, but it felt so easy....Toosaka Rin couldn't help but think of what those people in the group said, that with a big boss leading you, just hold on tight. Is this what it feels like to be led by a big boss?

Afterwards, the Temple of Time disappeared, and the group returned to the original cave. There were supposed to be some magic circles to prevent the Holy Grail, but now only some remnants of the magic circle remained. The Holy Grail system was also damaged by Goetia's attack.

Most of the magic circle was already broken....

However, all the magicians present sensed a lot of magic power. This is the magic power collected by the Holy Grail for ten years. Originally, each Holy Grail War would store enough magic power for sixty years, but because the last Holy Grail War was not complete, the ten years stored in this fifth Holy Grail War was enough to start the Holy Grail War.

And now, these great sources of magic power, or vitality, are still left behind.

Sakura, who is here, has improved a lot because of this vitality.

And Goetia, at this moment, is observing this life. This is a legacy from the Holy Grail system. Although the Holy Grail was destroyed by herself, Goetia can still sense the charm of the third law in this place.

So, Goetia is observing and comprehending. Although it doesn't have much effect, it at least allows Goetia to gain a little bit.

As for these huge vitality, Goetia thought for a while, and then looked at Illya, Toosaka Rin and Sakura.

Finally, he slowly spoke

""Sakura, do you hate your father?"

Sakura didn't expect Gaetia to ask this question suddenly. Although she had hated him during that dark time in the past, Sakura looked at Shirou and was about to say something, but Gaetia continued to speak.

"Do you want to go back in time and ask in person?"


Goetia's words obviously shocked everyone present.

"Varied...What do you mean?"

Illya asked in confusion.

"Literally, Li, don't you want to meet Kiritsugu again?"


Of course Illya wanted to, but it was impossible!

Toosaka Rin said directly:"This is impossible, the Holy Grail is gone. Even if the Holy Grail is there, there is no way for us to go back to the past!"

"The Greater Holy Grail can't, but I can!"

Goetia smiled, and then the Great Light Wheel began to move again. The magic power left by the Greater Holy Grail and the magic power of the earth veins were used by Goetia at this moment. A long river of time appeared in Goetia's eyes, and at the same time Goetia threw the Holy Grail just now into the time node of the last Holy Grail War.

History has been changed, and a singularity is forming.

Although there is no way to return to the birth of the planet without burning three thousand years of human reason, but with this part of magic power, plus Goetia's own magic power, it is enough for Goetia to re-create a singularity.

Of course, the last Holy Grail War was not a turning point in human history, so even if a singularity was formed, it would not have as much impact on human reason as the singularity created by Goetia in the FGO world.

Human reason can still be stabilized, but this will eventually attract the attention of the inhibitory force.

Just like in the singularity, the inhibitory force will also send servants over, and this time is no exception.

""Rin, this is a small benefit from me as an administrator!"

Gaetia smiled and said to Rin.

At this moment, only Rin could understand what Gaetia meant, but she was still shocked. Going back to ten years ago, could such a thing really happen?

Although she had decided to go back ten years ago, Gaetia still had to explain.

"Although you can go back to ten years ago, no matter how you change it, the result will not change. Your father died in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Even if you save him now, he will not be able to come back to life after returning to this point in time, and your cognition will still be restored by the world to make him actually participate in that Holy Grail War!"

This so-called return to ten years ago, more essentially, is to enter that singularity. When Goetia left, she must have repaired this singularity, so in the end, just like in the FGO world, although the singularity was repaired, the ending was still the same.

After hearing Goetia's explanation, Toosaka Rin also nodded.

Sakura and Illya are very much looking forward to it, even Emiya Shirou is the same, but Medusa is a little dazed at the moment. Even among the Heroic Spirits, no one has this strength, is this guy really Solomon?

Fuyuki City, the Fourth Holy Grail War has already begun. Expanded.

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During this period, some magicians directly created a huge monster, the sea monster, in order to achieve their own plans.

At this moment, the sea monster on the river has grown to an extremely large size. Countless ordinary people are attracted by this huge spectacle and want to see it. In places that ordinary people cannot see, there are some servants who are obviously discussing countermeasures.

When Illya stepped into this singularity, she was surprised when she looked at the surrounding environment.

Later, Rin, Sakura and Shirou Emiya also entered this singularity one after another.

"Is this the time of the last Holy Grail War?"

Emiya Shirou looked around and muttered

"Yes, that's right, this is it. I saw the super monster from my childhood!"

For Rin, he had some impression of Caster in the Fourth War. After all, he was kidnapped by Ryunosuke Uzumaki. Although he left the city later, he still heard about the sea monster. After seeing the sea monster on the river, Rin also recalled many things in the past.

And, he was really sure that this was the Fourth Holy Grail War. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


With Illya's powerful talent, it didn't take too long to find the woman with white hair by the river. When Illya called her mother, Shirou Emiya also looked in the direction of Illya's gaze. He also wanted to see who the mother was.

After all, Shirou Emiya was a child picked up by Kiritsugu. He didn't recognize the memory before the fire.

So, Illya's mother was also his mother.

Unlike this group of people, after Goetia entered this singularity���First, I looked for my Holy Grail and saw who had gotten it. As of now, none of the servants fighting the sea demon had gotten it, and this sea demon obviously hadn't gotten it either.

Otherwise, the sea demon would have become even more powerful.

"Senior, can we go over there?"

Illya couldn't wait any longer. In fact, the same was true for Rin and Sakura. Since Illya was here to see her mother, their father was obviously also here.

""You can go there, but can you help? Now, there is only one servant, Rider."

Goetia said so.

Hearing Goetia's words, these people calmed down. However, Goetia still took them to the bridge. At this point in time, the sea monster had just appeared not long ago, and the three servants, King of Conquerors Iskandar, Diarmuid and Altria, had just gathered. They had not yet taken action.

Even Gilgamesh had not arrived yet.

"Now wait a minute, they don't need your help"[]

Compared with the Fifth Holy Grail War, not to mention the Servants, just from the perspective of the Masters, the Masters of the Fourth War were much stronger than those of the Fifth War. In the Fifth War, the only excellent Masters were Illya and Matou Zouken. If Toosaka Rin didn't have that attribute of failing at the critical moment, she would also be considered excellent.

On the contrary, the Masters of the Fourth War, except for Caster's Master, were all good.

Therefore, in this situation of cooperation, there is really no need for help from others.

Several people were persuaded, but they didn't think of joining the battle for the time being. At this time, just take a look at the performance of these Servants.

Taking this opportunity, Goetia took a photo and sent it to the group.

【Goetia]: Come and see how we fight monsters!

【Lai Yueang]: Wow, what kind of world is this? Things like this have come out. Is the world going to be destroyed again?

【Kato Megumi]: Why do you say again?

【[Lai Yueang]: Eh? Yes, why should I say again?

【Kato Megumi]: Is Lord Goetia saving the world again?

【[Tohsaka Rin]: No, it was the Holy Grail War. Senior Solomon brought me to the past. Wow, I can only say that he is worthy of being a big shot. We traveled directly to the past!


Toosaka Rin's comments made the group boil again. It was getting more and more outrageous.

【[Water Goddess Yakumo Yukari]: Huh? Is this guy so powerful?

【Ichinose Honoha]: I always feel like I, as an ordinary person, don't fit in with you. Aqua is crying.jpg

【Kato Megumi: Ichinose Honami, wow, me too

【Ichinose Honoki: Get out of here. You are a superpower now.

Anyway, Rin's words really shocked the group. Any ability related to time is powerful. Although we knew that Goetia could borrow her power from the future, it is still shocking to hear that Rin went back to the past. The shock in the group continued, and in reality

, the situation changed again.

Altria, King of Conquerors Iskandar���Diarmuid has already started attacking the sea monster. As the sea monster's movements become louder and louder, this has seriously violated the rules of the Holy Grail War, and they must solve this thing before the situation escalates.

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