Although the environment on Earth has gradually become unsuitable because the Great Source has changed from circulation to consumption, at least we can continue to move forward.

So at this moment, Goetia opened the space rift again and stepped into the British Lostbelt.

At the moment when Goetia entered the British Lostbelt, a rabbit who had just felt that he had escaped from Goetia suddenly looked unhappy.

"Oh my god, can he catch up with me? Is it really endless?"

This person is none other than Gao Yanskaya. She had just left the Orros Lostbelt and chose to take refuge here, but she never expected that Goetia would catch up with her. She also has a partner in the British Lostbelt. In fact, she has a better relationship with the one here.

He is not Beryl among the Hidden Ones, but a fairy.

Moreover, there is a super powerful King of the Lostbelt here, so she came here to take refuge. She is either unfamiliar with the other Lostbelts or her strength is not as good.

But she never expected that Goetia would actually catch up with her here. At this moment, Gao Yanskaya only felt that people with clairvoyance were a bit troublesome. But the other party caught up with her, and Gao Yanskaya was the first I have to hide myself.

But unfortunately, after Gaetia entered this loss zone, the tracking magic on Gaoyanskaya appeared again.

In other words, before, Gaoyanskaya just blocked the magic left by Gaetia on her.

This time, at such a close distance, it obviously couldn't be blocked.

Of course, Gaetia was also very surprised. He really didn't want to chase Gaoyanskaya this time. Who knew that Gaoyanskaya would run here? This is too coincidental. So, Gaetia thought that since it was such a coincidence, Gaetia had to go and see.

Instantly appeared not far from Gaoyanskaya.

Looking at Gaetia who came out, Gaoyanskaya did not escape directly at this moment.

"Hey, I just bumped into you. Why did you chase me all the way here? That's too much. Even if you are the number one beast, you can't bully the younger generation like this!"

"Huh? Junior?"

"Don't deny it, I know you have clairvoyance, so you must know my identity."

Gao Yanskaya said it very bluntly. It's all human evil, and it's right to be an enemy of human beings, so there is actually no hostility between the two sides.

Gatia looked at Gao Yanskaya and waved his hand

"I'm not here to chase you this time, and I didn't expect you to enter the British Lostbelt!"

"You're not here to chase me? I don't believe it!"

Goetia had no other options. Such a coincidence had happened. If it was me, I wouldn't believe it.

"Anyway, just go away, I won’t chase you anymore. I told you, I’m not here to chase you!"

"Tsk, I don’t believe it at all!"

"You have to believe it. If you don't leave now, Morgan will come. I think she will want to know your identity."

After Gaetia finished speaking, Gao Yanskaya suddenly felt a chill.

""Ahaha, I see. Why didn't you say so earlier? You came to find me. Ahem, I'll go first. Well, we'll have a chance to cooperate next time and kill humans together! Let's go!"

Gao Yanskaya left very decisively because she sensed Morgan's aura.

With the current strength of Gao Yanskaya's tail, it was obviously not enough to face Morgan.

As Morgan came, the rabbit seemed to understand that this time was indeed a bit of a coincidence. When she came, Morgan didn't know that this was not the first time she came. But as soon as Goetia came, Morgan came in this direction accurately. It goes without saying who to find, so after figuring out that she had made such a big mistake, even Gao Yanskaya felt a little embarrassed.

However, she still left a word of cooperation in the future, and then left directly.

After Gao Yanskaya left, Morgan also arrived directly. The main body is on the throne, and the clones that appear in all places in Britain are Morgan's clones, and this one is no exception

"Why don't you go directly to Camelot? Is it for that thing just now? What is that?"

After meeting Gaetia, Morgan asked three questions directly. In response, Gaetia decisively sold Gao Yanskaya, of course, not all of them were sold.

"Well, that is someone who also has the ability to travel through space. She was originally coming to find you directly, but I didn't expect her to be here too. For information about her, perhaps you can ask Beryl!"Anyway, let's give Beryl some eye drops first.

After hearing Goetia's answer, Morgan nodded.

Then he invited Goetia to Camelot, but halfway through, Goetia asked where Beryl was, which made Morgan feel choked. Do you have such a big opinion about Beryl? Does this mean that you want to beat Beryl up every time you come here?

"From what Beryl said, I don't think I have ever met you. Why?"

"It's actually nothing serious, but what he did to a certain girl made me, as an elder, very upset!"

After hearing this, Morgan roughly guessed a little bit.

However, it was still surprising that a human evil would be so caring to a certain girl.

"I guess that girl is very important to you, right?"

"No, no, it's just that she felt a little guilty for killing him directly, so she tried her best to make up for it. She was so strong at that time...."

Hearing Goetia's answer, Morgan's mouth twitched....Ah, this, she never expected that things would develop like this. To be honest, she didn't expect to get this statement. This is a bit outrageous!

If Beryl heard what Goetia said, he would definitely curse in his heart.

Didn't you kill Mashu yourself? I just broke her fingers. The one who did the most excessive thing actually came to trouble him. This is too much.

After that, Morgan and Goetia went straight back to Camelot.

The two began to communicate about magic. Goetia was very interested in Morgan's remaining major magic, the tower and the courtyard. Although he has the main body of the Holy Lance, he will definitely use it to consolidate the surface in the future. This will definitely be used after the end of the Lostbelt.

Therefore, it is a very good idea to present the Holy Lance in the form of magic.

Morgan is still very interested in the fifth magic.

To be more precise, she is actually very interested in time.

She wants to continue to perfect her water mirror magic, so the two sides started to communicate.

"Bawanshi, that person hasn't returned yet?"

Beryl, who was in a city far away from Camelot, asked Bawanshi beside him.

Bawanshi shook her head.

"What did you do to make that adult stare at you?

Beryl really didn't know.

""Hehe, Beryl, you are really a coward."

Beryl's appearance attracted Bavanshi's loving smile. Beryl didn't care about this at all. Although he was Morgan's master, he really couldn't influence Morgan, unlike Bavanshi. As Morgan's adopted daughter of several lifetimes, Bavanshi's position in Morgan's heart was extraordinary.

If Goetia attacked Bavanshi, she would definitely fight with Morgan and fight with real fire.

However, maybe this is a way to cause trouble for that person?

In the end, Beryl rejected this idea. It was too dangerous. If he was discovered, Morgan alone might kill him.

Goetia spent a few days in Britain and also had good gains, but when he came out The time was long enough, so they prepared to go back.

However, when Goetia was about to leave, he suddenly saw something.

To be more precise, it was actually two people with clairvoyance who saw each other.

And in Britain, there is actually only one person with clairvoyance. That is a nightmare trapped in the"court", yes, it is Merlin. The Merlin here is of course not the real person, but was summoned by Alaya to help Ritsuka.

Well, he was discovered by Morgan as soon as he came out.

This person who has the memory of pan-human Morgan inherited the feelings of that guy who hated Merlin.

So, he was locked up directly.

As for Goetia, at this moment, he made eye contact with the other party.

""Your Majesty, do you mind if I wander around Britain?"

Morgan was a little surprised by Goetia's words, but he still agreed. After these two exchanges with Goetia on magic, the two sides have become very familiar with each other and can be regarded as fellow travelers in the field of magic. Therefore, it is normal for Morgan to agree to this.

Goetia left Camelot and walked in one direction. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was not the direction of the"court" where Merlin was sealed. Although he saw his situation, there was no need to save him.

It was with this���This guy made Solomon look bad.

He pretended to be Magic Mary on the Internet without any moral integrity to scold Solomon. The key is that Solomon is just like a dog. This made Goetia very angry. After all, he was born from Solomon's body. Goetia was also speechless about Solomon's cerebral palsy.

Of course, Merlin was not much better. This guy's words came true. There really is Magic Mary, and she will come to Chaldea in the future. Even Magic Mary's personality is very disdainful. I can only say, who would have thought.

Although he did not plan to save Merlin, the news that Merlin just conveyed still made Goetia want to go and see.

The news just now, Merlin and Goetia looked at each other across the air, and the transmission was just a general direction.

People with clairvoyance can see each other across the air (long river of time), but communication is unlikely. The best they can do is to convey a general meaning like just now.

Therefore, Goetia needs to look for it.

This search was still fruitful. Goetia saw his so-called acquaintance again. Meeting for the first time, but an acquaintance in my memory. Altria Caster, at this moment, she is still wandering around. However, Goetia frowned.

There is a special breath around her.

Soon, Goetia guessed the other party's identity. Perhaps it was the breath of Oberon who was teaching Altria Caster magic. However, Oberon did not seem to be by her side at the moment. In general, Oberon taught Altria Caster in dreams.

It's just that I can see some of Oberon's actions.

But Merlin can't see it. It's just that Oberon pretended to be Merlin to teach Altria Caster. Perhaps this made Merlin feel something. After all, now the vision can see what is happening. Although it is trapped in the court, it can still be seen.

Altria Caster called Merlin Merlin every day here, but Merlin did not teach her anything, so this attracted Merlin's attention. However, he couldn't see Oberon.

Because Oberon hated Merlin very much. Both of them were creatures of the dream world, but their compatibility was extremely poor. This is a disconnection caused by different standpoints on the story. That's how it is. Oberon assigned almost all of his camouflage abilities to Merlin.

Because of this, Merlin could not recognize Oberon, and when he used clairvoyance to observe the person who was talking to Oberon, he could only see that person talking to himself.

However, after watching from a distance for a long time, Goetia felt a little funny.

The magic that Oberon taught Artoria Caster was not real magic, but small tricks such as infiltration and lock picking. This made Goetia not know where to complain, and after thinking about it, Goetia walked towards Artoria Caster.

Then he bumped into Artoria Caster without paying attention, and both of them collapsed to the ground.


"pain...It hurts. Hey, are you okay?"

Although she was in some pain, Altriacastor immediately stood up and came to check on Gaetia.

"It's okay, it's okay."

After Gaetia stood up, he looked at Altria Caster and said again:"Well, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine. I'm sorry I bumped into you."

"It's okay. Well, it seems that you are fine, so I am relieved. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Gaetia waved her hand and left under the watchful eyes of Artoria Caster. After Gaetia left, Artoria Caster also breathed a sigh of relief

""Oh, it hurts a little just now, but luckily the other party didn't bother me!"

When Altriacaste turned around, he found a notebook on the ground.

"Huh? What is this?...Solomon's magic experience. Eh? ? ? Is it the one just now? It seems that I knocked it off. No, I have to give it back."Thinking of this, Artoria Cast hurriedly turned back and wanted to chase Goetia.

However, after turning back, Artoria Cast did not find anyone.

It was only a minute, but she could not find Goetia.

"Eh? Where is the person? How come he disappeared in just a short while?"

In the end, Altriacaster could only accept it, maybe return it to someone else next time they meet?

"but...I should check it before giving it back to others...."(Wang Lihao)

Altria Caster was attracted by this book. There was no way, this was magic. Merlin taught me magic, but I only learned two types....

Finally, I couldn't help myself and opened the notebook....

It seems completely different from the magic that Merlin taught me in my dream....

Oberon taught lock picking and infiltration, how could that be the same as magic?...

Altriacast was a little distressed. He couldn't understand it. Maybe he could ask Merlin tonight?

When Altriacast told Merlin in the evening, the so-called Merlin was shocked. Is there such a thing? Of course he knew the name Solomon. After all, like Morgan, he also had some memories of pan-human history.

This was a fusion of the memory of the fairy king Oberon. To be more precise, his real name was Vortigern, but it was fused with the part related to Oberon in pan-human history.

Therefore, he also knew something about pan-human history.

This is the ancestor of magic. After learning that Altriacast had picked up this thing, Oberon was also very happy. His magic was not very good. In order to teach Altriacast, he had to learn it first. Great, he was going to try it privately. However

, now in a dream, but Oberon had decided to contact Altriacast now.

So, a little fairy who was more than ten centimeters tall appeared beside Altriacast.

After dropping the things, Goetia left the British Lostbelt. Letting Oberon continue to pretend to be Merlin to teach Altria Caster magic can be regarded as a small revenge of Goetia on Merlin. Oberon, don't stop, you can do whatever you want under the name of Merlin.

After returning to the Temple of Time, Goetia also opened the group chat. These days, I have been discussing magic, so I haven't been online much.

As soon as I entered, I saw a goddess preaching.

I beg the readers for free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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