"Huh? You said I was running around? Stop kidding...."

Gao Yanskaya was immediately furious. She had used this innate ability to travel through space many times without any problems. Why did it go wrong this time? Just as Gao Yanskaya was about to teach this guy who bumped into her a lesson, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ability to travel through space is indeed a rare ability.

And apart from her, she has not seen anyone else for the time being.

Now that someone suddenly appeared, Gao Yanskaya became cautious. Moreover, they bumped into each other in the Orros Lostbelt, which means that this guy is also planning something. It is very important to be able to enter and exit the Lostbelt at will, just like herself.

Gao Yanskaya did not know Goetia. Although she was also a human evil born on Earth, the fourth beast still existed when Goetia was acting. She only came out to act after Goetia was defeated.

Although Gao Yanskaya's area was in Orros. But she was not from the Lostbelt, but a collection of all creatures born from the Tunguska meteorite fall on Earth. Like Goetia, she has the skill of single manifestation.

Although it is only B-level, it is completely different from Goetia's single manifestation.

Goetia's single appearance is more focused on time-side protection, while the opponent's is more focused on space-based abilities.

Although Goyanskaya is not a beast established by [the prosperity of human society], she has acquired the skill of single appearance due to the origin of the meteorite from the universe. Originally, it was [flying from a different world (domain)], so Beast:L can easily break through the world wall and jump and transfer to various Lostbelts.

The two are completely different.

Goyanskaya directly attacked Goetia. No matter what, she had to test the opponent's quality first. Having the same ability to shuttle through space is simply a challenge to her monopoly.

Originally, when Goetia did not appear, Goyanskaya could make deals with those hidden people, such as taking them across the storm wall of the Lostbelt and sending people and goods over long distances. But now, this monopoly has been broken by Goetia, who also has the ability to enter and exit the Lostbelt at will and has space abilities.

This is a huge blow to her business.

Now, it is best to catch Goetia here.

So, Gao Yanskaya launched a surprise attack on Gaetia, using magic, but was blocked by Gaetia.

After fighting for a while, Gao Yanskaya found that the magic she used was completely useless to the opponent, and the opponent seemed to be much better than her in magic. This gave Gao Yanskaya a deeper understanding of Gaetia's strength.

"Humph, you forced me to do this. In that case, let me show you what a magician of the new era is!"

After saying this, Gao Yanskaya directly took out a large number of automatic rifles. Even Gaetia, seeing this scene, twitched the corners of his mouth and his eyes twitched wildly. Are all the magicians in recent years this way?

This reminded Gaetia of the magicians he met in London. There was nothing to say. They had no magician spirit at all....

""Tsk, who do you think doesn't have a gun?"

Goetia was also ready to take out his own gun. When Goetia took out the gun, Gao Yanskaya shuddered and the hair on her tail stood up.

Damn, you are a canine!

Gao Yanskaya was even more speechless at this moment, because the gun the other party took out was a little different from hers. No, to be more precise, it was different from the guns she understood. This gun was more complicated. That

's right, what Goetia took out was the real Holy Spear Lungominyade.

Moreover, it was a genuine product.

With the power of the Holy Spear, Gao Yanskaya was furious after it appeared.

"Can you call this a gun? That's too much!"

Gao Yanskaya gave up the idea of fighting with Gaetia, because her plan had just started, and she hadn't found her second tail in this Lostbelt yet. In terms of strength, she couldn't compare to the guy holding the Holy Spear.

So it was normal for the rabbit to want to leave.

"Humph, mine is the real gun. Yours is just something that has only appeared in modern times.

The two of them started a fight over the concept of guns.

"Come on, let's see whose gun is more powerful!"

Goetia showed a malicious smile, which made Gao Yanskaya curse in her heart, it was simply shameless. Damn, the automatic rifle she had was just an ordinary military weapon, and the holy spear owned by Goetia was a divine weapon.

How could they be compared?

She was not mentally ill, so she decisively used her innate ability and ran away.

But Goetia smiled. When they just fought, Goetia had put tracking magic on the rabbit, so Goetia opened the space rift again and chased after it directly. So, Goetia's plan to catch the rabbit began.

When Gao Yanskaya appeared from the space At that time, he just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to curse the guy he just met.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

Then, a foot also stepped out from the space. Gao Yanskaya thought to herself that it was not good. This guy actually chased her directly. In an instant, Gao Yanskaya directly threw a lot of magic at the man who just came out.

However, it was pierced by a shot.

The real holy spear must be powerful. Although Goetia is just waving it casually in his hand now, it is enough to block many magic.

Seeing this, Gao Yanskaya gritted her teeth and fled again, but Goetia still had no intention of letting the other party go.

"Who is this guy?"

As an arms dealer and intelligence chief, Gao Yanskaya knew about the existence of Goetia, but she had never seen him. Besides, Goetia was defeated by Chaldea, so Gao Yanskaya did not think in this direction.

In addition, as Goetia who had comprehended the joy of life, he was really a human being when he did not show his beastly posture.

As for the aura of the beast, it was completely hidden after Goetia took on the Ten Commandments.

Therefore, Gao Yanskaya did not guess Goetia's identity. After all, she did not have clairvoyance.

Gao Yanskaya continued to flee. In fact, she also fled with a purpose. Since the other side was unwilling to give up, she would find some Partners, let's teach each other a lesson together. Uh, the other side has the Holy Spear, I don't know if these allies can stop it.

Soon, Gao Yanskaya arrived near Moscow.

There is a god-level existence in Moscow, who is not a partner with her for the time being, so she dare not go in rashly. However, if Goetia is really anxious, she plans to lead Goetia in and let this guy wake up the sleeping monster.

At this moment, look for her ally first.

She sensed that her ally was on the outskirts of Moscow, so she appeared here.

When Goetia caught up with the other party, she found that Gao Yanskaya did not choose to escape this time.

"You dare to chase me, stay here. Come on, Kadok, this guy, help me deal with him, I can promise you a free ride."

Sure enough, not far from Gaoyanskaya, Gaetia finally saw a figure. It was completely different from the Yaga in this Lostbelt, a real human.

Kadok Zemlupus.

When Kadok saw who was chasing Gaoyanskaya, his pupils shrank.

"Dr. Roman?"

"Huh? You know this guy! Roman, what a familiar name."

Kadoc read out the other person's name, which surprised Gao Yanskaya a little, but then she felt a little familiar with the name Roman, as if she had seen it in that information.

"Hey, Kadoc."

The relationship between Solomon and Kadoc is still normal. But this is not Solomon, but Goetia.

But soon, Kadoc also remembered Dr. Roman's other identity, Solomon. That person, it is impossible for him to still exist here. As a member of a magic family, Kadoc still knows these very well, so his face is also stern at this moment.

"No, Dr. Roman can't still exist. Who are you?"

At this time, Kadok's servant Anastasia also appeared beside Kadok. She sensed Kadok's nervousness.

Kadok did guess Goetia's identity now. At the same time, a strange thought arose in his heart.

"You are Goetia, right?..."

Kadoc directly revealed Gaetia's identity. Hearing this name, Gao Yanskaya understood it instantly. She said that the person who could chase her everywhere could not be just a human magician. If it was this person, then it would be fine.

She has not grown up yet, so she will definitely not be Gaetia's opponent. Even if she grows up, she may not win.

Gaetia smiled.

"The Master who was killed by me at the starting point seems to have been saved by someone now."

Goetia did not deny his identity, and after being confirmed, Kadok smiled.

"Haha, that's great."


Gao Yanskaya was very surprised at this cooperative ally. He was so confused that he was laughing. Not only her, but also Goetia was puzzled. What was this kid laughing at?

Kadoc showed a hint of excitement at this moment.

"If we hadn't been frozen, it wouldn't have been Ritsuka's turn to save Renri. Since I can meet you here, let me see how strong you are, the ultimate mastermind. I want to prove that even if any one of us from Group A comes out, we can save the so-called Renri!"

Goetia:...(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This kid seems to have such a personality now. Before being beaten by Fujimaru Ritsuka, he still has an extreme arrogance, thinking that if Fujimaru Ritsuka hadn't found a loophole, then they would definitely be the ones who saved humanity. In fact, they have also simulated it.

But in fact, only two people have the chance to go, that is, Wodem and Debit. Moreover, the possibilities of the simulation are even different from what Ritsuka experienced.

To be honest, after simulating this result, Kadok was dissatisfied with Ritsuka. Therefore, in the original work, he took the initiative to find Ritsuka and then started a master battle.

As a result, he was beaten.

And now, with Gatia in front of him, Kadok has a chance to prove himself directly, that is, to defeat Gatia directly. In this way, at least their A is not weaker than Ritsuka, or even stronger.

This kid has such an idea for the time being. Gatia was speechless for a while, and even Gao Yanskaya, who was chased by Gatia, felt that she wanted to stay away from Kadok.

AThese people have not seen the horror of the beast, and have not faced the beast directly. Maybe Debit in the South American Lostbelt may have had some contact with the Oblivion Beast. Therefore, Kadok is completely ignorant at this moment.

In response, Goetia showed an inexplicable smile.

"Really? So you want to defeat me. Well, I'll give you this chance, too."

Goetia let Kadok do what he wanted. To be honest, Kadok's Servant, Anastasia, was not that strong. She herself was a Servant of pan-human history, not a Servant of the Lostbelt. In fact, every member of Group A summoned a Servant of pan-human history.

It's just that Anastasia became stronger because she gained the power of the Elven Dimension.

Kadok was not a hesitant person, and he directly launched a magic attack on Goetia. At the same time, Anastasia did the same. However, when Kadok saw that his magic hit Goetia without causing any splashes, his face became a little solemn.

At the same time, Anastasia gave up. The magic was used to directly let the elf Wei launch an attack.

Unlike magic, Wei's attack is considered a special attack. Even Goetia still has to resist it by herself, and the Ten Commandments cannot be exempted.

But even so, Goetia casually put a shield on herself. She defended it so easily, which made Kadok and Anastasia look ugly, and at the same time they were extremely shocked. The attack was completely ineffective, and the opponent was more powerful than they had imagined. This was the first time they encountered such a situation.

Gao Yanskaya, who was watching the battle on the side, saw this scene and couldn't help shaking her head. I feel like I have to find an opportunity to escape now. This partner seems to be a bit of a wimp.

"The magic eye is released. Barol attached, returning to Guohe. Kill everyone! Wei!"

Anastasia finally released the treasure, the black Wei, and at this moment her body suddenly became huge, and then she slapped Goetia. In response, the holy spear in Goetia's hand directly poured into a part of the magic power, and then stabbed it out casually.

The treasure was directly disintegrated, and even Anastasia was injured.

Seeing this scene, Kadok's face was shocked, and there was also fear.

At this moment, his self-confidence suffered a huge blow. How did Fujimaru Ritsuka defeat such a powerful guy?

The gap is too big. Although Anastasia got the elf Wei. However, even so, she has not reached the level of a flash-level servant, and can only be regarded as a top-level servant at most. This is really not enough in front of Goetia's body, and the energy level gap is too large.

Moreover, now Anastasia did not get great power from Ivan the Terrible. Relatively speaking, she is still very weak.

Plus, Kadok's command ability is, well, only slightly better than Akagi Hinako. Moreover, she has no experience at all, so it is reasonable for her to be hit at this moment.

Kadok's confidence was destroyed, and Anastasia was almost the same.

However, Goetia had no intention of destroying them. Kadok was just a weakling. But he was kind in his heart, and in the later period, he tried his best to help Ritsuka. Therefore, there was no need to get rid of him directly. As for his servants, Goetia had no intention of making them disappear. If

Anastasia were kept, perhaps Kadok would have the idea of rising again. Otherwise, if even Anastasia left, he would be really decadent.

"I'll leave you alive, don't bother me..."

Well, Goetia still wanted to chase after Koyanskaya, but this cunning rabbit had obviously left. In fact, it was no longer in the Orros Lostbelt. As for the tracking magic left by Goetia, it was gone. Obviously, after being chased for so long, Koyanskaya was not stupid.

Forget it, since there was no trace of Koyanskaya, Goetia had no intention of continuing to chase her.

He was ready to leave this Lostbelt.

Before leaving, he looked at Kadoc, thinking that he had taught Kadoc a lesson this time. When the time came, when he heard about Ritsuka again, Goetia still felt that Kadoc would find him. Seeing Ritsuka's strength with his own eyes, and then...After being hit twice in a row, it is unknown whether Kadoc can recover.

Goetia left the Oros Lostbelt and appeared on the blank Earth.

I was just about to return to the Temple of Time, but after thinking about it, since I was already out, it would be nice to discuss magic with Morgan. It happened that I had a breakthrough in the fifth magic this time.

The discussion about magic with Morgan was very helpful to both of them. The collision between the two in the field of magic made them understand magic more thoroughly.

Give me some free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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