Morgan, who came from the endless Orkney to sweep across Britain and reign over the world, has been the queen who has ruled the fairy kingdom of Britain for 2017 years.

She is also a talented magician who has reached the realm of God in magic. This is the primary reason why Goetia came to meet Morgan this time. Morgan even turned the Holy Lance into magic in terms of magic, which shows how powerful she is.

On the other hand, Morgan also frowned slightly at this moment, looking at the person who appeared in front of her.

She could only sense the breath of human life from Goetia, not the humans of Britain, but the humans of pan-human history. The two are fundamentally different. Morgan knew that Goetia was an evil human, but now she sensed the breath of humans in pan-human history, which still surprised her.

"Please don't misunderstand, I am here as a human being to communicate with you. I am not the beast of mercy. I came here just to discuss magic with you. After all, as a magician who has reached the divine realm, this is a rare opportunity!"

Goetia directly stated her purpose to avoid misunderstanding.

After hearing Goetia's words, Morgan's face was calm, but she was relieved in her heart. She knew very well how terrible those human disaster"beasts" were. However, Goetia now seems to have become a real human being, which is quite surprising.

"I understand. You were born from the body of King Solomon, the ancestor of magic. I think you have inherited King Solomon's talent for magic. So, it's not a bad idea to discuss it."

In the field of magic, Morgan is a latecomer who has reached the realm of God.

So, she also wants to discuss it with Goetia. It's a pity that Solomon, the ancestor of magic, is no longer here, otherwise, Morgan would also like to discuss it with him. In Merlin's mouth, Solomon's reputation is not very good. But Merlin is almost the same to her.

Seeing that Morgan agreed to her, Goetia was still very happy. Goetia was not surprised that Morgan recognized Goetia's essence at a glance and was born from Solomon. Because this Morgan has the memory of Morgan in the pan-human history.

Therefore, it is reasonable to know the truth of many things.

As for why he has the memory of Morgan in the pan-human history, this has to do with the A member, who should now be called the Hider After Beryl was resurrected and the blank paper arrived, he was ready to enter the original Britain. However, after arriving, there was nothing there.

But for Captain A, Wodaym's plan, he still summoned Morgan, who was in the Ruler class.

While he was resting, Morgan analyzed and mastered the situation in the British Lostbelt.

By analyzing the summoning ritual of Chaldea on the spot, he entrusted everything he knew as a pan-human, Morgan, to"himself" who had existed in this Lostbelt, that is, the first"Fairy of Paradise" (according to Merlin, she can also be called Vivian).

This led to a drastic change in the history and current situation of the British Lostbelt, and its nature also changed from a Lostbelt to a Singularity (also called"Oddworld" in the plot ).


When Beryl woke up, he found that the place where he rested had changed from a barren wilderness to a"bed so luxurious that it made people want to vomit". Morgan in front of him was no longer the Servant he summoned yesterday, but the queen who had lived for more than 6,000 years and ruled Britain for more than 2,000 years.

So, in this special situation, Morgan, who has the memory of pan-human history and the memory of the Lostbelt, appeared.

"Since we are discussing magic, a preliminary fight is inevitable, and both of us need to understand each other's magic. So, at this moment, do you mind giving it a try?"

Morgan invited Goetia.

Goetia certainly had no objection to this. In fact, he also wanted to see the magic called Water Mirror.

However, Camelot was obviously not a place for a fight, but both of them were top magicians, so there was no problem flying into the sky.

Morgan's starting gesture was the magic"Court"!

""Court" is a type of spell that can trap an object, such as"Sweet Dream""、"abyss"、"Frustrated"、"The"Innocent Court" and so on, among which the"Court of the Innocent" is the magic that trapped Merlin, and the"Court of the Frustrated" repeatedly attacks the trapped person negatively.

He wants to trap Goetia in the court, although Goetia has the ability to travel through space. But at this moment, both parties are here to exchange magic.

Goetia has no intention of using space travel.

The wisdom of the sage!

Goetia has to go all out in the face of a strong man in magic. Of course, only in magic.

The wisdom of the sage is inherited from Solomon. His own mental resistance has been greatly increased. Let Goetia be exempted from the mental attack of the court, and Goetia also shot again, and also gave Morgan the same type of magic, the sealing technique.

Both sides tried their best in magic.

At this moment, Goetia also showed his own strength. Although he himself is not the ancestor of magic, Goetia, the king of people who has comprehended life, can even be regarded as enlightened. There is more wisdom of the sage and the wisdom of the fool.

That's right, the reason why Goetia is called the Human King is that because he gained longevity, he understood humans and reached the height of"a wise king who surpassed King Solomon" that Goetia had not been able to reach so far, and realized the"joy of life".

In terms of realm, the Human King is a wise king who surpassed Solomon.

The Human King Goetia, who was resurrected again through the fifth magic, showed all his strength at this moment. This is the strength that Goetia as a human possesses. It is not the strength of Goetia, the beast of mercy.

Yes, the magic used by Goetia who is fighting Morgan now is the magic that the Human King himself possesses and even learned, and he did not use any power of the beast of mercy.

Morgan is also very happy about this. On the road of magic, as a magician who reached the realm of God, she is actually very lonely. Now that there are fellow travelers who are also exploring the road of magic, Morgan will of course be happy.

"��The magic I am going to use is my own creation. I believe that you, as the king of men, will not be easily fooled. Come and try it!"

After saying that, Morgan started to chant again.

"Offering the now lost, distant dream. Water Mirror, Maximum Expansion Since you are a fairy who saviors the world, you should remove all pretense. The utopia is no longer reachable, and everything that comes into view is reduced to ashes."

Ripples of water suddenly appeared in the sky.

At this moment, the magic that Morgan was proud of was thoroughly used.

At the same time, this shocking scene also made many fairies in Camelot aware of the battle.

In the distance, a tall figure said to the human man beside him:"Hurry up, Beryl, mother seems to be fighting with someone, let's go and have a look!"

"Oh, don't worry too much, Bavanshi, His Majesty is very strong."

The two people are Beryl and Bavanshi. The person who can make His Majesty Morgan use the water mirror magic must be very strong, so it is actually a bit dangerous for the two to go. However, the two still believe in Morgan's strength, so although they comfort Bavanshi, Beryl still takes the young lady to Camelot.

Seeing the water mirror appear above her head, Goetia's eyes are also very solemn.

This magic is actually called"Mirror"."Mirror" is a magic of time and space transfer, such as the"Water Mirror" of time and space transfer, and the"Combined Mirror" of dimension transfer through the connection of the sub-mirror and the main mirror. Therefore, this magic has actually touched the law. The second magic, the representative characteristic is time and space.

Therefore, the magic of the mirror has already touched the law. Although it is not to the extent of making Morgan a magician, even so, it is enough to prove the talent of this Lostbelt Morgan.

However, facing this water mirror magic, Goetia is not panicked at all.

As for the second magic, Goetia actually took advantage.

Although Goetia realized the joy of life and became the king of men, the core of the beast of mercy still exists.

Since he is a beast, the ability of the beast of mercy Goetia still exists.

Solo manifestation A is the ultimate (Ultra) upper version of independent action. In addition, since his existence has been confirmed, he has corresponding resistance to instant death and time manipulation attacks. Whether it is the burning of human principles or the compilation of human principles implemented by the artificial hand singularity, the owner of this skill will not be affected, and he can be manifested as long as the conditions are met.

Therefore, the water mirror magic is invalid. Unless Goetia takes the initiative to adapt and respond to the water mirror magic, he will not be thrown over.

In fact, the power of the water mirror magic is not as powerful as the"tower". The tower refers to the holy spear Lungominyad, and the barrier magic called"Wall of Light" covering the entire British Lostbelt is its external form. Of course, this is Lungominyad in the form of magic. The real tower of the end is in Goetia's hands.

Although the power of the water mirror magic is not as strong as the tower, Morgan still prefers to use the water mirror magic.��Because throwing the enemy directly to the past is the easiest and most convenient.

Even though Morgan knew that using the water mirror magic to throw the crisis to the past seemed a bit of a trap for herself, she still liked to use it. She didn't have the ability to throw it to the future yet.

It didn't work on Goetia. Morgan was thinking of something at this moment.

"This time, I got the upper hand. Although I have become a real person, I still have animal nature, so the magic related to time may not have much effect on me. However, this is enough for me to admire. Your magic has touched the second magic, can it be called magic!"

Goetia praised.

Although it is not as good as the real second magic, it has definitely touched it.

Facing Goetia's praise, Morgan rarely smiled.

"Thank you for your compliment, this is indeed the magic that I am most proud of!"

Although the tower is more powerful, it is not as powerful as magic. Therefore, in terms of quality, the water mirror is higher.

"In this case, I cannot let His Majesty Morgan down. This is the magic I learned after I realized the joy of life. Before, I only had a glimpse of it and could only use it."

These words made Morgan's pupils shrink, because Goetia was talking about magic, not magic.

This really surprised her, and she didn't know what kind of magic it was!

On the opposite side, the blue magic circle under Goetia appeared, and Goetia also began to chant.


Listen, the primate of all things declares in the name of my revealed order (qing) declares that everything (not.) is correct (SANE) order (five) collapses here (timelesswords)


The cyan magic circle under Goetia's feet suddenly passed through Goetia's body and expanded in the sky. At the same time, an extremely powerful magic force gathered. It formed a powerful cyan light cannon and attacked Morgan.

Morgan's pupils shrank, sensing an extremely dangerous aura. Then he held up magic to defend himself, but unfortunately, he couldn't defend himself at all. He could only be swallowed by the cyan light cannon. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Bawanshi and Beryl, who had just returned, both shrank. Bawanshi even shouted:"`.Mother!"

Not long after, as the magic power dissipated, Morgan's true face was revealed. Morgan was much more miserable at this moment, and even her body began to dissipate. This made Bawanxi very angry, and she wanted to attack Goetia. Fortunately, Morgan spoke

"Bawanshi, stop. This is just my clone, I am talking to this..."We are sparring."

Morgan's words stopped Bavanshi's actions. On the other side, Beryl's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw that the person fighting with Morgan actually had Romani's face. The memory of being beaten at that time came back crazily.

After stopping Bavanshi, Morgan also looked at Goetia.

"This is...?"

It's not that Morgan doesn't know it, but the fifth magic has been shown too little.

"The fifth magic!"

Goetia responded to Morgan, and after hearing this, Morgan also showed relief.���Smile. Under normal circumstances, if someone took on this fifth magic, their body would probably be destroyed, but she was different. This was just a clone, and it stayed in front of her in the form of magic.

Otherwise, Bawanxi would be asking for trouble if she rushed forward.

"Bawanxi, take this guest to the palace. I will set up a banquet there for you!"

This is because Morgan's clone has reached its limit, so after saying this, it disappeared directly.

Bawanxi was a little confused at the moment, but she still understood what her mother said.

"this...Sir? Please come with me!"

The human being in front of him was able to defeat his mother's clone, and his strength was beyond imagination. Therefore, even the bad-tempered Bawanshi was very calm at this moment.

However, at this moment, Goetia smiled and said something that surprised Bawanshi.

"Of course, but before entering the palace, allow me to do one thing!"

"What's the matter?"

Goetia showed a mysterious smile, and suddenly attacked Beryl not far away.

Beryl felt something was wrong and wanted to escape. But it was too late. Goetia had already killed Beryl, and then showed his powerful close combat ability as a boxing king. This made Bawanshi not far away stunned. Beryl was beaten.

And it looked very miserable, because Goetia didn't show mercy at all. (OK Zhao)

In the end, Beryl was bruised and swollen.

After Goetia beat Beryl, he also breathed a sigh of relief. Let this guy break Mashu's hand I mean, don't you know that Goetia sympathizes with Mashu the most? Not to mention Goetia, even Romani, after learning the news in Chaldea, beat Beryl up.

It's just that it's my turn now. However

, I didn't kill him, after all, he is Morgan's master now. As far as this meeting between Morgan and me is concerned, it feels good. Well, we will continue to discuss magic later when we have the chance. The battle with Morgan just now has made Goetia's control of the fifth magic more profound.

Because the magic of water mirror is somewhat similar to some uses of the fifth magic.

""Okay, we can go find your mother!"

After beating Beryl, Goetia returned to Bavanshi.

Bavanshi was a little overwhelmed and seemed a little cruel. Bavanshi looked at Beryl, then at Goetia, and finally took Goetia into the palace in the center of Camelot. As for Beryl, we can only wait until she comes out.

However, it seems that Beryl was only beaten badly and was not in any danger of life.

After that, Goetia entered the palace, and Morgan sat on the throne, waiting for Goetia's arrival.

The moment he walked in, Goetia was attracted by the throne. The essence of this thing was clearly seen. This is a suppression device. As for who it suppresses? It can only be Cornunnos. Morgan absorbed a large amount of magic power from the fairies and gathered it in the throne. He even formed twelve magic holy spears to suppress the curse of the disaster, Cornunnos. Morgan only needs to sit on the throne and call on these magic powers.

The throne that gathers a lot of magic power also makes Morgan extremely powerful. As long as you sit on the throne, you can even be reborn infinitely. It's a pity that in the game, Morgan left the throne for a short time and then died in the hands of the rebellious army.

"This throne is very good. I think this masterpiece is no worse than the water mirror magic!"

Gattia praised Morgan.

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