【Kato Megumi]: Lord Goetia hasn't been in the group for a long time. I wonder what's going on in that world.

【Ichinose Honami]: In this doomsday, those people...It should be very miserable!

She is kind-hearted, and the first thing she thought of was ordinary people. For her and Kato Megumi, the scene of a large number of ordinary people dying at the beginning was too shocking. Not to mention the two of them, other people who have seen many cruel things were also shocked by this end of the world.

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Goetia, what's going on now?

Aqua is even more direct.

【Goetia: The disaster is still going on, but many remedial measures have been taken.

【Yakumo Yukari]: Remedial measures? What kind of measures, and are they effective?

【Goetia: It can only be said that it is a temporary solution, not a fundamental solution. It just relocated a large number of people.

【Ichinose Honami]: But the whole earth is like this, where can we move to?

【Lai Yueang]: Lord Goetia should have taken action. With Lord Goetia's strength, he can definitely protect a lot of people.

【Goetia: I did help, but I just moved them to a safe place. This disaster will last for at least three months.

Goetia's speech finally attracted the attention of this group of people, and Goetia finally appeared again.

So everyone was asking what would happen in the end.

In response, Goetia also responded

【Goetia: The final solution will form a special Earth, a white Earth. Humans have disappeared, and then something called a Lostbelt will appear.

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Lostbelt, what is that?

Goetia did not explain. This thing, as well as the current human logic, is simply a fantasy for those who do not understand the Type-Moon world.

【Goetia: This thing is very complicated, so I won’t explain it. Anyway, with your IQ, you can’t understand it!

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Damn Goetia Aqua is angry.jpg

【[Le Yueang]: Alas, Lord Goetia's world is so miserable and difficult. Even the end of the world is the second time!

【Misaka Mikoto]: Huh? Second time?

【101-no-se Honomi]: Can the world end a second time? Judging from the results, we should have survived the first time....How did they survive the first time, and who did it? Could it be that this doomsday was planned by that abominable guy again?

At this moment, Ichinose Honami was caught up in conspiracy theories. It must have failed the first time, so he must destroy the world again. How abominable.


I always feel that this guy, Lai Yueang, seems to have some suicidal attributes. Is he pointing at me?

Not only Goetia, but everyone else smiled after seeing what Lai Yueang said.

Kocho Shinobu even spoke directly.

【Shinobu Kocho: Haha, the first person to destroy the world was none other than Lord Goetia.

【Ichinose Honami】:...

【Misaka Mikoto】:...

The two of them didn't know what to say for a moment. So, there is a villain in this group who almost destroyed the world? What should I do? I hope he won't be killed to silence him!

Fortunately, Goetia spoke up, which made the two of them feel relieved.

【Goetia: After I was defeated, the world returned to its original state. Basically, all humans survived. It was just a one-year blackout. It was very different from the end of the world this time. Well, when the time comes and things stabilize, I will start a live broadcast to show you this post-apocalyptic world.

Goetia's words comforted Ichinose Honami and Misaka Mikoto, and with the help of an old group member explaining, the current Goetia was no longer the same as before.

The two accepted it, but even if they couldn't accept it, they couldn't leave the group.

However, when they learned that Goetia would broadcast live to show everyone this new world, everyone was still very curious and had some expectations.

Originally, everyone thought they had to wait for three months, but this live broadcast came much earlier than they thought.

Because the characteristics of the Temple of Time are here, independent of the timeline, so the speed of time in the two places is different. Although it is not so that it will end in a blank sheet of paper when you just come in and go out, the time is greatly shortened.

Not long after, Goetia walked out of the Temple of Time.

At this moment, the outside world has become much more stable. It was no longer filled with a chaotic atmosphere like before. The entire earth calmed down because the textures of the two worlds had been replaced. The texture that appeared on the surface now was the texture of the Chaldeas Sphere. The entire ground was white, and at a glance, it was all plains, without any mountains.

When stepping on this white ground, Goetia felt a sense of familiarity, which was still somewhat similar to the original earth. After all, the Chaldeas Sphere was an imitation of the earth, but unfortunately, no matter how much it imitated, it could not become the real earth.

Then, Goetia looked around, and in different directions, there were storm walls reaching the sky. There were five storm walls in total, not seven.

Because the British Lostbelt was already considered a world of strange stories, it was surrounded by a golden wall, not a storm wall. As for the South American Lostbelt, there was no storm wall at all at this moment, because it was underground!

When Goetia observed these Lostbelts, his expression suddenly became stern.

The Clairvoyant saw a figure, and the other party also saw him, which meant that the other party also had Clairvoyance, and the level was very high.

In Type-Moon, people with EX clairvoyance know each other. For example, Solomon, Gilgamesh, and Merlin, although they were in different time periods, actually knew each other. After all, clairvoyance can transcend time, so they know each other.

And now, it is actually the same situation.

However, Goetia muttered to himself.

"That guy, it seems like he has no emotions, a little cold!"

In fact, when Goetia saw that guy, he knew his identity, Arjuna, the king of the Ginto Lostbelt! He also has EX-level clairvoyance, so when Goetia looked at the Ginto Lostbelt, the two looked at each other from a distance.

However, Goetia soon retracted his gaze.

Arjuna also lost Goetia's trace. After all, he was a god in the Lostbelt and believed that the Lostbelt under his jurisdiction was the entire world. Before this cognition was broken, Goetia was not suitable for the other party to contact. If Goetia broke the shackles of cognition in advance, it would not be a good thing for Ritsuka.

In the current Lostbelt, only the gods in the Atlantic Lostbelt and Morgan in the British Lostbelt have broken this cognition. In addition, some beings in the South American Lostbelt also know about it.

These Lostbelts are undoubtedly very difficult for Ritsuka.

After all, Ritsuka's details have been figured out.

The first time I met Arjuna, I was very happy. Even if they can make contact with Na, it will not cause a cognitive breakthrough in the other party. Because both parties have clairvoyance, it is inevitable that they will look at each other. In fact, Skadi, the king of the Nordic Lostbelt, also has the ability to predict the future.

It's just that it's not clairvoyance.

Skadi's skill of"the wisdom of the great god" comes from the blessing of the Nordic gods, which allows him to have the ability to predict the future, but it is not clairvoyance. Therefore, Goetia cannot see her.

Moreover, Goetia withdrew his sight in advance.

However, it is precisely because of these fantasy trees in the Lostbelt that the surface texture is much more stable at this moment. There are no more terrible earthquakes like before, because these fantasy trees are rooted in the ground, which can be regarded as consolidating this blank texture.

Afterwards, Goetia turned on the live broadcast.

Everyone in the chat group saw Goetia's world again at this moment.

It was all white, and then there was nothing, which looked extremely desolate.

【Kato Megumi: Ah...There is nothing left!

【Ichinose Honoki: Are all the people dead? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It must be said that the post-apocalyptic scene is more exaggerated than they imagined. Originally, I thought that even if most people would die, at least traces of human civilization could be seen. But now, even the traces of human civilization have been completely wiped out.

What kind of powerful force can do this?

Oh, Goetia can do it too, then it's okay

"Some people have moved."

Goetia still responded to Ichinose Honami's words, but the people in the group were obviously very interested in where those people went, and Goetia did not hide this.

"I transferred them to a place that is out of time!"

Goetia's answer obviously confused the group of people. Only Yakumo Yukari, Sindra and Aqua knew the meaning of this sentence.

In the end, it was Yakumo Yukari who changed the topic of the group of people.

【Yakumo Yukari]: So what are you going to do now? Are you going to save this world? Or is it already a fait accompli, and we can only leave it like this?

Seeing this comment, Goetia laughed.

"No, this ending can still be changed. But I don't need to do it for now. Since the end of the world has already happened, the hero should be in place. All I can do is to give the hero a little help!"

【Ichinose Hoba]: Can the heroes in the novels really save the world?

For Ichinose Hoba, most heroes in novels are like this, but this is a real world after all. Goetia's response to Ichinose Hoba's words is also very simple.

"Not sure. But don't worry, the world has become like this now, even so, mankind will not perish. As for you, choosing a suitable partner will be of great help for the next exam!"

Goetia's sudden words to Ichinose Hoba surprised Ichinose Hoba.

He didn't expect the topic to shift to himself, and how did he know about his own affairs?

【Kato Megumi]: Lady Goetia has a special ability to see the future, so if you encounter something that you can't decide, you can ask Lady Goetia. Lady Goetia's ability has been confirmed.

Kato Megumi's explanation really shocked Ichinose Honami and Misaka Mikoto.

Not only Kato Megumi, but also a goddess who had experienced it personally, also confirmed it at this rare moment.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: That's right, from this point of view alone, Goetia is still very reliable. His predictions have not been wrong so far! Aqua liked.jp Goetia has turned off the live broadcast, but after seeing Aqua's speech, he still replied

【Goetia: Since you know that my predictions are accurate, why did you still get eaten by frogs? It’s okay once, but I see that you haven’t escaped from the frog’s mouth even once!

【[Leyuon]: No way, there are still such stupid people?

Aqua, who was poked in the sore spot by Gaetia and Leyuon, was extremely angry at the moment. What can she do? She already knew it in advance and dodged it, but unfortunately, her current attributes are too bad, and she can't dodge it at all. Moreover, that guy Kazuma always asked her to be a bait.

Because of the jokes of several people, Ichinose Fanba really believed it a little, so he also remembered Gaetia's words in his heart.

It just so happened that after the baseline test, most of the students have not figured out some of the mechanisms of this school. It would be more appropriate if they got a good ally.

The blank paper has ended now, and Gaetia has not sensed any traces of Ritsuka and his group. I think they are still sailing in the imaginary space. Of course, Gaetia knew their first destination, but this time, Gaetia had no intention of going there.

Because Gaetia thought of one thing, as a genius magician, Morgan, a magician who even reached the divine realm, mastered a special magic called Water Mirror.

This magic, Gaetia is very interested. Because this magic involves time and space, but it is different from the fifth magic.

So, Goetia wants to learn about it.

See if he can improve his control of the fifth magic in this way, and it would be best if he could reach the point where Aozaki Aoko can borrow power from the future.

Moreover, Solomon, the ancestor of magic, is now the human king Goetia. However, when contacting this genius magician, the two may really have a common language, of course, in terms of magic. As for other aspects, Morgan, who is devoted to Britain, actually has few people who have a common language with her.

Thinking of this, Goetia still opened the space gap and moved directly to the vicinity of the British abnormal zone.

Unlike other abnormal zones, the edge of this abnormal zone is a layer of golden wall. Fortunately, although these abnormal zones are not connected to the outside world, at least they are still on the same world dimension. When Goetia slowly opened the space gap, he passed through this layer of golden wall.

When Goetia entered Great Britain, he felt a foul smell.

As a person born from human evil, Goetia felt sick at the stench. Goetia, who had just entered, sensed this huge evil, which was the greatest disgust caused by these fairies. Fortunately, Goetia himself was human evil.

Although the two were not connected, after adapting, Goetia was only a little unhappy.

Sure enough, fairies are scum. Of course, this only refers to the fairies in this abnormal zone.

Goetia ignored it and looked towards the British continent. Then, he walked out of the space crack directly in Camelot and looked at the city of Camelot. Goetia felt that it was still different from the treasure Camelot released by Mashu.

But it was also gorgeous.

Although it was not good to enter someone else's house without permission, Goetia at the moment seemed to have no other way.

You can't go as a human being. The humans in this abnormal zone can no longer be considered human beings, at least Goetia thinks so. Because they have no independent reproduction ability, they can't really be called human beings. All the humans here are inferior imitations created by fairies using the cells of the first generation of miko.

Therefore, their status in this Lostbelt is certainly not that good.

Therefore, Goetia still felt that he could sneak in, no, just go in openly.

Ordinary fairies don't have the strength to stop him.

Of course, the moment he entered Camelot, a figure appeared in front of Goetia. The white hair and the face similar to Altria made Goetia recognize the other party's identity in an instant. The king of this Lostbelt is Morgan, but this is just a clone.

"Humans of pan-human history? No, you give me a very different feeling���Who are you...Goetia!"

Morgan recognized Goetia's pan-human identity at the first moment, which was somewhat related to the birth of this abnormal zone. In addition, as Belia's servant, Morgan still knew something about what Goetia had done before.

"Morgan, the magician genius who arrived at the divine realm. I am glad to meet you here."

"What is your purpose in entering Britain?"

Morgan is now cautious about this Goetia who almost destroyed pan-human history. No more today, a total of 30,000 words. Let's talk about the daily updates in the future , 10,000 words a day, 8-9 am, 8 pm.

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