"Wait, that is to say..."Master Goetia knows what happened to us in the past? ? ?"

Kocho Shinobu suddenly thought of something and asked in shock.

Goetia looked at Kocho Shinobu and then nodded slowly.

"That's right, including your whole life, including...For revenge, you have infected your whole body with poison, I can see it. However, with the chat group, those who want to kill you don't have to be so desperate. I hope you can let it go a little."

Goetia's words almost made Shinobu Kocho cry.

Someone knew her purpose all along, and also knew the pressure in her heart. At this moment, it seemed that she had found a vent. Even Shinobu Kocho, who was originally very strong, couldn't help crying at this moment.

This made Sindra next to her feel a little overwhelmed.

She hurried forward to comfort her.

After a long time, when Shinobu Kocho's emotions stabilized, Goetia spoke again.

"In the future, you can also ask the group members in the chat group to help you, so there is no need to be so extreme."

This time, after stabilizing herself, Shinobu Kocho also said that she would consider it, and Sindra also understood what Goetia had said before. It turned out that Miss Shinobu Kocho was determined to die. After understanding this, Sindra said that if Miss Shinobu Kocho needed it, she could also go over to help.

With Sindra's comfort, Shinobu Kocho finally recovered her previous mood.

In short, this incident made the relationship between Sindra and Shinobu Kocho much better.

At the same time, in the group, because Sindra and Shinobu Kocho did not live broadcast, now other people started to water the group again.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Why are you not broadcasting live anymore?

【[Le Yueang]: Of course it is to avoid being peeped by a goddess like you. Aqua is laughing.jpg

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: I feel like you are getting more and more jumpy now, look at my great silencing technique!

Raiyue Ang was banned for three days by the administrator Aqua

Raiyue Ang was banned by the administrator Yakumo Yukari

【Yakumo Yukari]: We are all exploring the new world, don't silence us all the time! Even Kato Megumi stood up and said something fair.

【Kato Megumi]: The authority dog is the most abominable

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Ah...Damn it, before that guy Goetia joined the group, Kato Megumi, you were not like this

【Kato Megumi: Hahaha, yeah. But I noticed something has changed in the chat group.

【Kato Megumi]: Screenshot

【Kato Megumi]: It seems to have just come out.

In Kato Megumi's screenshot, that is the task module of the chat group.

The original third task, which is to explore the new world, has been changed. Kato Megumi also hurriedly @ Goetia. But when she found that Goetia didn't respond, she remembered that Goetia's spirit didn't have a chat group. Even if she @ed it, only the main body could get the news.

So, Kato Megumi turned around and @ Sindra and Kocho Shinobu.

【[Shinobu Kocho]: So something has changed? Let's see.

The servant Goetia can only wait for Shinobu Kocho and Sindra to tell him. There is no way, the clone can't see it.

After the two told him, Goetia finally knew what happened.

In short, the progress has been updated.

The original description was to explore the new world, get the designated recruitment ticket and a lot of points!

But now, the progress can be seen.

Explore the new world, 1. Understand the forces of all parties (completed); 2. Get the system terminal (uncompleted)

Seeing this change, Goetia was not surprised but happy. This chat group finally revealed its needs. However, what is the system terminal for? Moreover, how can I get it? Do I have to meet the evil god D?

With the current configuration of the three people, Goetia doesn't think they can beat it. In the human territory of this world, the three can still walk sideways for the time being. Except for the demon king, there is no threat to the three people. But, if you want to fight against those gods, it's still a little bit worse.

So, it can only be done slowly.

While Goetia was thinking, Shinobu Kocho and Sindra were replying to Kato Megumi in the group.

Mainly, Kato Hui was asking, are the three people progressing so fast? And Sindra said that because of Goetia's clairvoyance, she could see the past of this world. At this time, the group knew that Goetia's clairvoyance could see the past.

This really shocked the group.

【Kocho Shinobu]: So, all the bad things you did in the past can be clearly seen by Lady Goetia!

I must not be the only one to be seen by Lady Goetia, this is what Kocho Shinobu thought.

Look, some people in the group have begun to feel guilty.

The words of a certain mentally retarded goddess, you don't need to think about it to know that there is something fishy

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Tsk, I...I'm not afraid....You haven't done anything wrong, right?

【Kato Megumi]: Why is it a question mark?

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Ahem, I never told anyone else this little secret that Eris’ breasts are padded!

【Lai Yueang]: This mentally retarded goddess seems to have said something incredible. Oh my goodness, we won't be silenced, will we?...

A joke in the group. Goetia doesn't know yet. He is now thinking about how to complete the task.

I need data for the new book. I beg all the readers to give me some free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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