Although the behaviors are somewhat similar, there are still essential differences.

Well, this time I don't have the idea of destroying the world and eliminating mankind. This time, it's just a little bit of my kindness.

Anyway, after melting the Holy Grail into Spider Girl's body, Goetia was ready to leave. I can't talk to Spider Girl for too long, after all, the Temple of Time still consumes a lot of magic power. Although, now as the master, Syndra is not worried about the consumption of magic power.

But in order to avoid being discovered by the evil god D for too long, it's time to leave now.

"Okay, now I'll send you out. Remember, don't tell anyone about your experience with me."

"I understand. No one can talk to me now!"Spider-Child spread out its spider legs, looking like it wanted to say something but had no place to say it.

"In short, if you meet a god, don't talk nonsense, and don't think nonsense! In addition, I always feel that we will meet again in the future."

After that, Goetia didn't say much and sent Spider-Girl out of the Temple of Time.

"real���? I..."

Before Spider-Girl could say anything, she was sent out.

After Spider-Girl went out, she suddenly found that she was still in the same place as before, and the frogs around her were the same as the ones she had just killed. Spider-Girl was very impressed by this, but then she saw the time of the system, and it seemed to be no different from before.

Spider-Girl felt the power of Goetia. It had been so long since she entered that special space, but the real world was still at this time point.

That human was too powerful, wasn't it? Are all humans in this world so powerful? It's too scary.

In the future, Spider-Girl said that she must be careful of humans.

Unconsciously, it seemed that because of Goetia, Spider-Girl had a little misunderstanding about the humans in this world.

The Temple of Time itself is isolated from time. Although Goetia, as a servant, used this feature, it still existed. Therefore, after Goetia brought Spider-Girl into the Temple of Time, she came out at the same time point.

Goetia himself, after meeting Spider-Girl, directly opened the gap and left the Great Labyrinth.

This aroused the interest of a certain observer.

Obviously, on the screen, the human who had no idea where he came from was heading to the lower level, but how could he suddenly choose to leave? Evil God D felt a little strange, and in her picture, she didn't know that just a moment ago, Goetia had met the spider she was paying attention to.

"Interesting, did the space magic leave directly? Among humans, except for the brave, I don’t remember any magician with such strength! Forget it, the little spider is still interesting, it fell to the ground!"

Although Goetia left through the gap ability, it obviously did not attract too much attention from the evil god D.

Compared with the little spider, the boring human was not enough for her to pay too much attention.

In other words...Stand-up comedy is still the most interesting.

After leaving the maze, Goetia began to look for the location of Sindra and Kocho Shinobu. Fortunately, as a servant, the connection between the master and the servant still exists. So, they found the two of them quickly. The two of them were already in the human town and even integrated into it.

When Goetia appeared in front of them, they were both very happy.

"How is it, did you find anything?"

Gotia asked the two people, who had already turned off the live broadcast at this moment. After all, it's not good to keep the live broadcast on, as if you are being monitored. Although they are all group members, it's not appropriate.

"Here, it seems that everyone has something called a system."

Kohiko Shinobu was the first to talk about her discovery. Goetia also nodded and told her what she knew.

"That, ah, is related to a god here. In fact, this world was already on the verge of destruction, but that god sacrificed himself to save it....No, it cannot be said to be a salvation, it can only be said that the world's injuries have been temporarily stopped."

To put it simply, this world has a kind of energy called MA energy, or in layman's terms, life energy. But humans have consumed more than half of it. If it is exhausted, the world will be over. Among them, the elves use more.

And then they couldn't stop, and the dragons couldn't stand it anymore, and prepared to attack humans.

But they were defeated by a goddess named Sariel. The dragons had no choice but to go to other worlds with the remaining life energy, and they didn't want to die with humans and elves.

In the end, this world was going to be destroyed as expected.

In order to save the planet, the Elf King came up with a sinister idea, which was to sacrifice the goddess Sariel. As a result, Sariel agreed. It was the Dragon King who had been driven away before, now the Dragon God, who heard the news. , found the Evil God D, who seemed very interesting.

Then he created a system, and the core of the system was the Goddess Sariel.

Practicing skills within the system, the constant cycle of life and death (seems to be a replica of the Hades Palace), constantly refilling MA energy, and saving the half-sacrificed Goddess Sariel, and then using her as the core of the system to support the entire world. The Dragon God became one of the managers of this planet.

Originally, nothing serious had happened, but the Elf King made trouble again, and directly sucked away most of the refilled MA energy.

So, it became like this now. Demon King Ariel wanted to kill these elves, otherwise, the world would still be over.

After listening to Goetia's explanation, Sindra and Kocho Shinobu looked at each other. They didn't expect the world to be like this.

"But, Lord Goetia, how did you know?"

Goetia was clearly still in the maze before, how did he know after coming out?

In response, Goetia smiled and pointed to his eyes.

"Of course I saw it!"

"Eh? Isn't it the eye that predicts the future? How did Lord Goetia know about the past?"

"My glasses can not only see the future, but also the past!"

This time, Sindra and Kocho Shinobu were shocked again. Huh? Seeing the future is fine, but also seeing the past???

"Eh? Didn't I say that before?"

Sindra and Kocho Shinobu shook their heads suddenly, their eyes a little confused, and it can be seen that they were a little shocked inside.

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