Goetia, who was summoned as a Servant, knew clearly what his job was.

Caster Solomon.

Yes, this was his current identity, but underneath this identity, there was another identity. Pretender Goetia, also known as the pretender (the translation of the Chinese server"who wears a character" is a bit speechless...)

That's right, Goetia's current job is Pretender, but it's hidden. The job revealed to the outside is Caster.

Even his identity is disguised, and now he is Solomon.

The job of Pretender, even in the game, was first appeared by Oberon. He had disguised himself as a fairy, and when he was summoned by Ritsuka, he became a Pretender. And now, Goetia is actually this job, which is still beyond Goetia's expectation.

However, what Goetia did does fit the job of Pretender.

Goetia was born from Solomon's corpse, but he is not Solomon, but he did pretend to be Solomon before. So, give yourself a Pretender.���The job title is in line with reality.

Of course, this is not enough to surprise Goetia.

After obtaining this job title, Goetia was surprised that he, the fake Solomon, seemed to be able to use Solomon's first treasure.

The time of farewell has come. The treasure that abandons the world is the treasure that Solomon used to cut off his huge power. What will happen if he uses it? Goetia fell into autism. Forget it, it was just a disguise. In most battles, Goetia's original power must be used.

After the summoning, Solomon (Goetia) and Sindra were also very happy. Judging from the aura, Sindra felt that the current Lord Goetia was indeed much weaker. Even, he might not be able to beat Sindra. The ordinary spiritual base weakened Goetia's ability a lot.

And Sindra is the most talented mage in Valoran. It's just that if she really wants to fight Solomon (Goetia) in his current state, Sindra's compatibility is not very good.

The main reason is that the magician is not compatible with Solomon. If a melee fighter of Syndra's level comes, Solomon (Goetia) really can't beat him. The main reason is that the Ten Commandments are still in Solomon's hands. As long as the Ten Commandments are there, Syndra's spells can be weakened.

After that, there was actually nothing else to do. After staying in the Type-Moon world for a while, Syndra went back.

However, the modernization of the Type-Moon world still gave Syndra a great shock. After all, Valoran currently does not have such a modern city.

After Syndra went back, the group was still discussing what happened just now.

【Kato Megumi]: The figure of Lord Goetia suddenly appeared in the magic circle. This is too unscientific.

【Lai Yueang]: I have traveled through time, and you are talking to me about science?

【Kato Megumi】:

【Syndra: I have returned to my own world, but the world of Lord Goetia is too shocking. Steel skyscrapers, Valoran doesn't have them.

【Goetia: No, there are some in Valoran. Although they are not as good as the modern cities here, they are not far behind. I recommend you to take a look at Piltover.

【[Sindra]: Eh? Is there still such a place in Valoran? I want to go and take a look.

【Kato Megumi: Ha, is Goetia-sama's place also a modern city? It's the same here, but everything is very scientific. How can the two worlds be so different? Aqua sighs.jpg

【Yakumo Yukari]: By the way, Syndra, you have returned to your own world, so won’t Goetia’s clone, who is a summoned creature, disappear?

【[Goetia]: Well, generally speaking, when the Master, that is, the summoner, dies, the Servant will disappear. But there are exceptions, that is, the Servant itself has the ability to act alone, and can act alone. This is related to the characteristics of the Servant itself.

And Goetia herself has a higher-level version of acting alone, the skill of manifesting alone.

Therefore, even if Sindra leaves Type-Moon, the Servant Solomon (Goetia) can move freely, just like Gilgamesh, or even more advanced than Gilgamesh.

Goetia's explanation still surprised Yakumo Yukari a little. If one has the characteristic of acting alone, the summoned creature can exist alone. This kind of summoning technique seems to be very good.

After that, since everything has been prepared, it is time to start exploring the new world. Only Shinobu Kocho has plenty of time at this moment. The training of the three little ones has been handed over to Kanao and others, so Shinobu Kocho has time to travel to another world.

Sindra and Shinobu Kocho clicked on the task one after another and truly entered the new world.

The two finally met successfully and appeared in a huge underground cave. This environment made both of them feel a little spooky.

It's just...I didn't see Goetia.

【Sindra]: Why didn't Lord Goetia come?

【Kato Megumi: ???

The others were also confused, not knowing what had happened.

Fortunately, Kocho Shinobu turned on the live broadcast, and everyone knew about Sindra and Kocho Shinobu. On the screen, the two were in a huge low cave, but there was no Goetia around.

And Goetia, at this moment, was speechless.

【Goetia: I know what's going on. The chat group is on my main body's side, so the clone can't get through by itself!

Goetia's answer caused everyone to be speechless. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to summon the clone?

Goetia herself was a little surprised. She didn't expect that she couldn't use the chat group in the Servant state. However, it was normal. After all, the chat group was bound to her main body. It was really unlikely that a clone wanted to use it.

【Kato Megumi: What should we do? We can only rely on Miss Kocho Shinobu and Miss Sindra.

【[Water Goddess Aqua]: Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. This Goetia is too unreliable!

【Goetia: Don't panic, I still have a way. Sindra, check if the Command Seal on the back of your hand is still there?

During the live broadcast, Sindra raised her hand and revealed the Command Seal.

"Is it this one?"

【Goetia: That’s right.���, still there. This shows that the chat group is still powerful. Although there is no way to let my soul use the chat group function, but now my servant soul is actually counted as your strength, so the chat group will retain this command spell.

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