Steel Land, one of the final endings of the Type-Moon world.

The future of each world actually has multiple possibilities, and this is also true in the Type-Moon world. However, in the Type-Moon world, there are only two possibilities that are the most likely. One is the future of Steel Land, where eight UOs come to Earth to wipe out the primates at that time.

Another possibility is the ending of Moon Coral.

Because of human immigration, humans on Earth suddenly lost their enthusiasm, including the enthusiasm for pioneering and enterprising, the enthusiasm for exploring the unknown, and the enthusiasm for reproducing offspring.

That is not a trivial matter like a housewife complaining that her son is a stay-at-home, but the entire human population has become indifferent to everything.

So the people on Earth sent almost all the achievements of civilization to the moon.

Let the Earth get relief.

There are many other futures, but these two futures are more likely.

Moreover, based on the actions of Marisbilly Animusfia, the former director of Chaldea, the ending of entering Steel Land is more likely. After all, as long as the big spider is in South America, it means that the ending of Steel Land will appear.

What is the ending of Steel Land?

The so-called"Earth of Steel" refers to the Moon World that was declared to be finished after the disagreement at the end of the century due to the death of the planetary consciousness"Gaia".

Because of the endless consumption and exploitation of resources by humans, the Earth lost its vitality and entered death, which also represents the death of the planetary consciousness. Theoretically, the Earth of Steel should not have existed. At this point in time, the third planet in the solar system should have been an iron-gray desert star that had lost all vitality.

The death of the Earth announced the extinction of the life that inhabited it. The fifth element (true ether) that was enough to poison any creature of the old era instantly permeated the entire planet.

Gaia gave birth to children (humans), was killed by humans, and went to extinction with humans. Gaia regarded it as reasonable and accepted it without regret.

However, surprisingly, humans have developed extremely terrifying technology to continue their survival. With the genetic engineering of humans and other creatures, as well as various transformation mutations of unknown origin, the next generation of primates called"Arias" - born from humans but far surpassing humans, powerful creatures that can easily adapt to even the hellish wasteland filled with true ether, have come onto the stage of history.

Gaia was completely terrified by the fact that her child would continue to exist beyond her own death, so she sent out a final SOS to the entire solar system: Please eliminate all primates that still survive on my corpse after my death.

Then...The eight planets in the solar system sent out their strongest combat force, UO.

Thus, the final doomsday battle began.

(FateEtralink avoided this ending. Although that world was also resource-depleted, they entered the virtual spirit world. So the emergence of new primates, Alyssa, was avoided, but that situation also felt like a dead end.)

In fact, to avoid the Land of Steel, humans only need to leave the earth. At least, that was the ending of the Moon Coral.

And now, Goetia can tell from Gaia's expression that she actually knows this and doesn't care much.

This is also why Marisbili Animusphia on the Chaldean side is carrying out such an outrageous plan, and Gaia is still in alliance with Alaya. She will not care about the current human beings, because in that ending, human beings have also been destroyed.

Gaia can actually accept that human beings and the earth will be destroyed together, just dead. However, in the end, a new primate, Alyssa, was born. That is no longer human. Gaia hates this race and the races of human mutations later, because they are out of death.

Of course, this does not mean that Gaia will stand on the side of humans. She just doesn't want to pay attention to it. Otherwise, the former director would be so extravagant and ask Debit to enlarge the spider to destroy the history of humanity. If

Gaia really wants to take action against humans, there are many ways to do it.

As for Alaya, she may also know the possibility of that future, so as a human consciousness, she wants to change this result. Therefore, Alaya is now tossing with Ritsuka, and as for the result, the future is not clear.

Therefore, when Gaia heard that Goetia contacted the alien visitor in order to save herself, she was indeed a little surprised.

"Oh, by the way. If possible, please ask that person to give me a crown spiritual base, so that I can exert my strength a little stronger...."

"You still want a crown spiritual base? No, I can't tell you, only a normal spiritual base!"

""Okay, ordinary spirit base is ordinary spirit base!"


Why did it suddenly become a bargaining? Didn't I come to stop Gaetia from contacting the Throne of Heroes? I was inexplicably led astray by Gaetia.

However, in the end, Gaia took a deep look at Gaetia and left.

Gaetia was not surprised, but just a little hesitant. I have told Gaia that this summoning should be successful. It is basically impossible to summon a crown spirit, which is used to deal with beasts. Or to solve huge threats to humans.

Therefore, Gaetia is just trying to bargain.

The conversation between Gaetia and Gaia was actually just a matter of a moment. After all, in the Temple of Time, they are out of the timeline.

Therefore, on Sindra's side, after officially drawing the magic circle and saying the chanting words, the summoning has been activated. Moreover, it didn't take long before a figure suddenly appeared in the magic circle drawn by Sindra.

It was not much different from the Gaetia that Sindra had seen.

Gaetia, who appeared in the magic circle, looked around, and then knew that the summoning had been successful. Gaetia cut his consciousness to���When he got to the trumpet, the main body began to take a nap on the throne. However, this Servant's body still had a situation that surprised Goetia....

In the chat group, Goetia's face finally appeared in front of the members.

【[Leyueang]: Is this Lord Goetia? He looks so handsome....

【Kocho Shinobu: Indeed.

【Yakumo Purple】:+1

【Kato Megumi: He is handsome, but why do I feel that there is something strange about Lord Goetia? Is he frivolous or decadent? Why do I feel this way?

【Water Goddess Aqua]: Haha, maybe he is like this from the beginning?

Anyway, Goetia was successfully summoned as a spirit, but at this moment, Goetia fell into deep thought....Why is the job agency like this? ? ?

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