Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 221 The Essence of the Fifth Law

"Challenger, how dare you say it? If I had just deviated just a little, it would not have been your right hand that was reversed, but your heart."

Roland observed Aozaki Aoko's hand with great interest, analyzing and deciphering it with the wisdom he had grown up to this day. The power of magic is the embodiment of order, which is beyond this planet and is everywhere. the rule of.

Even if it involves the time and space of the planet and the universe, it is essentially just a way to take advantage of the opponent's power by reducing dimensions.

It is as if the concept of time travel has long been included in the second method. The tampering of records and the rewriting of phenomena are part of the operation of the parallel world.

But this is not the essence of the second method, so the fifth method can also get involved.

Roland wanted to use similar means to get a glimpse of the true face of the fifth law.

"Did you throw your injuries into the future? No... That should be a time point that you don't know if you can reach it at all. While retaining the cause and effect, you can avoid being affected. Qingzi, it's not okay to give up your responsibility like this. right."

The mental time travel demonstrated by Aozaki Aoko is only the most insignificant part of the fifth method. The ability to manipulate the timeline and distort cause and effect is one of the only five privileges.

"Do you think everyone is a rich person like you? Besides, compared to your behavior of spending everything in the past, I am already saving a lot!"

Aozaki Aoko curled her lips angrily, which made Roland laugh and said: "It's really easy to understand, but this kind of time operation consumes no magic power at all. Have you borrowed money from the future again?"

"That's right, otherwise how can I fight against a monster like you?" Qingzi didn't mean to hide anything and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No matter what move I use, my magic power will instantly return to a sufficient state. It's okay to treat it as infinite. If you expect to be able to use a war of attrition to deal with me, don't waste your efforts."

"It's another way of becoming immortal. Magicians are indeed monsters,"

Roland nodded clearly and changed the subject.

"So, the injury just now, as well as the energy itself represented by the infinite magic reserve, and how it coordinates with the current time, the payment process, were also thrown into the distant future by you? You don't plan to Come on, it turns out you are still an old bastard."

Qingzi clicked his tongue, but nodded.

"Otherwise, there is nowhere else to throw it. The cause and effect itself cannot be erased. Moreover, this metaphor is too much. I will send it back when this burden arises! Then there is nothing to complain about. That’s it!”

Just like Killer Queen, who has evolved many times, cannot change what really happened, whether it is the third or fourth bomb being activated, it is an iron rule that cannot be erased.

This rule itself is one of the manifestations of the root principle.

If Killer Queen's bomb is to transfer this debt to creditors so that the unlucky ones affected by the bomb can bear it, then Aozaki Aoko's behavior is a complete free prostitution.

To use an analogy, it is like constantly opening new credit cards to pay off the debt on the previous card, in order to avoid the lingering debt.

Magicians will lead to destruction, and they are sinful existences for humans, planets, and the world. This sentence is not just talk.

It may seem nice to throw the debt caused now into a future where you don't even exist, but in a sense, time paradox is more humane than this.

This massive, unplanned consumption of calories is nonsense.

Originally, time travel itself requires huge amounts of energy.

It takes magic to make something from nothing, and it takes more energy to make something from something.

And where does this magic come from? One will add and the other will subtract, which is proof of the breakdown of order.

The distortion caused by magic will one day affect the entire universe.

It's like borrowing money and running away, and the debt will not be honored until there is no one to pursue it against. Because the debt itself will not disappear, it can only be paid by the world, or in other words, the universe.

Even if the universe is closed and continues to expand, it cannot afford the excessive growth in heat consumption.

What awaits at the end of unlimited expansion, uncontrolled consumption, and endless growth is by no means a future filled with hope.

What lies ahead is nothingness, and one day the universe will overheat to death.

"No matter how sophisticated the cosmic system is, if the burden it bears, that is, the growth of entropy, exceeds the limit, it will collapse. No wonder the Aozaki family's magic is meaningless,"

Roland shook his head, "The fifth method is the principle of consumption. However, in the face of an ending destined to destruction, it can only try to make up for everything. This is the reason why you were chosen."

"I'm so sorry for treating all lives equally! Because Aozaki Aoko always tries to make up for the broken balance, let's just leave it to her to make up for it, one or two, what do you think I am, a fire-fighting tool person? "

As if a sore spot had been poked, Qingzi complained loudly.

"Magicians are the theoretical definers and operators of the order that was born later. They are both the lackeys of the order and the monsters of the rules. They play the role of protector and destroyer at the same time. Therefore, they are willful and arbitrary in the choice of successors. careful.

But looking at Roland's smiling expression, Qingzi sighed and admitted the other party's statement.

"Yes, my fifth method, or the method of blue, is indeed the end of all evil. Although the magic is not bad, in terms of value, mine is indeed the lowest, so I got the fifth method. Ranking.”

The five kinds of magic are the five orders in the world, and there is no order of precedence. The absence of magicians does not mean that their power is not working, just like gravity does not exist just because Newton has not studied it.

Special beings such as gods and Beo may contain the rules of magic, but they are not magicians.

Humanity's shallow history cannot even be said to rank magic. They may not even fully understand the order of magicians, so the differences between them are sorted in order of importance.

The first method changes everything and is the negation of nothing, so it is the most important. The fifth method is the principle of consumption, so it is the most valuable.

The fifth method is to find possible remedies in the process of destruction. This is to realize one's willful choice by any means necessary under the theme of consumption and promoting progress.

Behaviors such as ignoring heat death are undoubtedly destroying order. The fifth magic is also a manifestation of human consumption civilization that is reckless and constantly destroying for the sake of progress and the future.

It is said that it wants to make up for the destroyed balance, but it is completely unclear how to make up for it.

Although the principle of consumption has made mankind continue to progress, even modern magicians can observe that the world is destined to be destroyed, and it is nothing but magic that has completely lost its value.

"But thanks to this, even if the ending of the universe's collapse does exist, but in terms of my size, this change is too insignificant. In terms of my life of only a hundred years, can I see that kind of destruction? You have to try your luck, so, my dear brother-in-law, be prepared for your failure!"

Aozaki Aoko roared again and rushed towards Roland again. The boiling magic power weaved the spell project, and more of it turned into blue flames, letting go of the shackles of gravity, allowing it to rely on the reversed rules. , soaring straight into the sky, flying freely.

Behind her, the space suddenly let out a terrifying scream, and magic bullets of all sizes spread out like wings. Aoko's long red hair, which symbolized inhuman things, was also flying in the night curtain.

After failing once, she also regained her future attitude towards Roland, and her serious and gentle tone turned into a somewhat rough sneer.

"You will never be able to block this blow. If you want to be resentful, blame your future self."

The magic circle behind Qingzi shone brighter than the stars in the night sky, weaving one link after another, and finally connected to her straight open fingers, aiming at Roland's wrist, forming a It looks like a gun or a cannon.

Under the constant compression, the huge magic power has transformed into a cyan electric current, which emits a low roar with suffocating pressure.

"Although it may be just a guess, it should mean that you also invite me to have a shot, right?"

Roland opened his eyes slightly, as if he understood what Qingzi meant, and his unchanging expression became a little more unexpected.

"Then, I won't take advantage of you. I will use the same force. However, because of the difference in efficiency, you should know that under the collision of our attack, the weak barrier outside cannot stop it at all."

"If you let the aftermath spread, Misaki City will be destroyed. With such confidence, you are really a crazy woman..."

Although he complained about Qingzi's behavior, the corners of Roland's mouth opened unconsciously, and the bright red in his eyes seemed to come out. Then, he followed Qingzi's example and let the dark red concentric polygonal crystal walls shine in On his wrist, layers of layers appeared.

Seeing his actions, Qingzi raised her chin as if she wanted to vent her anger in one breath, showing a confident smile.

"Magic bullet form conversion, ether element - spirit, source designation."

As Qingzi recited the mantra, Roland suddenly felt a flutter in his heart. Just like when he was recovering from his injuries, this time, Qingzi did not just rely on his own strength for the magic bullet, but chose to use the fifth method. Through the passage, she borrowed some materials that she didn't have.

Before the elements that were incorporated into the magic bullet were clear, Roland felt a tingling sensation as if his heart had been pierced. This was not because of fear, but because of the strange closeness in this feeling.

He frowned slightly, reversed the AT position in his hand in the form of energy, and released a bombardment that could wipe out this small rural town three times.

And Aozaki Aoko also recited the last syllable of the mantra.

"Launch—A.T Field, full blast!"

Then, the cyan and gold light pillars and the crimson light of destruction collided fiercely like meteors piercing the night sky!

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