Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 220 Magicians cannot be insulted!

"It's really bleak. Even with the same experience, he was still beaten like this. I hope Cheng Zi can calm down a little bit in the future."

In the sea of ​​flowers, most of which had been turned into ruins, a deep voice sounded.

Glancing at Aosaki Orange, who was slowly emerging from the shadow behind him, looking like he was taking in more air than coming out, Roland snapped his fingers mercilessly, letting him sink back into the shadow.

"Okay, you can take good care of yourself from now on, and prepare to devote your whole life to repaying my kindness. There is no need for losers here for the time being."

While he was speaking, Aozaki Aoko also used the power of magic to stand on the ground again, but as far as her current physical sensation was concerned, this was no different from standing upside down on the ceiling.

"You can still find the trick to adapt so quickly even when your positions are completely reversed. Should I first congratulate you on finally becoming a real magician?"

"Who cares about those things! But you, even though you have gone back to the past, you still chose to save Chengzi. It seems that she is really important in your heart."

Aozaki Aoko snorted coldly, but instead of yelling at Roland because of his true identity like before, she started talking to him very calmly.

"Of course, she is my precious possession. From the next moment, Aozaki Orange will create value for me forever. Even if the universe comes to an end, this will not change. I can't let it go. Such a huge fortune.”

"Tsk... I thought you would care more about the so-called sublimation and heaven than wealth. You are such a stubborn guy."

Aozaki Aoko said unceremoniously.

It was obviously very rude words, but Qingzi's tone revealed a hint of talking to an acquaintance.

Although you can't tell this from her subconsciously clenched fists, which is full of aggression.

"Oh? Even Heaven knows about it, so let me ask first, how many years in the future are you from?"

Even though he already knew the truth about the fifth method, Roland still couldn't hold back his surprise.

The fifth method is destructive in nature, and time travel is just a means to reflect this.

By taking the future experience and adding it to herself, and then multiplying it with magic, Aoko now has extraordinary combat power that can crush her sister.

Although it remains to be seen how much of this memory and experience will remain after the magic is lifted, but the current Aoko is undoubtedly the same as herself ten years from now.

Although she has inherited the memories of her previous Qingzi, due to her mental growth, she is mature enough in her attitude towards things.

For example, instead of killing Chengzi immediately, he beat her until she couldn't move and then revealed that he knew Chengzi's method of using a puppet to resurrect him. He would not be easily angered. Faced with the fact that his sister who had killed him was rescued by Roland. , she could still talk to Roland peacefully.

Therefore, the attitude she showed was very subtle.

According to Aozaki Aoko's timeline in this world, if Roland had not traveled back in time, would he still be entangled with the two of them?

"It looks like more than ten years. I'm too lazy to count the specific time. Anyway, the subsequent timeline has been messed up by you, which makes people really not in the mood."

"More than ten years?"

Roland narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Suddenly I am curious about what great achievements I have done to make up for the lack of time, so that even you already know about heaven."

"Then use your imagination and make a good guess. Isn't this your favorite thing to do?"

Aozaki Aoko didn't accept Roland's provocation at all and laughed without hesitation.

Always taking advantage of the prophet to tease others, this kind of bad taste is indeed Roland's bad habit.

However, Roland didn't feel angry at being treated in the same way, he just raised his eyebrows.

Even if you don't take the most suitable path back to the past, the path to heaven still exists, but the risk may be higher, and you may even have to carry out the next ritual in one go.

Therefore, from the perspective of Aoko, who has become a magician, the subsequent timeline will be a mess that she cannot recover.

So, she must know what the next step of the ceremony will be.

Roland showed a surprised expression.

"Then it seems that your situation is not good. You have grown up to be someone to rely on, mastered the magic of destroying the universe, and you are still so cautious. Does this mean that even at this time ten years ago, you were known to me? If you add those variables, it will affect many things?"

Aozaki Aoko was startled at first, then her charming smile slowly faded, and she stared at Roland with cold eyes.

"That's why I hate guys like you who can always see through the essence of things. I really can't play with conspiracy and other things. It's all because Orange has sucked away my artistic talent! However, on the contrary, using pure I’m very good at solving problems by winning or losing!”

The cold air emanating from Qingzi's body is getting heavier and heavier, and her fingers are cracking once again. Even if she becomes calm and calm, her nature will not change.

"Now that you have rescued Chengzi, I will not continue to hunt her. Let this matter end like this. Anyway, she also understands that she has no possibility of revenge, but as a spoiler, please accompany me. Let’s make a scene.”

"You should know that this time travel will have irreversible consequences in the future, right? Everything done here will offset the future, which might cause a bigger accident."

"Then when trouble arises, let me in the future worry about it!"

Aozaki Aoko showed an eagerness to try and started gearing up.

"When I wasn't a magician, I had no choice but to accept the situation. But as a magician, if I still can't be willful, wouldn't I be a magician for nothing?"

Qingzi grinned and couldn't help but feel a little excited in his tone.

"Moreover, you haven't integrated those things yet, and that crazy woman is not by your side. When I think of Youzhu and I having suffered so much at your hands, and when I think of being able to bully the young you, I feel very happy. ah."


Hearing this, Roland frowned slightly and chuckled.

"Although I don't know what you have been through, you don't think that defeating Orange easily can prove anything, do you?"

"You have to try to find out. Don't worry, for the sake of Alice and Youzhu, I won't do anything to you."

"Please let me return this sentence to you. As your dear brother-in-law, I will be merciful, but you seemed to have just said...Alice?"

This title, which was separated from Youzhu and meant that it was not an alias, made Roland look surprised for the first time.

But before he could speak again, Aozaki Aoko tapped her foot and disappeared in the blink of an eye, taking the lead in kicking off the battle between brother-in-law and sister-in-law!

For a magician, ten years is not a pain in the ass. At most, he can only complete a few small research results. In the Clock Tower, only students in their twenties who have just graduated and received ratings can barely be considered to have entered the magic path. Gate, Kenneth is in his thirties and has not yet officially married, so this is why he can still be called a child prodigy.

But people are different after all. Aozaki Orange's achievements before the age of thirty are more than enough for two titles.

As her younger sister, although she was still a complete dilettante ten years later, after focusing her main energy on her side of science, she had already reached the peak!

"call out--!"

Aozaki Aoko's eyes flashed with sharp light. She stepped slightly in the air at an invisible super speed and crossed the distance of space. Her cyan pupils condensed. In the winding storm, she had already prepared a spell. It has already been unfolded behind him, and hundreds of magic bullets contained in the numerous patterns were fired out at once.

The technique of these hundreds of magic bullets seems simple, and even beginners can use them, but only Aozaki Aoko can make each one have destructive power comparable to the great magic bullets of the Gods.

Looking at the magic bullets falling like meteors, Roland only raised his head slightly, without even moving his fingers. His sight had begun to obliterate these attacks. Golden electric light entangled outside his eye sockets, and blazing beams of light shot into the sky. rise.

When it was struck by the electric eye, the surface of the cyan magic bullet suddenly dented and rippled, trying to explode directly and release its own power, but this possibility also disappeared after the sound of 'pop' Has been obliterated.

In less than half a second, the remaining etheric magic power in the magic bullet was wiped out in the electric light and collapsed, leaving only smoke and dust floating like splashing water.

It didn't even take half a second for this phenomenon to spread from the first to the last magic bullet.

In the shining flames, there is no doubt that if one is caught by these eyes, the whole person will be directly turned into charcoal.

"The annoying electric eyes are annoying!"

However, Aozaki Aoko had already expected this result.

She muttered, and before Roland turned around with thunderous eyes, she stepped forward and appeared next to Roland. A series of spells surrounded her right arm, mobilizing the markings to let the heterogeneous magic power blend in. in her fist.

The unfolding spell began to explode from her elbow, driving her body to hit Roland with smooth movements like the rotation of the earth!

And with the punch, the multiple spells began to come to an end. It was tightly wrapped around the surface of Qingzi's body, like armor protecting her.

For Aoko, who can count the spells she knows on two hands and usually only uses her magic power to directly strengthen herself, to be able to use such complicated spells so quickly and smoothly, I'm afraid she has done something secretly. Less effort.

Before formal contact, Roland felt the results of multiple spells.

Prevent external forces from interfering with movements, prevent the transformation of change magic, and automatically guide the pursuit of lost targets...

Just looking at these painstaking measures is enough to prove that Qingzi's words about having suffered a lot were not simply self-deprecating, but a summary of that painful experience.

"How about it! I have been practicing for so long just to make it inevitable for you to avoid this moment!"

After failing again and again and getting up again and again, she finally reached this moment!


But just when Qingzi's fist was about to hit Roland, the target in front of her had been replaced by Roland's palm.

"Really? Then it seems that the future me is playing tricks with you has been proved."

"You stopped time?"

Aozaki Aoko exclaimed in astonishment. She was so good at time manipulation that she would not be ignorant of the blank feeling just now. When she inherited magic and gained insight into the universe, Aoko also saw the scene where the stars stopped.

But the crux of the problem is that after she has been entangled with this guy for so long in the future, this is the first time she has seen him use such methods.

Is that guy really giving in to himself?

"Damn it!"

Qingzi shouted angrily, not sure if it was because of Roland's words or because of his current situation.

"Kacha, kacha——"

The sound of something cracking spread quickly, and it first touched the palm of Roland's hand. The complex spell like armor was as fragile as glass, and it quickly cracked.

Each of these techniques contained the same power as an exploding rocket, but in Roland's hands, it did not leak out at all, but Qingzi was not surprised, because they collapsed on their own after turning inside and outside. And she also understood that what followed was her palm.

The skin cracked first, and blood quickly flowed out of it. Soon, Qingzi's white hand had turned into a ball of twisted flesh.

"You haven't grown up yet, are you already a monster?"

After using magic power to forcibly break the hand, the magician couldn't help but ask again. Although she had fought against the opponent ten years later, after all, the current time period was different. When she saw Roland in the future, the ceremony had already begun. , so she didn't know much about Roland's combat power before the start.

But logically speaking, shouldn't this kind of villain gain power because of rituals? It’s already so strong before it even begins. Could it be that the so-called paradise really represents the realm of human possibility?

Whether this unreliable idea was right or not, Aozaki Aoko didn't know, but there was only one thing she could be sure of, the Roland in front of her who hadn't eaten those monsters was still very strong!

"It's just that you're too weak. Sure enough, you were too complacent after defeating Orange?"

Roland, whose palm was empty, had no intention of continuing to pursue. He just shrugged innocently with a smile on his face.


But in this situation, Aoko's fighting spirit did not wear off at all. She held her twisted arm without caring and let the cyan glow spread on it.

"If it were you in the future, I would indeed be powerless and could only run away in despair, but I am still enough to make you understand one thing - magicians cannot be insulted!"

"You can come and give it a try. Even if you can only use the body from ten years ago and one of your hands was disabled, I am still invincible to Misaki!"

As if to prove that what she said was true, although Qingzi's embroidered eyebrows were still slightly wrinkled, and a look of pain flashed across her face from time to time, after the cyan glow covered her, her body was reversed from inside to outside. The disabled arm mysteriously recovered in the next moment.

She moved her fists, which were now intact again, and her tone was filled with absolute confidence.

"Because my carelessness just now may cause you to misunderstand, so let me make it clear again that you are the challenger in this battle!"

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