"What do we do now?"

After a long time, Xiao Haicai looked at Fei Bao with a confused face and asked.

Fat Bao rolled his eyes angrily: "How do I know, but I don't believe it, he can still catch all the guests here, let's go back to our business." "

Looking at the angry Fat Treasure, Xiao Hai really wanted to say to him, 'Stop struggling, it's useless', but after thinking about it, Fat Bao would probably beat him up directly, so he forcibly resisted this urge and turned around and followed Fat Bao back to the back of the stall.

Well, there is a saying that if you don't believe in something, you will have it.

The two of them waited from three quarters to three minutes without waiting for a guest, Xiaohai was already sleepy, glanced at the opposite side that had closed down, and said: "Feibao, I think it's better to forget it, let's close the stall." "

Fat Bao gritted his teeth and said: "No, I don't believe that I can't wait for a guest all night, if you are sleepy, go back by yourself, I will wait here by myself!"

"Na, this is what you said, don't say that my brother is not righteous, I'll go first!" Xiao Hai finished speaking, as if he was afraid that Fatty Bao would regret it, he quickly escaped, and disappeared around the corner in an instant.

Fat Bao looked at Xiao Hai who had escaped in amazement, and sat back down with a wry smile, looking at the empty street with blank eyes.

Not far away, Lin Ye glanced at this side, and then nodded with a chuckle, no matter what, at least Fei Bao's persistence is worthy of affirmation, as for the one-month gambling contract? This Lin Ye has never cared about it? The big deal is to give Fei Bao a sum of money directly in the end, and let him take a store.

As long as Feibao has this heart, then there is basically no problem in doing business.

But just as Lin Ye was about to leave, his mind suddenly moved, and the corner of his eyes glanced at the street not far away, only to see a woman in a white dress and a white cloak walking towards Feibao with a basket on her shoulder.

Seeing this woman, Lin Ye suddenly slapped his forehead, how could he forget this female ghost?

(Okay, there are female ghosts again, there are basically female ghosts in Uncle Jiu's movies, and the author is also very helpless!)

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye still decided not to interfere, anyway, in his memory, this female ghost is not only not bad, but very warm-hearted, and even helped Fei Bao a lot later, the only thing worth complaining about is that she almost sucked Xiao Hai into a human child, well, Xiao Hai in the original trajectory is a cultivator, and according to his memory, he is at least the appearance of a human teacher in the original trajectory, so the yang qi is deep.

But now, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai are ordinary people, so the next thing must not happen, otherwise even Da Luo Immortal will not be able to save Xiao Hai.

Calculating the time, that Shi Gongzi and Nanyang Head Descending Master were almost ready to make a move, Lin Ye pondered for a while, then quickly returned to Fei Bao's home, and kicked at Xiao Hai, who was sleeping soundly: "Get up!"

Xiao Hai sat up and looked around blankly: "Ah? Is there something wrong? Hmm? Mr. Lin? You don't sleep in the middle of the night, is it really good to disturb people's dreams here?"

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he said angrily: "Give me the birth dates of you and Fat Bao!"

Xiao Hai's eyes were hazy: "Birthday Eight Characters?" Okay, my Birthday Eight Characters are...... Hoo~Purr......"

I'm special!

Lin Ye almost didn't kick it again, but in the end he still held back, frowned and walked into the room next to him, simply sat down cross-legged, and looked at Xiao Hai's room again before sighing: "I hope my memory is correct, otherwise it will be miserable!"

But fortunately, Lin Ye's memory was not wrong.

When he got up the next day, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai were fine, except that Fei Bao's body was contaminated with a layer of ghost energy, this situation made Lin Ye very relieved, and after washing his face, he spoke directly: "Xiao Hai, Fei Bao, don't go anywhere for a while, I have something to do!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin, we got it!" Xiao Hai yawned in response.

Fei Bao was even more dizzy, looking at the state of the two of them who were about to die, Lin Ye seemed to see Qiusheng and Wencai more than half a year ago.

Half an hour later, in Fat Bao's room, Lin Ye casually threw the wolf in his hand out, and said: "It's done, I tell you, you can't take a bath in any case these days, if these talismans fall, I won't care if anything happens to you at that time, do you understand?"

Xiao Hai was frightened by Lin Ye's words, and looked at Lin Ye with a frightened face: "No, Mr. Lin, are the two of us evil?"

Fat Bao pouted: "I don't think it's an evil spirit, someone must be preparing to harm us, but it was discovered by Mr. Lin in advance, so you just have to carry this talisman honestly." "

"Someone is trying to harm us, who?" Xiao Hai said in a confused circle.

The corners of Fei Bao's mouth twitched, and he knocked on Xiao Hai's head angrily: "Nonsense, who else can it be?" That Shi Gongzi bastard, okay, Mr. Lin, I'll go first." "

"Well, let's get busy!"


After Fat Bao and Xiao Hai left, Lin Ye squinted and walked out of the room, then glanced at the faint yin qi in Fat Bao's room, sighed helplessly, and then lifted the curtain and walked in.

"Hmm, who's who?" he had just entered the room when an ethereal voice came from inside.

Lin Ye casually lowered the curtain, flew up and kicked on a stool, the stool landed steadily in front of the other party, and at the same time, the golden light was overflowing, but there was no lethality at all, but it made the female ghost Xiaohong inside feel an unprecedented warmth, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch the stool.

But just when she was about to touch the stool, the stool suddenly left half a meter away, and then Lin Ye walked over with a smile and said in a low voice: "It's a little close, but fortunately, the reaction is fast!"

Xiaohong woke up suddenly, and looked at Lin Ye with a suspicious expression: "You...... Who the hell are you? Are you a friend of Fat Baby?"

Lin Ye chuckled and looked up at Xiaohong, who looked pretty good, but compared to the black-clothed female ghost last time, it was much worse.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye suddenly slapped his forehead, and he didn't know if he was tossed out of the shadow by the female ghost in black, now as long as he saw the female ghost, he couldn't help but think about some messy things, and he was so enchanted.

The corners of his mouth twitched: "Even if you are a friend of Fat Bao, let's talk about you now, why do you want to follow Fat Bao?"

Xiaohong was slightly stunned, as if she didn't expect Lin Ye to talk to her so calmly, although she couldn't go out during the day, but she did hear what Lin Ye and Fatty Bao Xiaohai said just now, coupled with the golden light emitted from the stool just now, she was 100% sure that Lin Ye must be a master.

It's just that...... Aren't all masters catching ghosts and subduing demons? When will the masters be at peace with ghosts?

Looking at Xiaohong's expression, Lin Ye snorted lightly: "Don't say it, don't say I'll send you away!"

When the words landed, there was an explosion behind Lin Ye, and then a faint ghost aura came out, as a ghost, or a ghost who is nostalgic for the world, Xiaohong is too familiar with that kind of ghost, and it is clearly a ghost gate.

After determining the source of the ghost qi, Xiaohong was so frightened that she stood up directly from the bed, knelt down in front of Lin Ye with a puff, and said, "The master spares his life, my name is Xiaohong......"

Next, Xiaohong crackled and said a lot like pouring beans, telling her miserable life story that made a listener sad and a listener cried.

A quarter of an hour later, looking at Xiaohong, who was still talking, Lin Ye frowned slightly: "Okay, I roughly know, and you have merit and body protection, it seems that you have done a lot of good things in these years of being a ghost, but people and ghosts have different paths, you accompany your mother like this, it seems that you are taking care of the old man, but you don't know that you will accelerate the death of the old man like this?"

Xiaohong lowered her head: "Of course Xiaohong knows, but my mother only has a daughter like me, if I leave, she will really have no one to take care of, and it may be ...... Probably ......"

"Huh~" Lin Ye exhaled a turbid breath: "Yes, I shouldn't have come, forget it, it's not my intention to save me when I die, it's cheap for you!"

After speaking, Lin Ye's heart suddenly moved, and the order of rewarding good and punishing evil flew out from the top of his head, and then Lin Ye's voice came to Xiaohong's ears like a panicked heavenly sound: "There is a female ghost Xiaohong today, birthday...... Today, this envoy pardons the female ghost Xiaohong, who is nostalgic for the innocence of the sun, and after ten years, her soul will enter the underworld, not hell, and she will be reincarnated as usual, pardon!"


The voice landed, and a cyan light suddenly erupted on the order of rewarding good and punishing evil, and Xiaohong was instantly taken in, but after just a breath, Xiaohong was thrown out, this is the order to reward good and punish evil in the record of Xiaohong, and in the future, Xiaohong's soul will be directly displayed in the judge's judge's book after returning to the underworld.

Although Xiaohong has never experienced reincarnation, she also knows that she has really gained a big advantage this time, so she kowtows again and says: "Xiaohong, thank you!"

Lin Ye rubbed the tip of his nose, got up and said, "Remember that the soul will return to the underworld in ten years, otherwise the envoy will personally find you at that time, and then scatter your soul, so that you don't even have a chance to be a ghost!"

"Xiaohong strictly obeys the decree of the master, and in ten years, she will definitely enter the reincarnation of the underworld on time!"

"Well, that's ......"

Mr. Lin...... I ......" Before Lin Ye's words fell, Fei Bao ran in from outside in a panic, and when he saw Lin Ye and Xiaohong kneeling on the ground, the whole person was not good.

At this time, Xiao Hai also rushed in from outside, and when he saw Lin Ye, he smiled and nodded as a greeting, but when he saw Xiao Hong, he couldn't help but exclaim: ", you are a fat treasure, I thought you were right to Zhu Zhu...... I didn't expect you to hide Jiaojiao in the golden house? I'll tell you when you're finished, you're finished!"

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