"Feibao, remember to invite me to eat bird's nest porridge, I lost at least half my life for you this time!"

Looking at Xiao Hai, whose face was pale, Fei Bao suddenly lost all his excitement, and looked at Xiao Hai in shock: "Hey, Xiao Hai, why are you suddenly like this?"


Lin Ye slapped the back of Fei Bao's head angrily, and then said to Xiao Hai hmm~, Xiao Hai suddenly regained his full spirit, hehe Zhile, but the legs of the swing showed that he was really a little weak at this time.

Lin Ye shook his head slightly and said, "Let's go, Boss Zhu, we'll see you in a month!"

"Okay, then I won't send Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, please!"

Lin Ye waved his hand casually, but suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Boss Zhu, and chuckled: "Boss Zhu, there is a saying called Ming Xiu Plank Road, Dark Chen Cang, what about me, what I like most is hard fighting, not the conspiracy behind it, so Boss Zhu is cautious!"

Zhu Zhu was shocked: "Dad?"

Boss Zhu's old face turned red, and he snorted coldly: "Does Mr. Lin look down on me Zhu so much? Although I am not a big person, I am not a small person without integrity, not to mention, I can afford to wait for a month, what does Mr. Lin think?"

"That's your own choice, and everyone's choice will pay a corresponding price for it, such as ...... Boss Zhu, Zhu Zhu is still Yunying unmarried, so don't show up, the impact is not good!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye turned around and left, and Fei Bao glanced at Zhu Zhu again, gritted his teeth and followed.

Xiao Hai sighed in the back, only he was not optimistic about Fat Bao, after all, ten oceans, it seemed to be a lot, but if you want to make a small business, it is even more difficult, and you may not even be able to buy a stall.

It's just that looking at Fat Bao's full fighting spirit, Xiao Hai really doesn't want to say anything to hit him, so let him go, what if it happens?

After the three of them left, Zhu Zhu looked at Boss Zhu angrily: "Dad~!"

Boss Zhu squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "Dad, what is Dad, hurry up and let me in, and also, you can embroider at home this month, and I will arrange other guys to do your work." "

Zhu Zhu's eyes lit up, and she nodded again and again, she had long been fed up with the lightness of those people in the teahouse, and now she can embroider at home with peace of mind, which is definitely the best news, and she seems to be making a set of phoenix crowns for her and Fei Bao, well, although the materials are a little simpler, as long as they can be with Fei Bao, nothing matters.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhu's face was full of sweetness, and Boss Zhu, who saw it, almost didn't have a direct blood lipid explosion, trembling and stretched out his finger to point at Zhu Zhu, and finally didn't say a word, sighed heavily, and turned around and entered the teahouse.

Zhu Zhu didn't care, and quickly ran away, this teahouse, she didn't want to come anyway, even if it was their own business.

On the other side, before the fat treasure who returned home had no time to sit down and take a breath, Lin Ye directly threw out ten oceans: "Get up, what's the matter? Do you still want to rest? Are you not afraid that Zhu Zhu will be married to Shi Gongzi by your future father-in-law? Get out and find a stall, really, I really don't understand what Zhu Zhu likes about you!"

Fei Bao was about to get up and refute, but Xiao Hai directly covered his mouth, Fei Bao didn't know, he still didn't know Lin Ye's ability?

dragged Fei Baosheng out of the house, and Xiao Hai said angrily: "What do you want to do, don't you want to marry Zhu Zhu?"

Fat Bao's face kept changing: "But ......"

Xiao Hai raised his hand suddenly: "Alas~? No, let me tell you, the reason why I was able to beat that Shi Gongzi just now was because Mr. Lin helped me, otherwise you really think I am so powerful? Let me tell you, Mr. Lin is a first-class figure of immortals, we have to remember what he said, understand, do you understand?"

"What are you going to do?" Fat Bao looked at this old friend from childhood to adulthood in astonishment.


Xiao Hai suddenly raised his leg and kicked on Fat Bao's calf, and pointed at him with hatred: "What are you talking about? Looking for a stall, you don't want to marry Zhu Zhu?"

"Oh, yes, yes, looking for a stall, what about the money?

"Now, here, you dead fat treasure, do you want to be angry with me?" Xiao Hai took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the urge to beat Fei Bao, and stuffed ten pieces of ocean into Fei Bao's hand.

The fat treasure stupid husband stared at the money for a long time before he suddenly came back to his senses, well, he is not to blame for this, the main thing is that he has never seen so much money since he was a child.

After Fat Bao and Xiaohai left, Lin Ye directly turned over and lay on the bench, closed his eyes and began to recall the plot about ghosts biting ghosts, the reason why he did this was because although this movie was also starring the idol Uncle Ying, Lin Ye had watched this movie the least, probably only five times.

Coupled with his previous life, he has not seen this movie for more than 20 years, and many of the details in it have long been unclear, although I don't know why Uncle Nine asked him not to interfere in the lives of people here before he came, but he will definitely listen to Uncle Nine's words.

What's more, he has been running around all the time, and in this movie, it seems that except for a mage who is a little capable, everything else is not to be afraid of, so he can take this opportunity to take a good rest and completely empty his mind, after all, he doesn't know what to do next.

Especially since the incident of the black-clothed female ghost in the underworld, Lin Ye has become more and more aware that his current situation is very bad, and improving the strength of himself and the people around him has become his most urgent thought.

In this state of mind, Lin Ye gradually fell asleep......

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there were voices full of excitement from Fei Bao and Xiao Hai outside:

"I really didn't expect that we could really buy a stall, or Boss Xu's swallow wing porridge shop, Boss Xu relied on that stall to buy a car and a house, now we are rich!"

"Hehe, it's all good luck!"

"Luck? Why don't I see any luck in you? This must be my luck, Fat Bao, you're going to send it now, but you kid remember, after you marry Zhu Zhu, you have to invite me to a big meal, otherwise this matter will not be over!"

"Don't worry, with me to eat, I will never be hungry!"

When he opened his eyes in a daze, Lin Ye found that the sky had darkened, and he had slept for an afternoon unconsciously?

And when he was sleeping, he didn't even feel a little bit, all the vigilance seemed to disappear directly, although he was a little afraid, but I have to say that this kind of deep sleep without thinking about anything is really nostalgic.

Getting up and stretching, Lin Ye walked to the side of the pool and washed his face simply, only then did Fei Bao and Xiao Hai run in from outside.

As soon as he entered the door, Fei Bao was full of excitement and showed off: "Mr. Lin, it's done, I've already bought the shop, it's really only ten oceans, I've decided, it's going to open tonight!"

Xiao Hai also echoed beside him: "Yes, Mr. Lin, is our luck against the sky?"

"Yes!" Lin Ye wiped his face and looked at the two of them with a smile, if he remembered correctly, the reason why Boss Xu of the swallow's wing porridge shop transferred the stall was because he opened a big store opposite the stall, and the stall was originally going to be thrown away, but he didn't expect to be bought by Feibao and Xiaohai for ten yuan.

Maybe how can Boss Xu's heart scold these two fools now?

After all, it's just that broken stall, not to mention ten oceans, even if it is a dollar Boss Xu sells it, looking at it is still full of excitement, and is already there discussing how to how to be Fat Bao and Xiaohai, the corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, I hope these two goods can withstand the blow after knowing the truth of the matter.

After buying the stall, Feibao was so enthusiastic that he ran back again without even eating dinner, and Xiaohai packed up his things and followed, this is where their brothers started, and they must fight the first battle.

Looking at the two of them, Lin Ye opened his mouth, and finally decided to ignore him, and wait a while to go over and see the situation, what if things were different from the movies he had watched?

Although this possibility is not even one in a thousand.

At 7:50 in the evening, on the main street of the town, Fei Bao replaced the original Xu family on the swallow wing porridge shop with Ah Bao, and then clapped his hands with satisfaction.

At this time, Xiao Hai ran over from not far away and said, "Fat Bao, all ready...... Huh, what are those people doing?"

As he spoke, all the pedestrians on the street suddenly ran towards the newly opened shop across from them, and the two looked at each other, and then walked over to join in the fun.

But when they saw Boss Xu in front of the opposite store, an extremely bad feeling suddenly rose in their hearts, and soon their feeling became a reality.

The big red curtain was pulled down, and the huge gilded signboard of 'Xu's swallow wing porridge' came into the sight of the two.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hai directly squirted out, and even rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go over to trouble Boss Xu.

The fast-eyed Fat Bao quickly grabbed him and said, "Xiaohai, don't be impulsive!"

Xiao Hai pointed to Boss Xu inside: "This old thing is so fooling us, he is driving here, and we are still making a fart?


"Of course...... Huh?" Xiao Hai was about to speak, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, and turned to look at Lin Ye, who didn't know when he appeared: "Mr. Lin, ...... you?"

Lin Ye came back to his senses and looked at the two of them: "Oh, I'm just a little hungry, so come over here and eat something, you can do it yourself!"

Watching Lin Ye walk into the shop, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai looked at each other......

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