
Fuxi Hall.

After reaching an agreement with Yu Yingying and the three moth demons, Lin Ye no longer thought about the things on the side of the dragon vein, after all, although Yu Yingying and the three of them were demons, they were still trustworthy in some aspects, especially Yu Yingying could commit suicide for Song Zilong in the original trajectory, and based on this alone, it can be determined that Yu Yingying is a person who values love and righteousness.

As for Yu Qingqing, if Yu Yingying and Yu Susu couldn't suppress her, then Lin Ye would have nothing to say, anyway, don't commit it in his hands, otherwise Lin Ye wouldn't mind sending her directly to see Hades.

It's still the same as usual, boxing, washing, eating.

It's just that when they were eating today, there was a sudden knock on the door outside, Lin Ye glanced at it suspiciously, and Ah Hai ran over quickly and opened the door.

The next moment, a middle-aged man dressed in a gray robe and wearing a red scarf came into view.

Looking at the person in front of him, doubts flashed in Ah Hai's mind, and he asked, "This old man, who are you looking for?"

The middle-aged man chuckled: "I'm looking for Mao Xiaofang." "

Ah Hai suddenly thought that he was here to find Mao Xiaofang to do something, so he smiled and said, "My master is not here, you can tell me if you have anything." "

"Oh, Mao Xiaofang is not here, are you his disciple?" The middle-aged man squinted his eyes without any color at all, and then said directly: "That's it, since Mao Xiaofang is not here, then I don't know if I can go in first?" My name is Lei Gang, I am Mao Xiaofang's senior brother, and I came back this time to worship the ancestor. "

"Huh?" Ah Hai was shocked, he had been hearing Lin Ye mention Lei Gang these days, and he was full of vigilance against Lei Gang, and he also learned from Lin Ye's mouth that this Lei Gang hated Mao Xiaofang to the core, although it seems that Lei Gang is acting very normal now, but Rao is so, Ah Hai's vigilance against Lei Gang still hasn't relaxed for half a minute.

After all, compared to Lei Gang and Lin Ye, he naturally trusted Lin Ye more, as for Lei Xiu, to be honest, although he had a good impression, he would never allow anyone who might exist or even pose a threat to Mao Xiaofang to appear, even if that person was his sweetheart's father.

After a moment of silence, Ah Hai spoke: "It turned out to be Uncle Shi, since Uncle Shi is here, then please come in, I will go and tell my brother first, and then take Uncle Shi to worship the ancestor." "

After speaking, he turned sideways and led Lei Gang inside.

Moments later, the two walked into the dining room.

When he saw Lei Gang, Lei Xiu looked at him in surprise and blurted out, "Dad, why are you here?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ye's eyes instantly narrowed, and Ren Tingting and Ah Chu couldn't help frowning, obviously the two of them were also not low on Lei Gang's vigilance.

Lei Gang looked at Lei Xiu with a little 'surprise', and said with a smile: "Ah Xiu is also there, where did you go after you left the day before yesterday? Why don't you go back?"

Lei Xiu was shocked, lowered his head and said, "I'm here to find a friend!"

Lei Gang suddenly said: "If you are looking for friends, you can find friends, and you don't need to carry your father on your back, doesn't your father allow you to have friends?"

Seeing the father and daughter lying to each other there, Lin Ye basically concluded that Lei Xiu did indeed start to suspect Lei Gang, but he was quite helpless about Lei Xiu's behavior, the last time Lei Xiu was injured, it was 100% led by Lei Gang, and you are now fooling in front of him, except for increasing Lei Gang's vigilance, it has no effect.

While Lin Ye was pondering, Lei Gang didn't seem to be too lazy to continue lying to each other with Lei Xiu, so he asked directly: "May I ask who is the person in charge of your here?" I am mainly here today to worship the ancestor, please allow me." "

Lin Ye chuckled and knocked on the table: "Don't worry, since you're here, let's eat a bowl of rice, Ah Chu, serve dinner to Uncle Shi." "

Ah Chu glanced at Lei Gang again, and then said, "Yes, senior brother, sit down, I'll go serve you dinner." "

Lei Gang himself is an extremely delicate person, and at this time, he can naturally detect the vigilance of the people in Fuxitang, but he didn't think much about it, but unilaterally thought that these were all instilled by Mao Xiaofang to these people, so he sat down disapprovingly, but he hated Mao Xiaofang a little more in his heart.

Ren Tingting looked at Lei Xiu, who was full of discomfort, leaned on Lin Ye's ear and whispered a few words, then got up and said, "Ah Xiu, I'm a little uncomfortable here, come over and help me take a look." "

Lei Xiu was slightly stunned, and then quickly got up: "Oh, that's good, Dad, I'll go over for a while." "

Lei Gang waved his hand absently, sat on the stool, and stared at Lin Ye with eyes that didn't have any pupils at all, as if he could really see Lin Ye.

"Thank you!" After a long time, Lei Gang said two words.

Lin Ye smiled noncommittally: "It's okay, it's a guest at the door, and I can't let people spread it out in Fuxi Hall to say that they don't understand hospitality, not to mention that the master and uncle are here, but ...... Uncle Shi is sure that this time I came here just to worship my ancestors?"

Lei Gang's eyelids trembled: "Yes, I have been away for many years, and I came back this time to worship my ancestors, and by the way, I will catch up with my junior brother Mao Xiaofang, and talk about the old things of previous years, but now it seems that I didn't seem to have come at the right time, which is a pity." "

"Uncle Shi has a heart, Ah Chu, what are you doing? Hurry up, hungry Uncle Shi, see how I clean you up!"

"It's coming!"

After a while, Ah Chu ran over with a bowl of porridge, and Lin Ye got up at this time and said, "Uncle Shi eat slowly, I'll go and clean up the ancestor first, so that it is convenient for Uncle Shi to worship." "

"Okay!" Lei Gang touched the bowl, replied casually and lowered his head and began to eat, as if he didn't care about their attitude at all, from this point of view, he seemed to have really seen everything through.

If Lin Ye hadn't reminded him early, Ah Chu and Ah Hai would definitely have been tricked.

In the following time, Lin Ye didn't show up at all, but just asked Ah Hai to take Lei Gang to worship their ancestor, after all, Lin Ye is not in this vein, and it is not beautiful to force it over.

It took more than half an hour for Lei Gang to walk out under the leadership of Ah Hai, and after saying a few words to Lei Gang, Lei Gang nodded and walked towards the gate, seemingly preparing to leave.

But this is the correct operation, after all, Mao Xiaofang is not here, even if Lei Gang stays, it will not be of much use, but it will attract the attention of Mao Xiaofang outside, it is better to wait for Mao Xiaofang to come back, and then he will come back.

When he was about to go out, Lei Gang suddenly turned around and said, "Ah Xiu, will you come with me?"

Lei Xiu was entangled for a moment, then nodded and said, "Dad, I've packed up my things, let's go now." "

Lei Gang seemed to be very satisfied with Lei Xiu's response, but only Lin Ye knew that if Lei Xiu left this time, he would basically not be far from death.

Lei Gang's conceit made him not allow anyone to betray him, not even his own daughter, not to mention that Lei Xiu was just his adopted daughter.

Just the few lies that Lei Xiu was in the dining room just now were enough to make her never recover.

Therefore, when he was about to go out, Lin Ye suddenly appeared and said with a smile: "Uncle Shi, I don't know if Uncle Shi will settle in Gantian Town in the future?"

Lei Gang pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "That's it, I also have some belongings, if you want to settle down, you can Zhang Luo by yourself, thank you for the kindness of my nephew, farewell!"

After speaking, Lei Gang took Lei Xiu and turned to leave.

Seeing the two leave, Lin Ye quickly turned around and ordered Ren Tingting a few words, and then quickly followed, of course, in addition to determining Lei Gang's temporary residence when he went out this time, he just wanted to verify the speculation about Lei Xiu in his heart.

Lin Ye's cultivation is profound, and he has a variety of means, and his breath is stable, so he has been hanging steadily fifty meters behind Lei Gang, and has been following Lei Gang's father and daughter out of Gantian Town without arousing Lei Gang's vigilance.

A quarter of an hour later, the land temple outside the town of Gantian.

Lin Ye looked at the two people who walked in, glanced at the top of the Land Temple, and then one of them turned over and jumped up, falling lightly in the middle of the roof, picking up the two roof tiles, and looking down.

In the middle of the Land Temple, after Lei Gang came in, he looked up at the clay sculpture in the middle, carrying his hands behind his back, feeling Ah Xiu, who was sorting things out, and suddenly shouted: "You kneel down for me!"


Lei Xiu knelt down without warning, looked at Lei Gang with a frightened face, and said, "Dad?"

"Don't call me Dad, I don't have your daughter!"

Lei Gang walked up to Lei Xiu with a cold face, and looked down on her from above: "When my daughter grows up, she will deceive people, and it is still me who is a father, hehe, haha, Ah Xiu, do you think your father is too good to you?

Lei Xiu was shocked and said, "Dad, I'm ...... I was injured and was saved by the people of Fuxitang, so I ......"

"Hmph, I'm still lying, I've also seen the security in this Gantian Town, although it's still not too good, but how many people can hurt you? Give you another chance, if you deceive me again, don't blame my father for enforcing the family law!"

Looking at Lei Gang who was full of anger, Lei Xiu hurriedly lowered his head, and at the same time completely realized in his heart, sure enough, her father is still that father, he has never changed, what looks through it, what forgives everything, everything is fake, he is still the ruthless Lei Gang, and she Lei Xiu is always just a chess piece in Lei Gang's hand.

Now that her chess piece has lied in front of the chess player, then there is no need to think about the next result.

But for some reason, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in Lei Xiu's mind, and he secretly said in his heart: "I don't know if he will notice this and come over to save me?"

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