
The woman in Tsing Yi turned around and landed near the Spirit Gathering Array, and slapped out with a palm of her hand, and dozens of demons who rushed to the front instantly turned into flying ashes, and then she kept moving, waving her palms one after another, and she also cleaned up all those beasts.

After that, she looked around with a wary face, and finally locked her eyes on Lin Ye, who was carrying her hands behind the aura whirlpool.

In fact, what she saw at the beginning was Lin Ye, but Lin Ye was too young, and it was completely different from the images of the masters in her memory, so she ignored it.

But now that she has swept all around directly, the demon thoughts are even more shrouded in a radius of hundreds of meters, but there is only such a person, no matter how much she doesn't believe it, she must believe that this Spirit Gathering Array was created by the young man in front of her.

After confirming the idea in her heart, the woman in Tsing Yi walked to five meters in front of Lin Ye with a smile and stopped, threw a flattery at Lin Ye, and said, "This son, dare to ask if this spirit gathering array was made by the child?"

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, the first time he saw the woman in Tsing Yi, he confirmed the identity of this woman, she was definitely the most ruthless Qingqing among the three moth demons, he had no doubt that if he said that this Spirit Gathering Array was made by him, Qing Qing would definitely take action against him, either kill him, or capture him back to set up a Spirit Gathering Array for the three of them.

But obviously, there was only one Qingqing, Lin Ye was not false at all, and chuckled: "It was indeed I who made it, but my purpose has been fully completed by you, so this Spirit Gathering Array is useless, and, what happened just now, thank you!"

"???" Qingqing was slightly stunned, and then understood what Lin Ye meant, and immediately became furious: "Boy, you actually used me as a gunman, believe it or not, I swallowed you in one bite!"

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he sneered disdainfully: "Is it? Poor Dao is just preparing to kill chickens and monkeys, since everyone has a purpose, then there is no need to talk so much nonsense, too high-level stars, non-stop strain, exorcism and charm, Dao Qi lasts forever, and urgency is like a law!"


"What?" Seeing the aura of his whole body soaring, instantly surpassing his own Lin Ye, Qingqing's complexion changed greatly, and he hurriedly retreated.

But the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts are the most domineering kind of divine channel techniques, and they will see blood when they come out, even if Qingqing's reaction is very fast, they are still rushed by the mighty Dao Qi.

With a scream, Qingqing fell directly from mid-air, slamming into the ground, spurting out a large mouthful of blood, and his breath was directly wilted to the limit, and it was a little difficult to even maintain his body.

Lin Ye's whole body flowed up and down, and he walked towards Qingqing step by step.

But at this moment, not far away, two more figures galloped forward, and each slapped a palm at Lin Ye, and in an instant, the wind was blowing, and the two strong palm winds condensed directly into a substance in mid-air and slapped towards Lin Ye.

Lin Ye's eyes were slightly cold, then he took a few steps back, flipped his wrist, and the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword appeared in the sky: "Heaven and earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law, Boruo Bolomi, ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Rumble...... Rumble...... Rumble......

The dull impact continued to resound throughout the valley, and Lin Ye took the opportunity to fly up and shouted angrily: "Even the moth demon dares to be presumptuous, is it really impossible for me to be a Daomen?"

Boom! After another explosion, Yu Yingying, the boss of the moth demon, and Yu Susu, the second elder, landed one after another, blocking Yu Qingqing's front.

Looking at Lin Ye, whose whole body was churning, Yu Yingying's face was solemn, and she stopped Yu Susu, who wanted to rush out, and took a step forward and said, "This Dao Chief, my three sisters admit that they have never done anything hurtful to the heavens and reason, is it a bit too much for the Dao Elder to kill them all like this?"

Lin Ye sneered: "Have you never done anything that hurts the heavens and reason? Seeing that you are riddled with karma one by one, you dare to say that you have never done anything that hurts the heavens and reason?"

Yu Yingying was shocked, gritted her teeth and said: "Although my sisters have killed a lot, they are all some great evildoers, as for the karma that the Taoist chief said, do the three of my sisters really have it? If so, why is the thunder tribulation delayed?"

"Eldest sister, what are you doing with so much nonsense with him? You and my sister go together, I don't believe that you can't kill him!" Yu Qingqing struggled to stand up, looking at Lin Ye's eyes full of resentment.

"Shut up!" Yu Yingying scolded: "You have personally learned his strength, and you can beat him?"

Yu Qingqing didn't relent: "But there are three of us now!"

Yu Yingying sighed helplessly: "But once he has to kill one of us, if he is desperate, you two will probably have to die here, even if I really kill him, what is the use?"

Yu Qingqing was about to refute, but was pulled by Yu Susu: "Little sister, what the eldest sister said is right, calm down." "

Listening to the conversation between the three of them, Lin Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, although he was strong, he could only deal with one of the three, if the three of them really hugged each other, Lin Ye's current cultivation was still a little worse.

But as Yu Yingying said, if he really worked hard, he was sure to leave two of the three, and the last one would have to be hit hard.

Yu Qingqing glared at Lin Ye with an unwilling face, and then turned his head with a cold snort, wanting to calm the anger in his heart.

Seeing that Yu Qingqing was no longer messing around, Yu Yingying felt relieved, stepped forward, and said: "Dao Chief, we have no intention of offending today, but we have indeed not done anything that hurts the heavens and reason, and the reason why my little sister came here this time is also because I am only one step away from cultivating the Dafa of Ascending Immortals to be able to cultivate and achieve a human body, and I no longer have to worry about being chased and killed by other cultivators, so I ask the Dao Master to forgive me!


Lin Ye frowned slightly, then sighed, and said: "Okay, I can reveal today's matter, I see that you are quite reasonable, and you are not the kind of demon who loves to kill, so let's do it, now the dragon veins in this realm are recovering, but there are a lot of corpses and evil qi mixed in it, once it is inhaled by unknown people or demons, it will inevitably go berserk, and thus lose its mind and become a killing demon."

If you promise to protect this place here for a year from today, and when all the corpse qi and evil qi are dissipated, you can help you, what do you think?"

This is not only Yu Yingying, but even Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing can't help but light up their eyes.

"Is this true?"

Lin Ye chuckled: "Naturally, if you don't believe it, you can go to Gantian Town and ask casually, if there is someone who says that the poor way is not trustworthy, the three of you can come to me at any time to take revenge." "

Yu Yingying took a deep breath and bowed slightly towards Lin Ye to accept the blessing: "We are naturally trustworthy to the Dao Chief, if the Dao Leader is really the kind of person who does not believe in his words, and he will not cultivate to such a realm at this age, then I will retire first." "

When the words landed, Yu Yingying directly beckoned Yu Susu and Yu Qingqing to turn around and fly towards the cave, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and they couldn't even feel half a demonic aura.

A moment later, Ren Tingting and the four of them rushed from hundreds of meters away, Ren Tingting looked Lin Ye up and down with worry: "Are you okay?"

Ah Chu asked suspiciously: "Senior brother, those are three demons, why don't you leave them all?" Is it because they are women and beautiful?"

"Get out!" Lin Ye flew up directly and kicked on Ah Chu's PG, and then held Ah Hai with one hand, and exhaled heavily: "It's okay, huh~ It's okay!"

As soon as these words came out, the four people, including Ren Tingting, were all stunned, and looked at Lin Ye with a confused mind.

Lin Ye smiled bitterly and said: "Do you really think I don't want to keep the three of them? is because I can't do it, these three moth demons are all the existence of the peak of the demon king, if I really do it, even if I can kill them in the end, I will definitely not be able to survive in the end, plus these three moth demons are indeed not the kind of evil demons who are thirsty for killing, so I let them go, in fact, they know that they can't take me, and I can't kill them, so they each found a step for each other.

" "

After hearing this, Ah Chu suddenly sweated profusely, and said with a sneer: "Senior brother, I'm sorry, I really didn't know they were so powerful. "

Ah Hai grabbed his hair and said with a dry smile: "Actually, the senior brother is too strong, so we instinctively think that the senior brother is invincible!"

Lei Xiu looked curiously in the direction where the three moth demons left, and a trace of entanglement flashed in his eyes.

The change in her gaze was seen by Lin Ye, but Lin Ye didn't say anything, on the contrary, this matter can be used, if Lei Xiu went to tell Lei Gang, then it means that everything about her is pretended, on the contrary, she can win over Lei Xiu, lure Lei Gang out, and kill him in advance.

After all, Lin Ye didn't have Mao Xiaofang's patience, and he had to wait for Lei Gang to finish calculating this and that, and finally pull the entire town to suffer.

Ren Tingting hugged Lin Ye tightly and scolded angrily: "You just promised me not to do such a dangerous thing again, why did you forget it so quickly?"

Lin Ye was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "This is an accident, after all, when I came, I really didn't know that there were three such strong moth demons here!"

Ren Tingting glared at him angrily: "Anyway, I don't care, you broke your promise!"

"I ......"

Seeing this, Ah Chu hurriedly pulled Ah Hai and Lei Xiu, and said in a low voice: "Still watching, let's go!"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then ran away with Ah Chu with a smile, but Ren Tingting was blushing.

Lin Ye handed Ah Chu a 'count of your kid', and then took Ren Tingting into his arms and said softly: "Okay, my fault, next time I will definitely investigate the matter clearly before deciding whether to make a move, okay?"

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