Late at night, Fuxi Hall.

Lin Ye, who had just finished his work, was about to rest, when he suddenly noticed a sound of slow but rapid footsteps coming from outside, and it was getting closer and closer, obviously coming towards Fuxi Hall.

Slightly stunned, then Lin Ye flew up, landed directly on a big tree, squinted his eyes and glanced outside, only to see a woman in a black night robe and a rose mask was speeding through a section of the street, and at this time it was only more than thirty meters away from Fuxi Hall.

"Black Rose?" Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, then laughed, then jumped down from the tree and said loudly: "Ah Chu Ahai, have you sorted out the money and property you sorted out today?

Ah Chu Ah Hai, who was preparing to rest in the house, was shocked and looked at the courtyard in surprise.

Just when Ah Hai was about to respond, Ah Chu suddenly reacted, hurriedly covered Ah Hai's mouth, and said loudly: "Okay, senior brother, I'll send it over to you!"

On the street, the black rose who was hurrying was shocked, and glanced at the closed gate in surprise: "Isn't it, my luck is so good?"

But she knew the fact that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so she simply hid in the haystack outside Fuxi Hall and waited for the early morning to come.

Sensing that the movement outside was gone, Lin Ye couldn't help but laugh, and then walked into the lobby.

Uncle Nine and Ren Tingting looked at Lin Ye who came in thoughtfully, and Ren Tingting said directly: "What's the matter? Why do you say that?"

"What else, I've been robbed, come on, you can go to bed later, I have my own arrangements!" Lin Ye nodded at Ren Tingting, and then walked up to Uncle Nine and said, "Master!"

Uncle Nine directly raised his hand to stop what he was about to say, got up and walked outside with his hands on his back: "What you want to do is your own business, just don't make too much trouble." "

Lin Ye smiled dumbly and nodded, "Got it." "

Seeing off Uncle Jiu, Lin Ye sent Ren Tingting back to the room, and then walked to Ah Chu and Ah Hai's room and knocked on the door gently.

Ah Chu instantly opened the door and looked at Lin Ye outside: "Senior brother!"

Lin Ye nodded slightly, and chuckled: "There's an uninvited guest outside, you guys will like this later."

Ten minutes later, after Lin Ye had explained everything clearly, he walked to the door of the study, glanced at the location of the gate with a chuckle, and then walked in and lit the candlelight.

Time passed quietly, and soon it was ugly.

At the gate of Fuxi Hall, Black Rose kept scratching around her body, nesting in this broken place for nearly three hours, she didn't know how many mosquitoes were patronizing her body, if it weren't for the belief in her heart, she would have collapsed long ago.

Feeling that the time was almost up, Black Rose glanced at the courtyard wall, which was not too high, slammed on the ground and turned over, glanced left and right, and found that no one noticed her, so she rushed into it quickly.

But when she ran to the door of a room, she suddenly saw a warning sign: "The study is not here, continue along the current road for three rooms and turn left." "


Black Rose almost didn't spurt out a mouthful of old blood, and at this time, even if she was a fool, she knew that she had been discovered, but the people of Fuxi Hall were playing tricks on her.

The angry black rose simply ripped off the rose mask on her face and threw it on the ground: "Bad luck, come back next time!"

With that, she prepared to leave.

But before she could take a step, a soft voice came into her ears: "Come in, I've been squatting for most of the night, and the mosquitoes are all fed, wouldn't it be a pity if I returned empty-handed?"

Black Rose shook all over, turned around suddenly, and then saw Lin Ye's smiling face, which was only less than two meters away from her.

In an instant, all the worries on Black Rose's face were gone, and some were only full of anger, pointing at Lin Ye and saying, "Okay, you, since you found me, why don't you remind me?" Isn't it funny to watch me get bitten by mosquitoes outside?"

Lin Ye was dumbfounded by Black Rose's words, he hadn't seen shameless people, such as Ah Wei, but he was especially able to show shamelessness so reasonably, Black Rose was definitely the first, uh...... Maybe the second?

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye took out two pieces of ocean from his pocket and handed them over: "Or...... Giving you two oceans is your loss fee?"

"I ...... You...... Poof~"The black rose really can't stand it now, and it doesn't come up in one breath, and it is about to faint as soon as her eyes roll."

At this moment, Lin Ye rushed forward suddenly, and kicked out directly, in an instant, Black Rose's nerves directly operated to the extreme, and his body dodged Lin Ye's attack at an extremely strange angle, and looked at Lin Ye nervously: "Do you still have a little sense of morality? I'm almost dizzy, you actually kicked me? Let's not say I'm a woman, even if I'm a man, you can't do this?"

"Poof~" Lin Ye couldn't help it at this time, laughed, and at the same time, two fires lit up around him, Ah Chu Ahai, Ren Tingting and Uncle Jiu, all looked at Black Rose with stunned looks.

After a long time, Lin Ye suppressed his laughter, pointed to the black rose and said, "Seriously, with your cheek, even if you go to beg, you won't starve to death!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ye's tone suddenly changed, and he glared at her coldly: "According to the meaning of your words, what's the matter, you came to my house to steal things, and I have to show you the way? Do you want me to give you all the valuable things in Fuxi Hall now?


Oh, let's not mention that Black Rose is already old and decrepit, even if she is a young and beautiful girl like Ren Tingting, Lin Ye will not be so used to her.

Black Rose was trained by Lin Ye like this, and suddenly realized that she was here to steal something, and she really couldn't stand it, all her heart disappeared without a trace in an instant, and she smiled awkwardly at Lin Ye, and then looked at Lin Ye again, and asked weakly: "That...... Does it not matter if you said that you would give me two oceans?"

Without waiting for Lin Ye to answer, Black Rose knelt down with a puff and cried loudly: "Please, I really can't go on, I'm a big girl with a poor bear child, can you bear to watch us starve and starve to death? Oh, why is my life so bitter!"

What the hell am I ......

Lin Ye was instantly full of black lines, and Uncle Nine was also completely refreshed by the black rose, he always thought that Aunt Cane was the most difficult person, and it was only when the black rose saw that he knew what it meant to be a person, what was this special or a person?

Ah Chu Ah Hai resisted the urge to laugh, forcibly pinned his face to the side, and tried not to look at the black rose, otherwise they would be really worried and couldn't help it.

Ren Tingting was even more ruthless, turned around and left directly, she was also a woman, she felt that her face was so hot.

After a long time, Lin Ye took a deep breath and threw out five oceans casually: "If you want money, you can come to me tomorrow with a little shrimp during the day, I have something for you to do, after the matter is done, I can give you a thousand oceans, if you don't come, these five oceans will be fed to the dog, hurry up!"

Black Rose's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly took over five oceans, which was enough for her and Xiao Mi to live peacefully for a month.

However, she cares more about the thousand oceans that Lin Ye said, if there are a thousand oceans, she doesn't have to steal them, and opening a shop in the town is enough for her to do a lot of things.

So after taking over the ocean, she looked at Lin Ye and asked expectantly, "What you said is true?

Lin Ye yawned: "It's not early, hurry up and get out, if you don't see anyone tomorrow morning, you won't use it, Ah Chu, send off!"

"Don't, I'll go by myself!" Black Rose replied excitedly, and then hurriedly ran away, and when she reached the wall, she turned over violently, and turned over in a volley, just like this, even if it is a geomaster-level Ah Chu Ahai, it may not be able to compare.

Stunned to look at the black roses passing over the wall, Ah Chu Ah Hai fell into deep self-doubt.


Lin Ye knocked on the door of the two of them in succession, and said angrily: "What are you looking at? Envy, envy, practice hard, go back to sleep now!"

After the two left, Uncle Nine looked at Lin Ye thoughtfully: "Xiao Ye, what kind of little shrimp is that...... Important?"

Lin Ye squinted and nodded: "I have seen the portrait of Emperor Xuantong when he was a child, and it looks very similar to that little shrimp, since we want to disturb Cixi, then keeping the small shrimp may have unexpected effects, but how it is, we have to wait until that time to know, but it is always not wrong to make more preparations." "

Uncle Nine was slightly stunned, then raised his hand and patted Lin Ye: "It's good that you have your own decision, but you kid, your mouth is a thousand oceans, why haven't I seen you so good to Master before?"

Lin Ye opened his mouth, okay, there is no way to explain this, after all, his money was only after he came to Gantian Town, and it used to be Ren Tingting's money, he has a fart money?

Seeing Lin Ye deflated, Uncle Nine seemed to be very satisfied, humming a little song with a happy face, and went back to the room with his hands behind his back.

Looking at such a ninth uncle, Lin Ye looked up at the sky speechlessly: "What is this called?

PS: Yesterday I made a mistake 139 because of the author.,I leaked.,So I directly changed nine chapters.,Got up overnight and continued to write a chapter to release it.,The author's bacteria are too difficult!! sweat to death.,Ask for a full order to comfort me!!

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