When Lin Ye rushed back to Fuxi Hall, it was already half past eight in the morning of the next day.

When he walked into the courtyard, it happened that Ah Chu Ah Hai had made breakfast, Uncle Nine was boxing in the courtyard, and Ren Tingting was holding a book of charms from Uncle Nine and looking at it.

Seeing Lin Ye come in, Ren Tingting hurriedly put down the book in her hand and ran over, looked at him carefully, and then breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Uncle Nine also stood with his fists folded at this time, and said with a smile with his hands behind his back: "Your uncle is a good place, huh?"

Speaking of this, Uncle Jiu's eyes narrowed, and he walked to Lin Ye's side and sniffed it carefully, and said, "Blood corpse?"

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched slightly, stretched out his thumb towards Uncle Jiu, and said with a smile: "Master is an old Jianghu, powerful, he is indeed a bloody corpse, and his strength is not bad." "

Uncle Nine nodded noncommittally, he could make Lin Ye say that his strength was good, he must be more powerful than him, a master, a small golden village, a blood corpse was born, this situation shocked Uncle Jiu's heart.

After a while, he patted Lin Ye on the shoulder: "Let's eat first, sleep for a while, and then talk about the dragon vein and the imperial tomb." "

"Master knows everything?" Lin Ye asked with a stunned look at Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Nine chuckled: "If you don't figure things out first, how can you cooperate with your next moves?"

Lin Ye's heart warmed, and he nodded happily.

The arrival of the ninth uncle made Lin Ye breathe a sigh of relief, at least when facing those corpses, he would not be unable to take care of each other, as for the last Cixi, before figuring out the strength of the other party, Lin Ye did not intend to act rashly.

But if he remembers correctly, Cixi here is wise, since she is wise, it means that she can communicate, and when the time comes, with the assistance of Xiao Xiami, it may not be impossible to take it down like in the original trajectory.

After breakfast, Lin Ye simply washed his face and went back to his room to rest, not sleeping for two consecutive nights, even Lin Ye couldn't stand it a little.

This night, he slept directly until half past five in the afternoon before getting up, but when he came out, he found that Chen Dashuai didn't know when he arrived, and he was sitting there alone full of embarrassment.

Whether it was Uncle Nine or Ren Tingting, they didn't mean to deal with this handsome.

But that's right, warlords in this era are everywhere, and warlords who can think about the people are even more one in a hundred, and they have seen a lot of warlords oppressing good things, and it is very difficult for Uncle Nine to have a good impression of Chen Dashuai.

If it weren't for Chen Dashuai coming to look for him, maybe Uncle Nine would have asked people to drive him out.

Well, the main reason is that the current Chen Dashuai came alone, and he didn't even bring the adjutant, otherwise Uncle Nine would have to accompany him no matter how unhappy they were.

Seeing Lin Ye, Chen Dashuai immediately came to his senses, hurriedly got up and trotted to Lin Ye's side, and helped Lin Ye receive a basin of washing water, and then said, "Master Lin, I'm ......."

Lin Ye was stunned by Chen Dashuai's actions, but he still reacted quickly and chuckled: "Don't be nervous, I just asked you to come over to discuss something." "

Chen Dashuai breathed a sigh of relief, and then waited for Lin Ye to wash his face, his dog-legged posture made Uncle Nine and them stunned, and their minds were all mush.

After all, although their cultivators were more detached, it was difficult for them to treat these warlords equally, let alone serve them like this.

After a while, Lin Ye put the towel away, and then beckoned Chen Dashuai to sit down, and then said: "Ah Chu Ahai, prepare something to eat, add two more dishes, Tingting, you can come and listen too!"

Ah Chu Ahai answered and went to the kitchen, Ren Tingting walked to Lin Ye's side and sat down with puzzlement, and Uncle Nine looked at Chen Dashuai thoughtfully.

Only Chen Dashuai was sitting on pins and needles, always feeling uncomfortable to sit on, and looked at Lin Ye with an embarrassed smile throughout the whole process.

Lin Ye chuckled and nodded at him, and then said, "Chen Dashuai, you don't need me to say more about the purpose of coming to Gantian Town, right?"

Speaking of this, Chen Dashuai was even more embarrassed, and scratched his head: "That, Master Lin, I'm sorry, I did get the news, I know that there is an imperial tomb here, it seems to be the buried Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty, so I wanted to come over and make a windfall, but Master Lin rest assured, I really didn't think about threatening the people, bullying the good or anything, absolutely not." "

Lin Ye waved his hand and said indifferently: "I understand your little bit of caution, now I want to say that the condition is that you dig the imperial tomb, but after it is opened, don't move it again, and leave the rest to me, of course, if you want to die, I won't mind, you can do it at will." "

Gollum ......

Chen Dashuai swallowed his saliva fiercely, and looked at Lin Ye with a frightened face: "Master Lin, could it be that there are some zombies in that tomb?"

"What do you say?" Lin Ye got up and said: "That imperial tomb is under the dragon vein, and it has been arranged into the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon all year round, and there is also the dragon vein aura to nourish the whole body, so, I conclude that all the corpses inside must have turned into zombies, not even ordinary zombies, otherwise, why do you think I would invite my master over?"

Chen Dashuai nodded again and again, and kept raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, it was so dangerous, fortunately he came to find fault last time, otherwise he would have released the zombies inside in such a daze, he would definitely be the first to die.

"Everything is up to Master Lin!"

Lin Ye hummed with satisfaction: "I promised you, but you can't promise yourself, there are countless gold, silver and jewels buried in the tomb of Cixi, the value is immeasurable, if your people take the sheep and take the things inside, hehe, don't say that they don't take care of you, now you should hurry up and teach your soldiers a good lesson, so as not to break the big thing when you get it!"

"Yes, I'll go now, I will definitely give Master Lin a satisfactory answer before tomorrow!" Chen Dashuai did not object to Lin Ye's words, after all, wealth is moving, and people die for money all show the horror of money, Chen Dashuai's soldiers are all pulled up by the world, and he himself does not dare to guarantee that there are no people who are greedy for money.

After seeing the horror of the ancient corpse of the Qin Dynasty, Chen Dashuai was really afraid, this time no matter what, he had to take care of the group of people under his hands.

Looking at Chen Dashuai, who was slightly flustered, Uncle Jiu frowned and said, "Xiao Ye, listen to what you mean, that Cixi tomb should still be sealed? Then why do you still want that big handsome to dig it out?

Lin Ye sighed: "No, let's not say that those zombies are an unstable bomb in themselves, maybe they will break the seal when they come, and when the time comes, with Cixi's means, it will definitely be devastated, and secondly, that imperial tomb has been absorbing the aura of the dragon vein, and the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau has pressed the dragon vein to the ground and can't move, now it seems that there is no problem, but after a long time, this dragon vein will definitely become a dead vein.

" "

Speaking of this, Lin Ye paused and said in a deep voice: "Master, this is likely to be the last dragon vein." "

"Huh?" Uncle Nine was shocked, and looked at Lin Ye with shock: "Do you want this dragon vein to take off completely?"

Lin Ye spread out his hands: "Why can't it? The end of the law era, why is there the end of the law era? Isn't it that Liu Bowen cut off more than ninety percent of the dragon veins back then? It caused chaos in the aura of heaven and earth, and no new aura was born, which caused the current situation? If this dragon vein is alive, the aura may have a time to recover." "

Uncle Nine couldn't sit still at all, and stood up with an unconcealable excitement on his face.

But then he sighed heavily, sat back down, and said, "Have you considered the consequences?" Reiki revival is certainly a good thing for us, but it is also a good thing for those evil spirits, and they are born to grow faster than us, once the aura is revived...... Maybe the heavens and the earth will really be in chaos. "

Lin Ye looked at Uncle Nine with a smile and a smile: "Master, you are too ruthless to worry about the sky, right? Even if we keep this dragon vein, it will have to go up for at least a hundred years if it wants to take off completely, and how many people in the cultivation world will grow up at that time, Master, don't you have a little confidence? Don't forget, before the aura collapsed, we have always suppressed the evil spirits." "

Speaking of this, Lin Ye also stood up and said, "Even if it is not for us cultivators, the dragon vein cannot be destroyed, otherwise the heavens and the earth will change greatly, and the aura will completely disappear, and there may be great chaos in the world at that time, what does Master think?"

Uncle Nine sighed heavily: "Maybe what you said is right, so what are you going to do next?"

"Find the entrance to the mausoleum first, let's go first to investigate, determine the situation inside, if you can, kill all those zombies, and then destroy his Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau, if you can't do anything, you will clear it little by little, and at least destroy the Ninety-Five Supreme Bureau." "

"Okay!" Uncle Nine stood up and patted Lin Ye's shoulder gently: "You have matured and grown up, Master is also relieved, this time Master is here to assist you, if you want to do anything, just let it go, Master will definitely be your most solid backing!"


Just when Lin Ye and Uncle Jiu were planning Cixi's mausoleum, in the room of an inn, Black Rose counted the only money left, sighed helplessly, and said in a low voice: "That's all there is left, little shrimp, you killed your aunt and grandmother this time!"

Speaking of this, Black Rose's eyes narrowed, gritted her teeth and said, "No, I have to go to find out the bottom of your kid tonight, hum!"

PS: Eight days on the shelves, more than 210,000 words, an average of nearly 26,000 words per day, everyone, for the sake of the author's hard work, give a full order!!

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