"Move the rescuers, bastard, or wait for death?"

Looking at the roaring Ma Ma Di, Ah Hao Ah Qiang looked at each other, and then Ah Qiang ran over quickly: "Master, do we still have rescuers?"


Ma Ma was directly stunned in place, yes, it seems that they have no rescuers, because of his character, the entire Maoshan disciples of their generation basically have a very bad relationship with him, except for the ninth uncle who will take care of him, others are the kind that can't directly destroy him.

Looking for them as rescuers, I'm afraid that I don't think I'll die fast enough?

Looking at the numb ground with a blue face and a red face, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang knew the result, and immediately sighed and shook their heads at each other.

After a long time, Ma Ma Di gritted his teeth and said: "If it really doesn't work, I'll go to your ninth master, it's a big deal that I don't want this face!"

"But didn't Senior Uncle Ninth let Senior Brother come?" Ah Qiang asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Gritting his teeth, he knocked on Ah Qiang's head: "I specifically said that your senior brother can't deal with it, okay?" Why did I take in your two stupid apprentices, one will cause trouble for me, and the other will ...... Gone, what are you waiting for?"

Lin Ye didn't know Ma Madi's plans, but even if he knew, he wouldn't say anything, he didn't know, but Uncle Nine knew Lin Ye's ability too well, if Lin Ye couldn't deal with it, Uncle Nine would definitely come over as soon as possible, and by the way, inform the Maoshan General Altar and let those real people dispatch.

But the key is that Uncle Nine has to believe in Ma Ma Di, and with Ma Ma Di's image in the eyes of Uncle Jiu, it is basically impossible to make Uncle Nine believe him.

Sure enough, Lin Ye received a letter from Uncle Nine that afternoon, and after reading it, Lin Ye's face became extraordinarily exciting, but he still quickly replied to Uncle Nine, lest those real people really come over at that time, and at that time things would be big, even if they were numb, they would have to get out of Maoshan, and even Uncle Nine and him would be punished.

And the most likely thing is that he was forcibly taken back to Maoshan by those real people, and then directly blocked his footsteps and made him the head of the new generation of Maoshan, in that case, it was really no better than killing him.

"This uncle, it's really a big head!" Lin Ye took a deep breath, then shook his head and ignored it.



Lin Ye found the three of them again, but at this time, the three of them were in a very bad state, starting from Mamadi, the three of them were like frosted eggplants, listless, and their faces were full of despair.

Seeing Lin Ye, he stood up numbly and grabbed his arm: "Xiao Ye, your master has angered me this time, really, I begged him for help, he actually let me stay where I am cool, and he still doesn't treat me as a junior brother? Ah, why did he ......?"

"Okay!" Before he could finish speaking, Lin Ye interrupted him with a frown, pulled out his arm, and said, "I told you, I am now the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Master Realm, how much do you think my master can do when he comes? When the time comes, my master will notify the Maoshan headquarters, and those real ancestors will come over, do you think you can escape? Do you want to be expelled from the sect or what?"

He was trembled all over, but then he said stiffly: "That's better than death!"

"I ...... If you weren't my uncle, I really wanted to beat you up now!" Lin Ye's tone became very cold, and he quickly shrank his head in fright, if Lin Ye really beat him, with Lin Ye's strength, it would be a luxury for him to even escape.

And Ma Madi knows Lin Ye too well, that is the person who can really do it if he beats it.

Looking at the pitiful expression of numbness, Lin Ye laughed angrily: "I didn't let my master come over, and besides, it's not that I can't deal with that zombie, it's just that he will run away when he sees me, so I'm going to arrange a five-element trapped corpse formation now, and when the time comes, the three of you will be responsible for leading him into the array, and you won't have to worry about the rest." "

"Huh~" Hearing this, Ma Ma Di breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly patted his heart and said: "Don't worry, if we can't do this thing, then I won't be qualified to be your uncle." "

"Oh~ You think you're qualified now, right? Hmph, that is, you started earlier than me, otherwise who do you think you are? Hurry up and prepare!"

Lin Ye raised his leg angrily, resisted the urge to kick out, and turned to leave.

There weren't many things needed for the Five Elements Trapped Corpse Array, but it wasn't something that could be made from this broken place, so he had to find a suitable place.

When Lin Ye left, Ma Ma Di reacted suddenly and said, "Ah Hao Ah Qiang, what do you mean by what your senior brother just said?"

"Oh, he said you're not qualified to be his uncle now. "

"I think what Senior Brother said is right, Master is a master, Senior Brother is a Heavenly Master, or a Heavenly Master Realm Five Heavens, I don't know how far to throw Master out, if I am Senior Brother, I think so. "

"Yes, that's it!"

"......" listened to the remarks of the two disciples, he was angry, lowered his head and began to look for things, he swore that if he didn't beat these two apprentices today, they wouldn't know who was the master and who was the apprentice!

But before he could find something, Ah Hao hurriedly said: "Master, senior brother asked us to prepare to lure the zombies out, if you beat us, don't blame us for pretending to be dead and let you go alone." "

"Even if you die, I'm going to throw you in front of the zombies, bastard!" he blew up, picked up a stick on the ground and killed the two unreliable apprentices.

In a ruined temple, Lin Ye first respectfully offered incense to Guan Gong in the temple, and then clasped his fists with both hands, bowed down and said: "Maoshan disciple Lin Ye, today I want to borrow Guan Gong's treasure land to kill demons and demons, please forgive Guan Gong!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the burning speed of the pillar of incense suddenly accelerated, and the incense qi floating up directly condensed into a straight line, flying directly into the statue of Guan Gong.

In an instant, Guan Gong burst out with a cloud of golden light, and then suddenly disappeared.

Lin Ye chuckled and nodded, then turned around and walked out of the main hall, and began to arrange the Five Elements Trapped Corpse Array, and by the time he was done, it was already close to Shen Shi.

Then he sent a letter to Ma Ma Di about the situation here, and then sacrificed the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword, and sat at the gate of the Guan Gong Palace, waiting for the arrival of the zombie with his eyes closed.

Outside Renjia Town, the master and apprentice were walking cautiously, and after they came to a clearing, they took out the pocket watch handed to him by Lin Ye at noon from his arms, and a trace of entanglement flashed on his face.

Not to mention Ah Hao and Ah Qiang, now that both of their legs are weak, it is really hard for them to imagine if they will have the courage to escape later.

One minute...... Five minutes...... Ten minutes later, Ma Ma Di looked at Ah Hao Ah Qiang: "That...... I opened it. "

Ah Hao, who is very self-aware, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, and said: "Anyway, the senior brother said, as long as we don't close the pocket watch, the zombie won't do it, let's open it, we always have to face it, solve the zombie as soon as possible, let's get rid of it as soon as possible." "

Ah Qiang nodded desperately: "Open...... Let's go!"

He hummed numbly, then opened the pocket watch with his eyes closed, and the sound of ding-dong music instantly came out, because of the dead of night, the music spread far away.

A few minutes later, just when the three of them were about to lose their hold, Nintendo's figure suddenly flew over and landed steadily beside Mamadi, listening to the music with his eyes closed and his face full of intoxication.

But he appeared too suddenly, almost didn't scare the three of Ma Ma Di half to death, but fortunately Ma Ma Di finally stabilized, and when he saw that the zombie was really listening to music, he smiled, and resumed his mastery style, and said: "Look at you two, what do you look like, let's go!"

Ah Hao Ah Qiang rolled his eyes angrily, and then cautiously followed Ma Ma and began to walk towards the predetermined location.

He walked in front as if he was driving a corpse, and kept muttering: "Yes, yes, yes, you want to listen to music, right?" Then come with me, it will definitely make you enjoy listening to it......

Such a flattering Ma Ma Di made Ah Hao and Ah Qiang complain about it, if it weren't for Ma Ma Di is master, both of them would probably have to speak directly.

Originally, everything was quite normal, but when they walked less than three hundred meters away from the Guan Gong Temple where the Five Elements Trapped Corpse Array was located, the pocket watch in numbness's hand suddenly clicked and stopped, and the music stopped abruptly.

Ma Madi was suddenly startled, and took it to see that there was no power.

", it's almost such a distance, do you want to do this?" Ma Ma Di was about to cry, and Ah Hao Ah Qiang rushed towards Guan Gong Temple even more frantically, as for Ma Ma Di, he should be able to handle it, right?

Forget it, it's better to take care of your own life first.

But after running out for a few dozen meters, the two sighed helplessly, and then ran back together, dragging Ma Ma who was still complaining: "Let's go, wait for death?"

"Roar~" At this time, Nintendo finally came back to his senses from the music stop, and roared angrily, looking at the three of them with straight eyes.

The sudden look made the three of them stunned at the same time, and then numbly and cautiously handed over the pocket watch with a flattering smile: "That, big brother zombie, it's really not that I won't put it for you, it's out of power...... it, run!"

When the words landed, he threw the pocket watch directly to Nintendo, and then ran away, and Ah Hao Ah Qiang followed closely behind, shouting loudly: "Master, wait for us!"

"Senior brother, help!"

In the courtyard, Lin Ye, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes......

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