Nintendo is certainly not a flying zombie, but because of those things that were injected into the corpse by Dr. Crooked Fruit, it became an alternative zombie, and now it is basically confirmed that he has the flying ability of the zombie, the defensive ability of the Golden Armor Corpse King, and the attack ability is average, probably only at the level of jumping zombies.

The others are not clear for the time being, but the first two alone are enough to give Lin Ye a headache, after all, he can't fly now, if Nintendo is bent on escaping, he will not be able to catch up with his desperate life.

What's the trouble?

As for pulling out those drugs in Nintendo's body again, it is even more impossible, with Nintendo's defensive power, even magic weapons can't pierce it, not to mention, according to Nintendo's performance now, he has basically digested those drugs, and pulled them out?

However, Lin Ye vaguely remembered that when he was watching the movie, Nintendo was sealed by Uncle Nine with one hundred and eight acupuncture points in his body, and then destroyed it with the help of the celestial phenomenon of the Tengu eating the sun and the Five Elements Bagua Array.

Obviously, there is no need to be so troublesome when he comes here, after all, his cultivation is not known how much higher than Uncle Jiu, but no matter what, Lin Ye still decided to test it first!

On the other side, Ren Zhuzhu didn't react until Nintendo escaped, quickly ran to Lin Ye's side, clutched his arm tightly, and said with a trembling body: "Brother-in-law, let's go home quickly." "

Lin Ye retracted his mind and chuckled and teased, "What's the matter?"

Ren Zhuzhu hurriedly shook his head, then stomped his feet angrily, and then felt unrelieved of hatred, grabbed Lin Ye's arm and bit it.

But just when she was about to close her mouth, she let go of Lin Ye and said, "Brother-in-law, can't you let me?" I'm so cute, you can't bear to bully me?"

"Why can't you bear it?" Lin Ye asked with a smile.

Ren Zhuzhu gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Ye, she really wanted to get rid of him and go by herself, but she was afraid that the zombies would come out again, so she could only endure it, and suddenly a cold wind blew, Ren Zhuzhu suddenly clenched her clasped hands, and suddenly Lin Ye was not calm, what is it, this is the rhythm to lead him to do something wrong?

Suddenly, he pulled his hand out of Ren Zhuzhu's 'heart', Lin Ye turned around and left: "Keep up, he shouldn't come again tonight." "

Ren Zhuzhu looked at the empty front in astonishment, and then ran over quickly: "Why are you like this? I hugged you and you took advantage of it, why are you more afraid than me?"

Lin Ye smiled noncommittally, of course he wasn't afraid, but now he couldn't figure out what your eldest lady was thinking, if he made a wrong expression, wouldn't he be embarrassed to death?


The next day, Lin Ye left Ren's mansion directly, walked into a dense forest outside the town, and then opened Ren Zhuzhu's pocket watch.

Although the sun is shining now, Lin Ye knows very well that Nintendo, a zombie that is stimulated and does not look like a zombie, is not afraid of the sun at all.

As the sound of ding-dong music came out, Lin Ye slowly closed his eyes.

About half an hour later, there was a sudden sound of skimming the air not far away, and in an instant, Lin Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and the next moment he saw Nintendo flying directly to his side, standing in front of the pocket watch and listening with an intoxicated face, I really don't know where he got the music cells of a dead man, is it really an instinctive memory before his death?

But now Lin Ye didn't have the heart to think about this, but kept trying to sense Nintendo's breath, but just like yesterday, he still couldn't sense anything, as if there was nothing around him.

For a moment, Lin Ye, who couldn't detect any information, suddenly retreated five or six meters, and then snapped the pocket watch closed.

Nintendo, who couldn't hear the music, suddenly went berserk, roared angrily, and suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Ye.

But immediately after that, a strange expression appeared on his face, and he actually took a few steps back, but then his face once again showed a look of thought, and finally as if he had made up his mind, he walked towards Lin Ye step by step.

Lin Ye looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, although he had already deduced that Nintendo's intelligence was not low, but Nima's thinking was a bit excessive?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Ye put away his pocket watch, and then with a flick of his wrist, the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword instantly appeared in his hand.

Seeing this sword, Nintendo immediately screamed, and kept waving his hands, as if saying not to let Lin Ye do it?

What the hell am I ......

Lin Ye, who was full of black lines, kicked the ground suddenly, stabbed at Nintendo with a long sword in his hand, and the mana turned, and the top of the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword was instantly covered with purple thunder.

But just as he was about to stab into Nintendo's body, Nintendo suddenly stomped on the ground, and then his entire body rose into the sky like a cannonball, and disappeared in front of Lin Ye in the blink of an eye.

Lin Ye frowned slightly: "What does he mean by this?"

I have to say that Nintendo's wave of operations directly confused Lin Ye, where does this look like a zombie?

After a long time, Lin Ye sighed: "It seems that we still have to let them test it, no matter what, zombies are zombies, and Nintendo kills many people, so they must die!"

The only thing that reassures Lin Ye may be that the person who has been bitten by Nintendo will not be corpsed, as if the corpse poison in his body has been neutralized by the medicine of the crooked doctor.

Near noon, Ren Mansion.

Seeing Lin Ye coming back, Ren Tian hurriedly greeted him and said, "Uncle, how is it?"

Lin Ye smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, grandpa's situation is different from other zombies, I will let my uncle who is not a good person go out tonight and make a decision." "

Ren Tian was silent, after Ren Tingting came back yesterday, he was directly scared half to death, especially when he thought of what Ren Fa told him, he didn't dare to sleep, he actually sat on the bed all night last night, and even now he has not eased up.

Originally, I thought that Lin Ye could be captured, but now it seems that the situation is not like this.

But Ren Tian also knew that this kind of thing might be forced, so he had to clench his fists and say, "Uncle, then everything depends on you." "

Lin Ye snorted: "Second uncle, it's all a family, there's no need to do this, I'll go to Uncle Shi later and discuss what to do." "

"Okay, I'll go prepare lunch for you!" Ren Tian said and turned to leave.


In the afternoon, inside a noodle shop in town.

Lin Ye sat on the main seat, sitting numbly next to him, eating seafood, stepping on the stool with one foot, one hand in his nostrils, and the other hand holding chopsticks and constantly pulling food into his mouth.

Next to him, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang looked at Lin Ye in horror, especially Ah Hao, yesterday's kick directly kicked him out of the psychological shadow, and even now he doesn't dare to look at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye was no longer surprised by the posture of eating numbly, but he didn't eat anyway, so he said directly: "Uncle Shi, I asked you to prepare, how are you preparing?"

He waved his hand numbly and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, isn't it just a zombie, I'll take him for you tonight." "

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh, Uncle Shi hasn't seen him in the past few years, and he has broken through to a real person?"

Poof~ All the noodles in his mouth were sprayed out, and there were still two in his nostrils, but he couldn't care about it at all now, and looked at Lin Ye and asked in a panic: "Xiao Ye, are you joking with me?"

Lin Ye showed a sneer: "Do you look at me like I'm joking? Let me tell you the truth, I am now the Fifth Heaven of the Heavenly Master Realm, but I am still not sure that I can take him down on the premise that the zombie does not escape, that zombie doesn't know why, it has mutated, and now not only is it not afraid of the sun, but it is also very good at flying, and its defense is even comparable to that of the Golden Armor Corpse King, although the attack means are average, but he is not afraid of any Taoism, so, if Uncle Shi is willing, I am very willing to see Uncle Shi you show your might.

" "


I'll send you a big-headed ghost!

Ma Ma almost didn't choke to death, and it took a long time to barely calm down his mood and say, "Xiao Ye, you're not scaring Uncle Shi, are you?"

"You just think I'm scaring you, hurry up and eat, find a good place to fight after eating, it can't affect ordinary people, I'll go back first, just call me when you find a place!"

Lin Ye was too lazy to talk more to Ma Ma, he thought he understood the temperament of this uncle, and the more he talked, the more he took it seriously, only by saying it again and letting him think about it himself, it would have a different effect.

It wasn't until Lin Ye had left for a long time that Ma Madi came back to his senses under Ah Hao's push.

"Master, are you still eating?"

Looking at Ah Hao, who was full of grief and indignation, he was angry, and flew up and kicked Ah Hao's body: "I don't need you to eat or not, I was killed by you this time, you said, I'll let you drive a corpse, you can get me a zombie out, just get a zombie, you even got me such a terrible zombie, I want to kill you now, bastard!"

Ah Hao was scolded for being bloody, but he didn't dare to refute half a sentence, one was that the numbness caused a great shadow to him, and the second was that this matter was indeed caused by him, and he couldn't refute it.

After venting, Ma Ma exhaled and said, "Forget it, don't eat it!"

"Master, where are we going first?" asked Ah Qiang as he looked at the numb ground who walked out.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he turned his head sharply and shouted angrily: "Go and move the rescuers, bastard, or wait for death?"

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