In the evening, outside the town of Tengteng.

Lin Ye has almost recovered, and Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang are still healing themselves because they have suffered backlash.

Outside, the Four-Eyed Dao Leader and the others had already cleaned up all the remaining corpse poison, but the evil qi in this place needed time to slowly wash away, but fortunately, the root cause had been destroyed, and it would be able to return to normal in a few months at most.

However, Lin Ye still went around the town to make sure that no problems would arise.

When he came back from the town, Mao Xiaofang had already come out and was directing Ah Chu Ah Hai to pack up his things, apparently preparing to leave overnight.

Lin Ye didn't forget to go to Gantian Town, after all, there was no problem with his memory, there was a dragon vein in Gantian Town, and there were still Empress Dowagers Cixi of the Qing Dynasty and a large number of generals and soldiers buried in it, and all of them had become zombies, although the quantity may not be as good as Tengteng Town, but the quality was definitely higher, and it was all the merit of Bai Huahua.

It's just that he was just about to step forward, when Uncle Nine suddenly got out of the tent, looked left and right, and shouted directly after seeing him: "Xiao Ye, come here." "

Lin Ye was slightly stunned, and walked over full of doubts: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Do you remember your Uncle Ma Ma Di?"

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched, remember, why didn't he remember? It's just that he wondered why Uncle Nine would mention Ma Ma Di at this time.

Uncle Nine knew what he meant when he looked at Lin Ye's expression, and said with a headache: "Your uncle has caused a big mess, and now send me a letter asking for help, so I'm going to let you go over!"

Lin Ye was stunned, go and help Ma Madi? The trouble he caused was nothing more than the music zombie Nintendo, but he wanted to go to Gantian Town and destroy a wave of zombies, and then there seemed to be monsters and demon gods there, and those merits were not more fragrant than music zombies?

After pondering for a moment, Lin Ye spoke: "That master ...... over there"

At this time, Mao Xiaofang walked over from behind and said with a smile: "I don't have anything to do on my side now, if you have something on your side, you can solve it first, and then go to Gantian Town when it is solved." "

Lin Ye sighed, Ma Ma criticized, he now seriously suspects that Uncle Nine is cheating on him, no, it is Ma Ma Di who is pranking him, after all, the relationship between Ma Ma Di and Uncle Nine has always been bad, but Ma Ma Di's relationship with him is very good, this time Uncle Nine must have said that for the sake of face, if Lin Ye guessed correctly, the person who Ma Ma Di asked for help was definitely him, after all, Ma Ma Di also knew his strength.

After a while, Lin Ye nodded helplessly: "Okay, after I solve the matter on my Uncle Mamadi's side, I will rush directly to Gantian Town to meet Uncle Shi, and I hope that Uncle Shi will not trouble me at that time." "

Mao Xiaofang laughed: "No, with such a powerful nephew as you sitting in Gantian Town, to be honest, I can make it a lot easier, that is, your master dislikes you." "

Lin Ye thought so.

Uncle Jiu's mind was full of black lines, and he snorted lightly: "Look at what you kid can, remember, the matter here is almost over, if it's okay, you can leave now, by the way, give me those two Yangyuan Pills, and I'll bring Ah Yue and Wencai." "


I want to beat someone!

Lin Ye roared wildly in his heart, but in the end, he obediently gave Yang Yuan Dan to Uncle Jiu, and then turned back to the tent, this time he didn't plan to take Ren Tingting and Qingqing, the music zombie Nintendo Because of the effect of foreign hormones, its strength has long exceeded the category of ordinary zombies, whether it is defense or attack power, it is far from being comparable to ordinary silver armor corpses.

Especially its intelligence, it is infinitely close to the zombie level of the immortal bone, which is taller than the flying zombie, such a difficult thing, how could Lin Ye be willing to let Ren Tingting and Qingqing take risks?

It's just that......

"What are you talking about? My second grandfather's body was stolen and now turned into a zombie?"

Lin Ye covered Ren Tingting's mouth and said, "Don't shout, no one outside knows about this matter, and even the master doesn't know what the hell is!"

Ren Tingting looked at Lin Ye with anxiety: "Then will my second grandfather do something to my second uncle and Zhuzhu?" No, I have to go with you if you say anything this time!"

Lin Ye sighed lightly: "You can't go, that zombie has mutated, and I'm not sure I can deal with it, so you will only distract me if you go, good boy, I will definitely promise to do things properly, how about bringing Zhuzhu back with you when the time comes?"

Ren Tingting was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath, revealing a bitter smile: "I'm sorry Ah Ye, I was impulsive, then you must be careful after you pass, safety is the main thing, Qingqing and I are waiting for you to come back." "


After speaking, Lin Ye smiled at Qingqing again, and then turned to leave.

Renjia Town, where Ren Zhuzhu is located, is not far from Renjia Town here, only less than two hundred miles, and it is even closer to Tengteng Town, only less than one hundred and fifty miles.

After Lin Ye left, the people on the side of Tengteng Town also began to leave one after another, different from the solemn faces when they came, and now everyone is in a very good mood, after all, this time the harm of Tengteng Town was directly solved, and everyone got more or less Yin Virtue, which is undoubtedly helpful for them to enter Yin Si after a hundred years in the future.

By the time of Shen Shi, Tengteng Town had completely quieted down, except for some rancid smell still wafting in the air, it was estimated that it was the safest place within a hundred miles of the surrounding area.

On the other side, at three o'clock, Lin Ye finally stepped into Renjia Town in the south, although the Ren family here is not as good as Ren Fa's Ren family, but it is also the leading wealthy businessman here, otherwise it is impossible to keep the name Renjia Town.

So the Ren family is definitely the best one to find in town.

The town was exceptionally quiet, and I don't know if it was because of rumors of zombies.

After turning around the town, Lin Ye stood in front of a tall gate in the center of the town, and the two big characters 'Renfu' above were swaying in the night.

Knocking on the door gently, the servant on duty inside quickly opened the door, but when he saw Lin Ye's appearance clearly, his eyes were directly covered with doubt: "Who are you?"

Lin Ye chuckled and said, "My name is Forestry, I'm tired of going to make an announcement!"

"Lin Ye, I haven't heard of it!" The servant shook his head: "What if you want to spend the night? There is an inn over there, what if you want to borrow money? Our Ren family will help the poor on the fifteenth day of the first month of every month, if you are hungry now, I can go to the kitchen to help you make some food, but forget about the announcement? The old man and the young lady are asleep, not very good." "

Listening to the servant's tirade, Lin Ye was directly stunned, and then couldn't help laughing, it seems that Ren Fa should have told Ren Tian here, Ren Tian would believe that there were gods on his head, and then discipline these servants, right? Otherwise, it would be really too showy, anyway, Lin Ye didn't believe that the Ren family had always been so polite.

But these have nothing to do with Lin Ye, he came here just to solve the trouble of Ma Ma Di, and by the way, he helped Ren Tian bury his labor and management safely, so he raised his hand and clenched his fists: "I am the uncle of the Ren family in the north, and I have something to do this time, so it is better for you to report it." "

"Beibian'er, are you the Taoist Lin Ye? Oh mom, then you wait a minute, I'll go over and call the master and the young lady now, oh oh, no, you come in first!"

Lin Ye: "......"

Is it so realistic?

After following the servant into the Ren family's compound, the servant led him to a hall and ran away quickly.

In less than ten minutes, Ren Tian and Ren Zhuzhu walked in together, and looking at their appearance, it was obvious that they hadn't slept at all.

"Xiao Ye is here?" Walking into the hall and seeing Lin Ye, Ren Tian's eyes lit up, and he sped up again: "You came just in time, I was about to ask someone to invite you, you don't know, your second grandfather's body was actually stolen, it's hateful, especially the Taoist who drove the corpse, I really hate to cut him with a thousand knives!"

Hearing such bloody words, Lin Ye's heart jumped, and he suddenly smiled a little weakly: "Second uncle, that ...... It's my uncle who is responsible for driving out the corpse, but don't worry, I will definitely let him take the credit, if he can't do it, I'll whip him hard for you, and then I'll solve it, so the second uncle don't be angry, if you are angry, Zhuzhu and Tingting will be distressed. "

Ren Tianlao's face flushed, and he was suffocated.

He never thought that the unreliable guy in Ma Madi would be Lin Ye's uncle, no matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like it.

Lin Ye's scalp was a little numb when Ren Tian saw it, and he scolded him numbly in his mouth I don't know how many times, but after all, it was his uncle, and he was not bad to himself, so no matter how weak his heart was, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Second uncle, I'll go over and see my uncle now, ask him about the specific situation, and then let's make plans, after all, the most important thing now is to find the body of the second grandfather and get it back, right?"

Ren Tian sighed helplessly, and responded with a smile: "Okay, let Zhuzhu take you over, they are now caught by Captain Cao in the class room." "

Lin Ye nodded with a smile, bowed down and said, "Then thank you Second Uncle!"

Ren Tian was in a bad mood, he raised his hand casually and waved, and then shook his head and sighed and walked out of the hall, it seemed that before Nintendo's corpse was found, Lin Ye basically didn't think that Lin Tian would give him a good face.

After scolding numbly in his heart again, he looked at Ren Zhuzhu.

Ren Zhuzhu shrugged the tip of his nose at him: "Hmph~ Let's go, I was expecting you to help me teach that stinky Taoist priest a lesson, I'm so angry!"

Lin Ye: "......"

PS: The update is late, but the update will not be less!!Ask for custom!!Ask for a full order!!

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