

The crackling lightning directly formed a dense power grid within a radius of 100 meters around the forest leaves, and all the corpse poison that tried to gush out was purified and removed by the power grid.

"Roar~" The Golden Armor Corpse King fell in the middle of the lightning, allowing the lightning to fall on his body without the slightest pain, there was just boundless anger, its already green eyes stared at Lin Ye deadly, and the four fangs spewed out pitch-black corpse poison, crunching, as if to bite Lin Ye into pieces.

Lin Ye held the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword with a solemn face, and the aura of his whole body was condensed to the peak, corresponding to the Golden Armor Corpse King Yao dozens of meters away.

Now they are like two peerless masters facing each other, and no one dares to take the first step, otherwise there will be a big loophole.

The Golden Armor Corpse King was roaring, those zombies outside were echoing, and even dozens of zombies rushed towards this side regardless of it, it seemed that the Golden Armor Corpse King had given them an order to come over and disturb the rhythm of Lin Ye?

Lin Ye doesn't understand the language of corpses, but it's okay to think that the corpse king orders some zombies, right?

It's just that what the Golden Armor Corpse King doesn't know is that Lin Ye now wishes that the Golden Armor Corpse King will call all the zombies over, and then he can kill these zombies directly, and then Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang will be able to free up their hands to deal with the Golden Armor Corpse King with him, even if it is just to contain it, Lin Ye is sure to kill this guy.

But no one knew what Lin Ye thought, when they saw those zombies rushing towards Lin Ye regardless of it, Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Nine were all anxious, and Mao Xiaofang immediately shouted: "Everyone quit Tengteng Town, arm the periphery, and never let any zombies escape, Senior Brother Lin, you and I will go to help Xiaoye!"


"Uncle ......"

Uncle Nine also frowned at this time, and scolded in a deep voice: "Everyone quit, the Golden Armor Corpse King is not something you can deal with, hurry up!"

Everyone had no choice but to retreat one after another, and then each took charge of a place to prevent the zombies from escaping.

Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Nine hurriedly rushed to the place where Lin Ye was.

At the same time, under the summoning of the Golden Armor Corpse King, those zombies had already reached a place less than fifty meters away from Lin Ye, but the thunder net in the sky directly cut off the path for those zombies to approach Lin Ye, and some zombies at the level of jumping zombies and bronze armor corpses were touched by the lightning net and were directly wiped out.

In less than a minute, less than ten of the dozens of zombies died, but each of these ten had the strength of the Silver Armor Corpse King or a half-step flying zombie.

Lin Ye stepped out, slowly raised the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword in his hand, and pointed at the Golden Armor Corpse King: "Your little brother is almost dead, why don't you do it?"

"Roar~" The Golden Armor Corpse King roared angrily, slammed his foot on the ground, and directly stepped on the ground into a pit half a meter deep, and it itself instantly soared more than ten meters into the air, and pounced straight towards Lin Ye.

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's just right to come, the world is clear, the five thunders are authentic, listen to my orders, the sky is thundering, and the urgency is like a law!"

The Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword was thunderous in an instant, enveloping more than ten meters of red sword light, and slashed vertically at the Golden Armor Corpse King.


The two collided, and the Golden Armor Corpse King instantly flew upside down for more than ten meters, and Lin Ye also stepped back more than a dozen steps before unloading the strength on his body, frowning and looking at it, the Golden Armor Corpse King only had a small abrasion on the surface of his body.

With such a strong defense, Lin Ye couldn't help but gasp, he thought that his iron cloth shirt had been cultivated to perfection and could fight against the Golden Armor Corpse King, but now it seems that he is still a thing that should be in the world?

Well, he forgot that his current state is not what the world should be.

And the huge aftermath caused by the collision between the two directly enveloped the few remaining zombies, and countless lightning bolts fell on them in an instant, except for two half-step flying stiff struggling to escape, the rest turned into flying ashes.

At this point, the zombies in Tengteng Town, which had threatened one side for decades, were left with only one Golden Armor Corpse King and two half-step flying zombies who had been severely damaged.

However, the two half-step flying stiff had not yet eased up, the ninth uncle and Mao Xiaoyi galloped over, and the two reddish lightning struck peach wood swords and pierced their hearts with a snort, and in an instant, the two half-step flying stiff raised their heads to the sky and roared, and then exploded.

"Xiao Ye, how is it?" Mao Xiaofang kicked away the corpse pieces in front of him, stood on the right side of the Golden Armor Corpse King and asked.

The Ninth Uncle also rose into the air and landed on the left side of the Golden Armor Corpse King: "Xiao Ye, are you sure?"

Lin Ye stared at the Golden Armor Corpse King: "This guy's defense is too terrifying, so we must find a way to fix it, and then attack it from the inside, otherwise it will be difficult to kill it." "

"Roar~" The Golden Armor Corpse King felt that his last little brother was gone, so he exploded directly, and actually gave up on Lin Ye, and rushed towards Uncle Nine regardless of it.

Uncle Jiu's face changed drastically: ", Xiao Ye, is this guy so terrifying?" Come and help me!"

Mao Xiaofang's head was suddenly full of black lines, and the foul words came out, this is really the famous Ninth Uncle? Are you kidding? Could it be someone who occupied the magpie's nest?

But Lin Ye had long been accustomed to it, and instantly flew up, pulled out a sword in the air, and slammed it on the head of the Golden Armor Corpse King, and then he stepped forward and kicked the Golden Armor Corpse King's forehead, which forcibly broke the direction of the Golden Armor Corpse King's advance.

"Master, uncle, don't separate the two of you, we both underestimated the strength of this guy, you must work together to deal with it, and I will attack its vital point!"

Lin Yefei stepped back, as far as possible from the Golden Armor Corpse King, now there are no living people here, and even zombies are left with only one Golden Armor Corpse King, so Lin Ye simply removed the surrounding lightning and accumulated stronger attacks.

Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Jiu nodded in unison, blocking the back road of the Golden Armor Corpse King, and then attacked the Golden Armor Corpse King at the same time.


The Golden Armor Corpse King roared angrily, his whole body was churning, and the corpse poison with green light swarmed towards Uncle Chao Jiu and Mao Xiaofang.

However, it was obviously impossible for the corpse poison to infect the two great heavenly masters, so Lin Ye simply ignored it, slammed a horse step, slammed the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword, and kept pinching out one magic trick after another with both hands: "Heaven and earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law, Boruo Boluomi, ten thousand swords return to the sect, go!"

"Heaven and earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law, Boruparami, all the laws return to the sect, and the urgency is like a law!"

"Heaven and earth are clear, listen to my orders, five thunders are authentic, thunder heaven and earth, thunder is beautiful, thunder bursts!


Three spells were shot out in a row, and the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword exploded with a bang, turning into nearly 10,000 long swords roaring out, and each sword was covered with a layer of purple-black thunder and golden halo.

But in mid-air, these nearly 10,000 long swords suddenly merged into one, turning into a black thunder long sword dozens of meters long, and slashed down the head of the Golden Armor Corpse King.

Boom! Boom!

The Golden Armor Corpse King was doing his best to deal with Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang, and when it came back to its senses, the giant sword had already smashed its head, and the force that was so huge that it could almost open the mountain smashed it directly into the ground, and only one head was left outside.

"It's now, Master, Master, attack its eyes!"

Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang bit their fingers almost at the same time, and with a thud, the peach wood swords of the two of them instantly turned red, and they were beaten out by the two of them together.


Two muffled sounds came out, and two peachwood swords directly entered the eyes of the Golden Armor Corpse King, and in an instant, the infinitely tumbling black gas rolled out, and the Golden Armor Corpse King roared even more in pain, and his body was forcibly pulled out of the ground by more than ten centimeters.

At this time, Lin Ye turned over and landed in front of the Golden Armor Corpse King, and pinched the trick again: "Lin, soldiers, fights, people, all, arrays, columns, fronts, lines, nine-character mantras, thunder and rage, urgent as a law, pardon!"


The nine golden characters directly turned into a golden thunder dragon in mid-air, and suddenly climbed up to the two peachwood swords, and then swarmed along the peachwood swords into the eyes of the golden armor corpse king.

"Roaring ......"

The thunder roared, and the Golden Armor Corpse King directly raised his hand and broke the peachwood sword.

At the same time as the Golden Armor Corpse King broke the peachwood sword, Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang spurted out two mouthfuls of blood one after another, and their breath suddenly withered a lot, which was eaten up by the magic weapon.

But the Golden Armor Corpse King was not happy, after it broke the peachwood sword, it just took two steps and directly froze in place, after a few breaths, its body began to emit a crackling thunderstorm sound, with a muffled sound, the Golden Armor Corpse King directly exploded into a ground of minced meat, dense maggots sprinkled everywhere.

"Ding~ The host kills the Golden Armor Corpse King and gains 3500 points of merit. "

At the same time, Lin Ye also sat on the ground with a puff, and just now forcibly cast the nine-character mantra spell, directly draining the mana in his body, leaving only a little mana seed, such a huge consumption, still with the help of Mao Xiaofang and Uncle Jiu, it can be seen how difficult this golden armor corpse king is, it is worthy of being able to compare with the existence of flying zombies.

Uncle Nine and Mao Xiaofang looked at each other, then helped each other to walk to Lin Ye's side, and stretched out his hand to pull him up: "It's over, let's go!"

Lin Ye nodded: "The evil qi and corpse poison here have to be dealt with, otherwise there will still be an accident." "

Mao Xiaofang chuckled: "The zombies have all been solved, so leave the corpse poison and evil qi to them, what's more, can you kid still stand up now?"

Lin Ye was slightly stunned, and then showed a wry smile: "Uncle Shi, I suspect that you are mocking me, and I have evidence." "

The three of them looked at each other, and then laughed in unison......

PS: Uh~ Xinqiang didn't go up, next week's recommendation is also woody, the author is very sad, kneel and beg for a wave of full support to support it??? the author wants to recommend it!!woo woo~~~

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