""Cough, cough!"

Uncle Jiu coughed outside.

""Hurry, throw him in!"

Qiu Sheng clapped his hands and said with a smile.

The three dragged Ren Weiyong and put him back into the coffin.

After a while, Uncle Jiu walked in in a serious manner.

He took a look at the coffin lid that fell on the ground and knew what happened here.

"Why did the coffin lid fall to the ground? Cover it quickly."

""Oh, hurry up!"

The three men lifted the coffin lid and covered it back.

Just in case, Uncle Jiu continued to kill chickens to get blood and made a chicken blood ink fountain.

"Master, I read about the corpse-suppressing talisman in the book. Can I draw a corpse-suppressing talisman to suppress Old Master Ren?"

Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile,"Ayi, you are very good and you know how to make progress. Yes, the corpse-suppressing talisman can suppress zombies."

As Uncle Jiu spoke, he took out some yellow paper, took out cinnabar, dipped a pen in ink, and quickly drew two corpse-suppressing talismans.

"Now, you can stick this talisman on Old Master Ren's head, and use the remaining one to study."

""Thank you, Master!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up and he took it with both hands.

This is the corpse-suppressing talisman drawn by Uncle Jiu himself, so it should be able to be exchanged for good things!

""Master, where should I place the ink fountain?"

Qiu Sheng asked Uncle Jiu.

"If it hits the coffin, the whole coffin will be on the line!"


"I'll put the talisman on him first! Master, it's ok to put it on his chest!"


To ensure that everything is safe, Lin Yi undressed Ren Weiyong, then put a corpse-suppressing talisman on his chest, and then buttoned him up.

After closing the coffin lid, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai took the ink fountain and began to draw the line.

Lin Yi hurriedly reminded

"Start from the bottom of the coffin first, don't leak it!"

In the movie, these two careless people leaked the bottom of the coffin, causing the corpse gas to corrode the bottom of the coffin, and the zombies rushed from the bottom to break the coffin, letting the zombies escape. Since

Lin Yi had traveled through time, it was impossible for him to just leave it alone.

With Lin Yi's reminder, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai started to stretch the line directly from the bottom of the coffin.

""Master, how did Old Master Ren become a zombie?"

Qiu Sheng asked curiously.

Uncle Jiu lit incense and started the class.

"The reason why Mr. Ren turned into a zombie was because before he died, he was angry, held his breath, and was suffocating. After he died, a breath gathered in his throat."

"That means you will continue to breathe even after you die!"

""Master, can these coffin nails suppress zombies?"

Lin Yi suddenly asked while holding up the coffin nails.

He remembered that there was a movie saying that coffin nails could suppress zombies.

Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's eyes were immediately attracted.

Looking at the bundle of coffin nails in Lin Yi's hand, Uncle Jiu nodded.

"I didn't expect that you know so much, Ayi. Yes, coffin nails are also called soul-calming nails in Feng Shui. Seven of them are used to nail the soul into peace!

In ancient times, coffin nails were used to cover the coffin for burial. It is said that this nail can calm the soul, break the evil spirit, and increase fortune. Especially the coffin nails in the coffin of Old Master Ren, the effect is even better."

"The bodies of ordinary zombies are hard and invulnerable to weapons, but coffin nails can easily penetrate their bodies."

Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up,"What a good thing, Junior Brother, give me two later!"

"I want one too! I want two too."

Lin Yi smiled,"There are only seven in total, why are you so greedy? One for each of you, and the rest will be confiscated!"

The smile on Uncle Jiu's face became even more intense,"Ayi's suggestion is good, let's divide it this way!"

Ayi is a really good kid, really good!

Qiu Sheng and Wencai saw this and what else could they say, shrugged their shoulders and continued to play the ink line net.

Not long after, the whole coffin was played with ink lines, and Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction.

"It's getting late, Qiu Sheng, you should go back quickly, otherwise your aunt will come to ask for you again tomorrow."

"Got it, Master.

Qiu Sheng nodded, and before leaving, he asked Lin Yi for a coffin nail.

Wencai and Lin Yi sent Qiu Sheng to the gate.

""Brother, be careful on the way back."

Lin Yi warned.

Qiu Sheng climbed onto the bicycle, propped himself up with one foot, and took out a bunch of incense.

Wen Cai lit a match and helped to light the incense.

Lin Yi remembered that in the movie, Dong Xiaoyu had already set her sights on Qiu Sheng.

"Don't worry, I have the amulet my master gave me, and this coffin nail, so I'm not afraid."

Qiu Sheng smiled nonchalantly, and by the way, he stuck the incense on the handlebars.

"Go back and have a rest, you still have to go up the mountain with the master tomorrow."

Qiu Sheng smiled proudly, then pushed the ground, the bicycle slid forward, and then set off smoothly.

Looking at Qiu Sheng's back, Wencai closed the door and said to Lin Yi,"I don't know why, but I always feel weird."

Lin Yi shrugged. He also had a bad premonition, but when he thought about Qiu Sheng carrying the amulet and the coffin nail that could ward off evil spirits, he shouldn't be bewitched by the female ghost.

"Ah Yi, go back to your room and have a rest. Today I will prepare water for Master to wash his feet. Now, from now on, I will prepare water for Master to wash his feet on the odd and even days of each month, and you will prepare water for Master to wash his feet on the even days of each month.

Wencai took the opportunity to ask

"No problem, I can come every day."

Lin Yi said indifferently.

It's just to make water for Uncle Jiu to wash his feet. It's a good opportunity for him to learn more from Uncle Jiu.

Although he understood the three scriptures and one talisman that Uncle Jiu gave him (Tao Te Ching, Huang Ting Jing, Da Dong Jing, Shang Qing Fu Lu), he still needed Uncle Jiu's teachings to thoroughly understand such profound things and make them his own.

Ten thousand volumes of true Dharma are not as good as one sentence from a real person!

Although Lin Yi obtained Zhiqiu Yiye's cultivation memory and the three scriptures and one talisman of Maoshan, if he wanted to thoroughly understand and digest them and make them his own, how could he do it without someone to guide him?

"This is what you said, so it's settled. Go prepare water for Master to wash his feet. I'm going back to sleep, hehe."

It's nice to hear that my junior brother is so smart!

Wencai had a smug smile on his face and ran to the morgue triumphantly, fearing that if he was a step slower, Lin Yi would regret it.

"Hey, aren't you going to wash your feet?"

Wencai said without even turning his head,"I can just rinse them with water."

Lin Yi watched Wencai enter the morgue, secretly admiring him.

There were coffins in there with dead people lying in them.

Wencai was really brave, sleeping like a pig in such a place, and he deserved to be evaluated by Uncle Jiu as the most suitable person to look after the funeral home.

Lin Yi shrugged and went to prepare water for washing his feet, just in time for Uncle Jiu to prepare some special food for him.

…… ps: Xiao Meng has published a new book, which is Xiao Hei's favorite Uncle Jiu. I hope you will like it too. Please support me! Please give me flowers, votes, and comments. Please post comments widely so that Xiao Hei can see everyone. One thousand flowers will add one chapter, and one thousand collections will add one chapter!▄█?█●!!!

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