There is an old saying that goes, if you want to learn, you must live with your master first.

The apprentice must stay with the master day and night, serve the master in daily life, and show his own attitude, so that he can learn real skills from the master!

Those who teach their apprentices to starve their masters to death and teach their disciples to hold back are not true masters and apprentices!

Lin Yi walked in with the foot washing water. Uncle Jiu frowned when he saw that it was Lin Yi who came in.

"Ayi, why are you here? Where is Wencai?"

"Senior Brother Wencai is a little sleepy, so I let him go to sleep first. I just happened to have some questions for you, Master.

Uncle Jiu smiled with relief when he heard this, and thought to himself:

"Ayi is a talented kid who is also polite and motivated. He is a great talent!" If you have any questions, just ask.

After Lin Yi put the basin on the ground, Uncle Jiu tested the water temperature and found it was just right, so he ran in.

"Master, it's a question about the meridians. I'm a little confused after reading the Dadong Sutra. How many acupoints are there in the human body? Can every acupoint contain the spirit?"

Uncle Jiu smiled faintly and explained to Lin Yi.

The spirit is actually a person's own consciousness. The Dadong Sutra emphasizes taking in the qi and preserving the spirit. What is taken in is the innate primordial qi of the five directions, as well as the qi of the sun, moon and twenty-four stars, and what is stored is one's own consciousness and thoughts.

In fact, it is very simple. This is the most important thing for Taoists to cultivate both sex and life.

Sex is the inner scene, heart, thought, and character, and life is the outer scene, energy, destiny, and matter.

The dual cultivation of sex and life refers to the cultivation of both spirit and form!

Take in the qi, absorb external energy, and strengthen your own thoughts to achieve the effect of cultivating both spirit and movement.

To put it bluntly, the Dadong Sutra is to store the primordial qi in the acupoints of the human body, so that each acupoint is like a sea of qi.

There are 52 single acupoints, 309 double acupoints, and 50 meridian acupoints around the human body, totaling 720 acupoints!

That is Twelve main meridians and eight extraordinary meridians!

To open up the Ren and Du meridians is to open up the two bridges of heaven and earth.

Many martial arts novels write about opening up the Ren and Du meridians, and the internal Qi will be transformed from the acquired to the innate, and one will be promoted to an innate master!

And the cultivation of

Taoism from ordinary people to extraordinary people also happens to start from the innate realm! The acupoints and orifices of the Great Cavern Sutra store the spirit, which actually stores the Qi in the acupoints before opening up the Qi sea, replacing the function of the Qi sea.

When there is enough Qi, you can impact the Ren and Du meridians and open up the small Zhoutian!

It is also the realm of the small Huandan!

When the eight extraordinary meridians are completely opened, it is the big Zhoutian. It is also the realm of the big Huandan!

Uncle Jiu was soaking his feet while giving Lin Yi a special lesson.

Lin Yi listened carefully, and Uncle Jiu was also very excited.

In the past, Uncle Jiu wanted to fulfill his master's desire to teach, but Qiu Sheng and Wencai didn't give him any chance!


Ring, ring, ring -

Qiu Sheng pushed the bicycle bell out of boredom and pedaled vigorously.

The bicycle bounced along the forest path.

At this moment, a woman in a red wedding dress suddenly appeared on the treetops, looking at Qiu Sheng riding the bicycle with a happy smile on her face.

She was Dong Xiaoyu

"I found you!"

Dong Xiaoyu's body floated down and finally landed on the back seat of Qiu Sheng's bike.

Qiu Sheng, who was riding the bike, didn't feel anything and continued to pedal vigorously.

It was getting late, and he had to get home before the incense burned out.

This incense was particular. It was a road-opening incense, given to the lonely ghosts on the road, to give them benefits and let them not block his way.

""Hey, what is this?"

Dong Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the back seat, saw three flames burning on Qiu Sheng's shoulders and head, sparkling.

She curiously touched them with her hands, and suddenly felt a painful burning sensation.

Then a strong force pushed her directly off the car.

Dong Xiaoyu fell to the ground, her whole body in pain, looking at Qiu Sheng going away, waving her fists angrily.

At this moment, she suddenly felt something, turned her head and saw that there was a land temple in the grass on the side of the road. The statue inside suddenly turned around and looked straight at her.


Dong Xiaoyu was so scared that she turned around and ran away. She flew in the air and looked back at Qiu Sheng unwillingly.

"You can't run away! I will come back to find you!"


"Thank you for your teaching, Master!"

In Uncle Jiu's room, Lin Yi felt that he had a more thorough understanding of the Huangting Sutra.

For a beginner, Lin Yi's understanding and perception were already a lot, but Uncle Jiu's years of practice and perception were not comparable to Lin Yi's.

So when Uncle Jiu gave him some advice, the effect was like a revelation.

"It doesn't matter. If you have any questions in the future, you can come and ask me. Master will help you solve your doubts."

Uncle Jiu nodded with a smile.

"I understand, Master. Good night, Master."

Lin Yi smiled and carried the footbath out of the house.

Uncle Jiu was in a good mood and went to sleep humming a little opera tune.

Lin Yi sprinkled the footbath water in the yard and returned to his hut.

After closing the door, Lin Yi took out the coffin nails and woke up the system.

"System, is this coffin nail an extraordinary thing?"


"After testing, the coffin nails were found to be extraordinary"

"Great! I want to exchange!"

The coffin nails were supposed to be one for each person, and the extra ones would be confiscated, but Uncle Jiu was in a good mood, so he gave him an extra one.

Now it's just right to be used for exchange.

I don't know what good things this coffin nail can be exchanged for.

…… ps: Xiao Mengxin has published a new book. It is Xiao Hei's favorite Jiu Shu. I hope you will like it too. Please support me! Please give me flowers, votes, and comments. Please make sure to send comments so that Xiao Hei can see everyone. One thousand flowers will add one chapter, and one thousand collections will add one chapter!

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