Lin Yi was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe and looked very impressive.

Lin Yi came to the altar with a serious face, clasped his hands together and chanted something.

The class owner He Shengshu stepped back and saw Lin Yi start to cast a spell. He was very nervous.

"Uncle Sheng, do you think he can do it?"

"I think he looks like he can do it, so he should be able to do it!"

"The spirits of heaven and earth, the seven stars shining overhead, the Tai Chi Yin and Yang transformed into two gods, obeying my orders!"

"I will make you go up to the sky with me. I will make you go down to the earth with you. The true immortal of Penglai Fairy Cave will come to me!"

""Bindle ghosts and catch spirits!"

As soon as these four words came out, Lin Yi pointed his finger at the incense burner on the table.

The four incense sticks in the incense burner burned out instantly, and the fragrance turned into four sharp arrows that instantly drilled into the ground.

With a whoosh, the flames of the candles on the altar instantly turned green, and the green light made the already gloomy theater even more terrifying.

Bian Moyan, who was pulling Agui to release the water, was frightened by this sudden change and trembled, and sweat came down on his face.

Agui saw that Bian Moyan was not moving, and pushed Bian Moyan in confusion.

"Come on, aren't you going to drain the water?"

He blinked and grinned, his smile was more exaggerated than crying,"Haha, no need, it's out!"

Several people covered their mouths and noses instantly

"Blink! How can you be so timid that you peed yourself in fear?"

However, the next second, a strong cold wind blew in the theater, and the candles on the table flickered, as if they would go out at any time. The clothes of the people hiding behind were rustled by the cold wind, but Lin Yi's Taoist robes did not move at all!

""Evil creature, come out!"

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with a cold light, and with a thought, the peach wood sword on the table flew out.

With a muffled bang, a tall and ugly evil ghost suddenly appeared in the air.

This evil ghost was dressed in a white robe and had the hairstyle of the previous dynasty, but because his hair was disheveled, he looked very sloppy.

""Damn Taoist priest, I have no grudge against you, why do you want to provoke me!"

The evil ghost's voice was sharp, and his mouth was full of fangs, which made people feel sick.

Lin Yi raised his hand and the peach wood sword flew back to his hand.

"Humph, you have been dead for hundreds of years, and you still haven't gone to the underworld to reincarnate. Since you don't want to go, then I will help you."

"Bullshit! You stinky Taoist priest, I think you are tired of living!"

The evil ghost's voice was very violent. With a roar, the table in front of Lin Yi exploded into pieces.

Lin Yi's figure disappeared in an instant.

Everyone behind was stunned.

What happened? Why did the altar suddenly explode and Lin Yi disappeared?

Was he killed by a ghost?

"Kill the evil!"

Lin Yi's figure instantly appeared in the air, with a flash of golden light in his hand. With a shout, the evil ghost flew out immediately.

"Damn it!"

The evil ghost roared, waved his hand, and several dark lights shot towards Lin Yi.

""Tian Gang Wu Li Fire!"

Lin Yi's palm erupted with flames, engulfing all the Yin Qi that was coming towards him.

""The wooden sword is sharpened!"

With a swish, the blade of the peach wood sword instantly lit up with golden light, and was shrouded in spiritual energy.

The next moment, Lin Yi's body disappeared from the spot.

The shaving speed in the six styles was very fast, so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to detect it, and even the evil ghost could not keep up.

The third level of exorcism!


Lin Yi appeared behind the evil ghost, and three exorcism orders flew out instantly and stuck to the evil ghost.

A rumbling explosion sounded, and the evil ghost was directly blown away.

However, after all, he was a little ghost king who had practiced for hundreds of years, and this explosion only made He was injured.

The clothes on the evil ghost were tattered, and the body under the clothes looked charred and bloody, but other than that, he didn't seem to be seriously injured.

Lin Yi frowned slightly and tightened the peach wood sword in his hand.

The evil ghost's face was full of murderous intent, and he let out a piercing scream.

Uncle Sheng, the class owner, and Agui were all frightened by the evil ghost's posture. They swallowed their saliva and wondered whether to retreat first.

This evil ghost looks a bit scary!

Suddenly, he screamed in the blink of an eye, and his body actually flew up


Bian Moyan's body weighing nearly 200 pounds rushed straight towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stepped aside and grabbed Bian Moyan's leg. The next moment, a strong wind whistled and a huge force hit Lin Yi's head.

Lin Yi sneered and slashed with the peach wood sword in his hand. The sharp sword light flashed with golden light and split the table into two pieces.


With a bang, the walls on both sides of the theater suddenly broke apart, and the broken walls whistled towards Lin Yi, with a fast speed and strong force!

"Playing with controlling objects! Humph, a mere trifle!"

Lin Yi sneered, threw down his blinking eyes, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Move mountains and overturn seas!"

The two flying broken walls suddenly stopped.

"No! The consumption is too great!"

The two sections of the broken wall flew back, and Lin Yi thought to himself.

Moving mountains and overturning seas is a Taoist technique. Just like its name, a strong person can move mountains and reverse the sea.

Lin Yi has too little spiritual power now. At most, he can move a wall. If he wants to move a mountain, it is still a long way to go.

This little ghost king is very powerful. After all, he is a ghost who has practiced for hundreds of years, and he is also a fierce ghost.

Lin Yi had to reduce the consumption of spiritual power.

"The sky is clear and the earth is bright, the yin is turbid and the yang is clear, open my eyes, and the yin and yang are clear!"

Lin Yi's fingertips flashed with golden light, and he tapped his forehead. The next second, the sobriety in the theater was completely clear.

In the gloomy ghost atmosphere, the ghost king was breathing heavily.

He was seriously injured by the talisman that Lin Yi had cast just now.

""I found you!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The evil ghost was startled and subconsciously wanted to run. Lin Yi disappeared several times before, and he appeared beside him and attacked him.

This little Taoist priest is really a piece of shit, he has no martial ethics at all, he just sneaks up on me and cheats me!

"There is Huang Shen in front and Yue Zhang behind. The divine master kills and does not avoid the powerful. He kills the evil ghosts first and then cuts off the night light. Kill!"

Lin Yi recited the spell to kill ghosts, and the peach wood sword in his hand flashed with golden light, and instantly chopped the evil ghost.

With a swish! The peach wood sword left a sword mark on the evil ghost, and the wound hissed. Boom!

A huge force was suddenly used to knock Lin Yi out.

This is the evil ghost's mental power!

After being a ghost for hundreds of years, this old ghost's mental power is amazing, and his strength is not small.

However, Lin Yi was wearing a treasured robe from the East Wilderness world.

This treasured robe is inlaid with dust-proof, fire-proof, wind-proof, and water-proof! It is also engraved with soul-protecting, spirit-gathering, defense, and shape-changing array patterns!

The evil ghost's mental power collided with Lin Yi, but it was useless

"What, how is it possible!"

The ghost's eyes suddenly widened.

"You are such a jerk, and you dare to show off your skills in front of an expert."

A wine jar instantly appeared in Lin Yi's hand. He pulled open the seal of the wine jar and pointed the jar at the evil spirit.

"Bind ghosts and capture spirits!"

The next moment, a huge suction force surged out of the wine jar.

"What, no, don't!"

The evil ghost screamed and was sucked into the wine jar by the suction.

Lin Yi sneered, covered the seal, and cursed with his right hand.

"Six-fold ghost suppression talisman!"

The six ghost suppression talismans condensed instantly and then suppressed on the wine jar.

Seeing that the evil ghost was subdued by himself, Lin Yi was filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

"System, identify it!"

Next, we need to see how much this little ghost king is worth.

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