""Duplicate Technique!"

Lin Yi quickly formed seals with his hands, drawing spiritual energy, and another Lin Yi suddenly appeared in the room.

However, this Lin Yi was virtual and did not really exist. He was exposed as soon as he touched him.

""Wow, it looks so real!"

Lin Yi looked at this vivid and lifelike clone that looked exactly like him, and couldn't help but marvel at it!

The Shadow Clone Technique is an upgraded version of the Clone Technique. The condensed clone has a physical body and can be used to gather intelligence. It is very practical, but also consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Of course, the Shadow Clone Technique can not only gather intelligence, but also be used as a cheat for cultivation.

Creating a few clones to help you cultivate is equivalent to one person doing a dozen or even dozens of things at the same time.

Of course, it can also be the other way around, with dozens of people doing one thing at the same time! It greatly saves time and improves efficiency!

After practicing the Clone Technique proficiently, Lin Yi formed seals with his hands and tried the Shadow Clone Technique again.

"Shadow clone technique!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Three people who looked very different from Lin Yi appeared in the room.

Their clothes were exactly the same, their figures were the same, but their faces were not alike at all.

Each person had a different face, and no one was like the other, which made Lin Yi confused.

What's going on? The shadow clone technique is an upgraded version of the clone technique! It should not be wrong!

Why doesn't the shadow clone work!

Lin Yi scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he really couldn't figure it out.

It's called a shadow clone, so it must be the same as the original!

But this is too weird!

However, Lin Yi only hesitated for a while and stopped worrying about it.

I have always heard that the clone technique is extremely poisonous. Now the face of this shadow clone is different. It can only be used as a cheat for gathering intelligence and practicing. No one should say anything!

The spiritual power in the body has been consumed by half again. Fortunately, the shadow clone is the separated energy, so it can practice by itself, and does not need Lin Yi's help to maintain the spiritual power.

"Number 1, you draw the talisman, number 2, you practice shaving, number 3, you practice swordsmanship."

The three shadow clones nodded stiffly, without saying a word, and each took action.

Lin Yi held his chin and looked at the three busy figures.

"Is there something wrong with this shadow clone technique? The clone looks so stupid. It was supposed to have its own consciousness!"

Lin Yi shook his head again, sat down cross-legged, and began to restore the spiritual energy in his body.

His Taoist robe came from the East Wilderness World and was a treasure robe. The spirit gathering array pattern allowed him to have rich spiritual energy all the time, which was very convenient for both cultivation and condensing talismans. He was busy until noon, and the three shadow clones suddenly burst open. They turned into a ball of air and flew back into Lin Yi's body.

Drawing talismans, swordsmanship, and body skills all increased by 24 points of experience at the same time.

Only 24 points of experience in four hours may not seem like much, but these are three skills!

Without the clone technique, Lin Yi could only brush the experience of one skill at a time.

Suddenly Lin Yi discovered another blind spot. What if his three shadow clones only practiced one skill at the same time!

Doesn't it mean that he could gain 72 points of experience at once!

And as he becomes more and more powerful in the future, with more spiritual energy in his body, and condensing several more shadow clones at a time, wouldn't that be even more perverted!

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with excitement. This shadow clone technique had no other use for Lin Yi, except for cheating to brush experience.


Lin Yi had lunch at Zuihonglou.

It must be said that money makes you the boss, this is absolutely true.

While Lin Yi was eating, there were girls pouring wine and adding dishes, and there were girls playing the piano and singing songs.

The meal cost one dollar, which is very luxurious in this day and age, but it was really comfortable!

Coming out of Zuihonglou, looking at the big sun in the sky, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Degenerate, really degenerate!"

I originally planned to stay in the town for one night and then set off for Renjia Town early the next morning.

Unexpectedly, the town was haunted, so Lin Yi decided to stay here for one more day.

There is a charity cemetery outside the town, and there is naturally a paper-making shop in the town for the people in the town and surrounding villages to buy incense, candles and paper-making.

Lin Yi's ears twitched slightly, and all kinds of sounds in the town entered Lin Yi's ears.

Soon Lin Yi found the paper-making shop in the town.

""Guest, what would you like to order?"

An elderly man standing behind the counter asked Lin Yi.

"I want to buy a piece of yellow talisman paper and cinnabar ink."

When the old man heard what Lin Yi wanted, he knew what Lin Yi was going to do and nodded slightly.

"The things are inside, I'll get them for you."

As he spoke, the old man came out from behind the counter on crutches and limped into the inner room.

The paper-making shop was not big, and there were wooden shelves on the walls around, on which were placed various items needed for commemorating the ancestors.

Incense, paper money, candles, paper people, paper horses, various paper-making, paper clothes, lanterns, etc.

After waiting for a while, the old man came out from the back hall with a package in his hand.

"Young Master, you are here just in time. My cinnabar has just arrived. It is a good product."

The old man put the things on the counter and opened them for Lin Yi to check.

The yellow talisman paper is of good quality and is enough for drawing talismans. The cinnabar is indeed of good quality and is real cinnabar.

Cinnabar is still quite expensive at this time. The cinnabar sold in some places is not cinnabar at all. It may be a fake made of dye to deceive some people who don't know the goods.

If you use fake cinnabar and encounter ghosts, you can only pray for good luck.

"Good stuff, old man, I want these."

"Sincerely, ten dollars."

Lin Yi's mouth twitched. Two fist-sized pieces of cinnabar, plus a piece of yellow talisman paper, that's ten dollars!

It takes ten dollars to catch ghosts, and it's all spent on buying materials. No wonder the master is so stingy. If he is not stingy, the charity house will not be able to operate at all!

He took out ten dollars from the storage bracelet and put them on the counter. After the old man checked whether they were real or fake, he took the things and���Paper Shop


The lights came on, and the theater was filled with music and drums, and the show began.

The audience was packed, and there were more people than yesterday.

Lin Yi sat in the same seat as yesterday, drinking tea and eating melon seeds while watching the show.

Time passed quickly, and the show, which lasted more than three hours, was over. Unlike usual, after the show ended today, the speed of cleaning up the theater was much faster.

Ah Gui, Ah Guang, Ah Biao, and Bian Moyan, the martial artists, were left behind, while the rest of the old and weak were dispersed.

The owner and Uncle Sheng came to Lin Yi's side and asked in a low voice:

""Young Master, everything is ready."

Under the stage, a table was covered with yellow cloth, and on it were incense burners, candles, peach wood swords and talismans. It was arranged in a very neat and tidy manner.

Lin Yi threw down the melon seed shells, stood up and stretched.

""Boss, take your people back, close all the doors, and put up the talisman."

The troupe owner nodded quickly and told Agui.

Agui led his people to close all the doors and windows in the theater and put up the talisman.

In the dim theater, the air was gloomy, and the light of the candles and oil lamps was faintly green, which made people shudder. The most timid person, Bian Mo, had grown so fat, and hid behind everyone, his face flushed, and whispered to Agui

"Brother Gui, I really want to go and drain the water!"

Ah Gui said indifferently,"Then let's go."

"But I'm scared, please go with me"

"I really admire you, how can you be so timid?"

Agui said speechlessly

"Okay, let's go. I'll go with you."

…… ps: This desire to survive is okay, the clone technique is a light and shadow trick, and the shadow clone technique is a dull cheat!

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