""Uncle Master, this is not fair. You are eating alone!"

Lin Yi smiled and sat beside Taoist Simu. He took out a water bag from the treasure bag he carried with him.

In fact, he took it out from the storage bracelet.

When he opened the stopper of the water bag, a strong smell of wine wafted out.

Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe's eyes lit up immediately.



Taoist Simu grabbed it and took a sip.

"Senior Brother, it's my turn, it's my turn!"

Taoist Qianhe urged.


Taoist Simu took several big gulps, and then he passed the water bag to Qianhe with satisfaction.

Qianhe didn't despise Simu, he took the water bag and poured the wine into his mouth, gulp gulp

""Hiss, ha! Good wine!"

Taoist Qianhe handed the water bag to Lin Yi comfortably and laughed loudly.

Taoist Simu smiled and saw that Lin Yi was still taking things out, and asked expectantly

"Ayi, are there any other good things?"

"A bag of peanuts from the kitchen."

Lin Yi took out a bag of salt and pepper peanuts.

This thing is a perfect snack.

Taoist Simu took it with pleasure, opened the paper bag, pinched two peanuts and threw them into his mouth, with a happy expression on his face.

Taoist Qianhe also grabbed a handful, pinched two or three and threw them into his mouth.

Rabbit meat was leaning on the fire, peanuts were in hand, and there was wine to drink.

The warm breeze was blowing early in the morning, the spring breeze was gentle, and I was still alive after the disaster. This feeling was particularly comfortable.

"Junior brother, Ayi's wine and peanuts are not eaten in vain."Master

Simu threw a few more into his mouth and said to Master Qianhe with a smile.

Master Qianhe raised his eyebrows, then glanced at Lin Yi, shook his head and smiled bitterly,"I have Senior Brothers Lin and Simu to teach me, what else can I give to Ayi?"

Of course he knew what Master Simu meant, and wanted him to teach Ayi some skills.

But last night, Lin Yi's posture of chopping zombies was ten times more powerful than his, what could he teach?

"Hey, that's not what I meant. I remember that Master taught you a unique skill."

Taoist Simu laughed and said to Taoist Qianhe, who was stunned.

Unique skill!

Speaking of this, Taoist Qianhe looked at Lin Yi seriously and shook his head.

"No, Senior Brother, if you learn this magic strike, you will have no son. Ayi is so handsome, I don't want him to regret it in the future."

Lin Yi subconsciously covered himself.

What are you doing? The system cleansed his meridians and marrow, making him strong and healthy, and there is also Qinglong!

Uncle Simu, what do you want to do!

"Uncle Simu, you are a bit too harsh, I think we can let Jiale have a try."

Master Simu smiled awkwardly,"Haha, I mean well, since you don't want to, you can let Uncle Qianhe teach you boxing and kicking. His boxing and kicking skills are not weaker than your master, and his swordsmanship is about the same as mine."

Speaking of boxing and kicking skills, Master Qianhe is indeed proud of himself. Among his fellow apprentices, he can be ranked third. The first two are naturally the eldest brother Shi Jian and Uncle Jiu.

As for swordsmanship, he doesn't think he is weaker than Simu at all.

"Forget about swordplay, Ayi's swordplay is much better than mine, and as for boxing, I can't beat Senior Brother Lin, so forget it, I'll teach you the Seven Star Borrowing Technique."

Taoist Simu smiled, picked up a few peanuts and threw them into his mouth,"That's about right."

Lin Yi looked at Taoist Qianhe in confusion and asked,"Uncle, what is the Seven Star Borrowing Technique?"

"The Seven Stars Borrowing Method is to borrow power from the stars in the heaven and earth, use the Seven Stars Lamp to correspond to the Big Dipper in the sky, and use the corresponding spell to borrow power from the stars. As long as the Seven Stars Lamp is not extinguished, the magic power will continue to flow."

"So awesome!"

It sounds great!

These days, spiritual power is scarce and everyone's mana is not high. It is normal to run out of mana while fighting.

With the Seven Stars Borrowing Mana Technique, there is no need to worry about the endurance problem.

Although he has a treasured robe and a spirit gathering array that continuously gathers spiritual power from all around, it takes time to absorb and digest it.

For example, when he used a sword to chop the tree just now, he used up all his mana after a few strikes, and he still had to sit here to recover his mana.

So this Seven Stars Borrowing Mana Technique is very useful to him. In the future, when he fights with others, he doesn't have to worry about not having enough mana.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Alas, what are you thanking me for? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know whether I'm alive or dead now."

Master Qianhe waved his hand and smiled. He now has a very good impression of Lin Yi, his nephew, not only because Lin Yi saved his life, but also because of Lin Yi's ambition.

Last night he saw Lin Yi go to the forest to practice, and he got up early this morning. He had never seen such a hardworking and motivated disciple among his many fellow apprentices.

Including his four useless tool-like apprentices.

"Now, I will teach you the Seven Stars Borrowing Force Method."

Taoist Qianhe explained the Seven Stars Borrowing Force Method to Lin Yi with a serious expression. Taoist

Simu drank his wine with a smile. There was no question of stealing or not between them. They were all taught by the same master, and he also knew the Seven Stars Borrowing Force Method!


When they came, each of them carried an axe, and when they went back, Dongnanxibei and Jiale dragged heavy trees and bamboos and walked back with difficulty.

They also had to deal with the wood and bamboo and repair the house.

Otherwise, this apprentice is a tool man.

They were busy until the sun went down, and Simu's house was finally repaired, and two rooms were expanded!

Although it was just an outline.

After dinner, Lin Yi sat in the house and took out a dust-proof talisman from the storage bracelet.

The effect of this talisman is very simple, that is, after sticking it on your body, you don't have to worry about dust on your body. Of course, the effect is stronger, and it also has a bit of the effect of wind-proof beads, that is, you don't have to be afraid of squinting in the wind and sand.

"Grand Master, please bless me to exchange for good things. Afterwards, I will sincerely worship and burn incense to offer sacrifices!"

Lin Yi put his hands together and bowed three times in the air.

Finally, he opened his eyes and was full of confidence.

"System, I want to exchange the heavens!"


A flash of light appeared in front of Lin Yi, and the Dust Repelling Talisman disappeared.

At the same time, a new audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


In the vast sea of clouds, on an island with a peculiar style, a strange-looking man floated in the air.

His expression was exaggerated and slightly ferocious. His earlobes hung down to his chest, and he wore golden earrings. There was a thunder drum on his back, a golden ring on his hand, and a golden stick in his hand. He wore knickerbockers on his lower body, was barefoot, and had rings on his toes.

"I am God!"

However, the next second, this guy who claimed to be God suddenly looked stunned.

"How is it possible? Why can't I hear the sounds of those insects?"

At this moment, a dust-avoiding talisman appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky.

"What is this?"

Enel frowned and reached out to grab the Dust Repellent Talisman.

The next second, the Dust Repellent Talisman was burned to ashes by the electric light.

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