Condensing the talisman, meditating to recover. When the spiritual energy is full, continue to condense the talisman!

The night passed quickly.

When the sky was bright, Lin Yi passed through the morning mist in the forest and returned to the home of Taoist Simu.

As soon as he entered the yard, he heard the angry scolding of Taoist Simu next door.

"Stinky monk, you are powerful, you are noble, you are pious, you are amazing!"

"You were so tired last night, how can you get up so early today to chant sutras and recite Buddhist scriptures!"

Master Simu was almost going crazy. He had consumed a lot of his magic power in the battle yesterday and was very tired. He wanted to have a good sleep.

Unexpectedly, the chickens in the yard started crowing before dawn.

The crowing of the chickens would have been fine, but this stinky monk got up and started to chant sutras by beating the wooden fish.

This made Master Simu so angry.

Can't you beat it later?

And it happened to be at Master Ikkyu's house, so he couldn't say anything.

He thought he should be patient and finish chanting in a while, but he didn't expect that Master Ikkyu didn't finish chanting the morning class!

He took out another copy of the Sutra of Rebirth and started beating it again.

Lin Yi just came back and stood in the yard listening to Master Ikkyu beating and singing, but he couldn't hear clearly what he was singing.

"The temple is complete, and the relief will be completed. The host is pious, burns incense and worships"

"The crowds under the altar all chanted the holy name. The sea of suffering is surging, and the evil has brought upon itself, and the people are not awake at all. If people do not recite Amitabha, they have lived in vain."

"Look closely at the mountains, they are colorful; listen carefully to the water, they are silent; spring is gone, the flowers are still there; people are approaching, the birds are not startled. In August, the geese fly south, their roars are sad; the geese may return one day, but the dead souls will never return."???"

Is it time to sing Huangmei Opera? You and I are like mandarin ducks, flying side by side in the world?

Why do I suddenly feel like I am seeing the little black fat man, Mr. Guo?


This morning was destined to be busy. In order to deal with zombies yesterday, Lin Yi blew up the house of Taoist Simu. If we don't repair it quickly, it will be uninhabitable in the short term.

Master Ikkyu was so annoying that he couldn't sleep. Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe simply got up and took Jiale, Lin Yi and four tools from the east, south, west and north to cut trees.

"Look, this is it!"

Master Simu said, holding an axe and pointing to the woods ahead.

Not far away there is a bamboo forest, lush and green, which looks like a place full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

This is the good thing about this time, wherever you go is a landscape painting!

""Uncle-master, how many trees and bamboos do we need to cut down?"

Lin Yi held an axe and looked at Taoist Simu eagerly.

Simu scratched his head.

His house was not big, and it would not take much materials to repair it. But now there were many people, so he might as well take the opportunity to expand the house a little bit, and save trouble in the future!

Taoist Simu narrowed his eyes, smiled and said loudly,"The more the better!"

"The more the better?"

Everyone nodded and walked towards the woods with axes in hand.

Dongnanxibei and Jiale each found a tree, bent over and started chopping.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry. He chopped off a tree trunk with an axe, then used the axe to carve it, and finally carved out a wooden sword.

Jiale was chopping the tree with great effort. Seeing Lin Yi playing with his craft, he reminded him,"Ayi, work quickly, don't play around, or the master will scold you."

Lin Yi activated the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt, his big hands flashed with a faint golden light, and rubbed the wooden sword like sandpaper, and soon polished the wooden sword very smooth.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick."

Lin Yi said with a smile, throwing the axe to the ground.

Jiale was stunned and hurried to see Taoist Simu.

He saw that Taoist Simu had caught a rabbit from somewhere, and he and Uncle Qianhe had started a bonfire and were roasting the rabbit.

"Fortunately, Master is greedy. If Master saw you not working and throwing the axe, you would be in trouble, Ayi."

Jia Le said thankfully, and suddenly heard Lin Yi say the four words"sharpen the wooden sword".

Looking back, he saw a big tree slowly falling down.

The big tree fell to the ground with a loud bang.

People from all directions looked over. They hadn't chopped down half of a tree, but they had already chopped down a tree!

The speed was too fast!

Swordsmanship experience +1!

Lin Yi looked at the message reminder on the skill panel, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

It really works!

Practicing swordsmanship, there is experience bonus for chopping people, and there must be experience bonus for chopping trees!

The wooden sword in Lin Yi's hand flashed with a faint golden light, and as Lin Yi shook his wrist, he swung the sword.

With a swish, the wooden sword cut into tofu and easily cut off a big tree in front of Lin Yi.

Jia Le:"o((⊙﹏⊙))o"

East, South, West, North:"∠(?ω?)/???"

"Yi, how did you do that?"

Jiale asked with his mouth wide open, staring in confusion.

Cutting down a tree with one sword, is this really something a human can do?

"What? You mean chopping down a tree?"

Seeing Jiale looking at him stupidly, Lin Yi swung his sword, and with a flash of inspiration, the tree as thick as a man's waist was neatly cut off. Then Lin Yi kicked, and the tree slowly fell to one side.

Boom - the sound of the tree hitting the ground startled Simu and Qianhe who were grilling meat.

After they looked over, they were also dumbfounded.

What's going on?

The rabbit meat had just been processed, and three trees had already been chopped down!

"It's very simple. Cast a spell to sharpen the wooden sword, and then master the technique of swinging the sword."

Lin Yi said as he casually swung the sword.

The sword energy whistled, and under the golden light, another big tree slowly fell down.

However, after this sword, Lin Yi's spiritual power was almost consumed.

Cutting down a tree as thick as a waist with one sword, and it was a wooden sword! He had to cast a sharpening spell to maintain the sharpness of the wooden sword, and also to increase the strength of his arm to swing the sword. His spiritual power, which was less than two acupoints, was not enough to sustain it.

"You guys continue, I'll go take a break!"

Lin Yi exhaled a breath of turbid air, waved to the numb-faced brothers, and then staggered towards Taoist Simu.

Uncle, you are so unkind, you actually want to eat alone!

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