Lin Yi frowned and put the corpse-suppressing talisman into the storage bracelet, which was placed separately.

This corpse-suppressing talisman is a mid-level talisman, different from the previous talismans. It costs five exchange points anyway. If memory serves me right, the zombies in the movie Uncle Zombie are very fierce. Not only are they royal zombies, but they were also hit by thunder in the coffin and absorbed the vitality of four people at the same time. They are invulnerable to swords and guns. Taoist Simu and Master Ikkyu's magic weapons can only barely resist the zombies.

Taoist Qianhe even got a box lunch a few minutes after he appeared.

After all, he is Taoist Simu's junior brother, which shows how fierce this zombie is.

Lin Yi feels that even Uncle Jiu can't get any advantage here.

It's so difficult to deal with Old Master Ren. This royal zombie is much stronger than Old Master Ren!

After sleeping until noon, when Lin Yi woke up, he was refreshed and completely recovered.

Lunch was also ready.

Jiale caught two fish when he went to fetch water, stewed the fish, and roasted the chicken. For lunch, Lin Yi and Taoist Simu each ate six or seven bowls of rice.

��After dinner and a short rest, Taoist Simu called Lin Yi and Jiale to the yard.

"Ayi, have you ever used other swords besides wooden swords?"

Master Simu was holding two bronze swords in his hands.

Although they are bronze swords, the texture of these swords is very hard and tough. They were forged by Master Simu using a special method of talismans. They can exorcise evil spirits and have miraculous effects on demons and ghosts.

Lin Yi shook his head and said,"I have only used wooden swords before."

Modern people have only seen kitchen knives at most, and the others are controlled instruments. Lin Yi is a good boy and has never touched them.

As for the swords that the old ladies play with in the park, are they also called swords? When

Lin Yi came out of the charity cemetery, Uncle Jiu specially gave Lin Yi a peach wood sword. The sword was made of the heart of a thirty-year-old peach tree. After Uncle Jiu got it, he offered incense for more than ten years.

Even if you don't use magic, this peach wood sword can exorcise evil spirits when placed at home.

Ghosts have to take a detour when they see it.

"Although the peach wood sword is effective against ghosts and zombies, it is not enough if you encounter a strong man on the road."

The Taoist priest Simu is a corpse driver. He hides during the day and comes out at night. He often walks on mountain roads. In this day and age, those who go into the mountains are not good people except those who chop wood and hunt!

A peach wood sword fighting against a machete is courting death.

""Here, this is the Seven Star Sword that I asked someone to forge at the foot of the mountain." Taoist

Simu handed the sword to Lin Yi.

Jiale, who was holding a peach wood sword, was jealous.

"Master, I have followed you for so many years, do I have a share?"

You, hold the peach wood sword firmly first.

Taoist Simu said with disdain.

Jiale felt wronged and felt sour in his heart.

"Come, I will now teach you the Tiangang Step and Seven Star Sword of my Maoshan Sect."

Taoist Simu held another Seven Star Sword in his hand and began to explain the essentials of the Tiangang Step and the Seven Star Sword.

Wow, the sword is called the Seven Star Sword, and the sword technique is also called the Seven Star Sword. The names are quite random!

Lin Yi's mouth twitched, and he began to listen carefully.

The sword technique has rules, not just practicing blindly. The steps, breathing, moves, and sword techniques are all matched. If one place is wrong, the sword moves will be wrong.

【The host is receiving instruction on the Tiangang Step from Taoist Priest Simu, experience +1!】

【The host is being taught the sword technique Seven Star Sword by Taoist Simu, experience +1!

After Taoist Simu finished explaining the Tiangang Step and the Seven Star Sword, he looked at Lin Yi and Jiale.

"How about it, how much did you understand?"

Jia Le looked embarrassed, holding the peach wood sword in his hand, at a loss.

"Master, can you please explain it again? I was confused from the second move."

Lin Yi wanted to say that he had learned it, but when he heard Jiale say that, he swallowed the words back.

"Uncle, please tell me again. You just spoke too fast and I didn't quite understand."

Master Simu raised his eyebrows.

Didn't you understand?

When my senior brother taught me boxing, you understood it once. Why don't you understand me when I talk about swordsmanship?

Didn't my senior brother say that you have a talent for swordsmanship?

Is there a gap between my teaching and yours?

Master Simu doubted himself for a moment, then nodded.

""Okay, I'll tell you again. I'll tell you a little slower this time. Please listen carefully!"

After saying that, Taoist Simu started from the beginning.

Every move and every style, the beginning, development, turning point, the relationship between each other, how to follow up the steps, how to make sword moves.

It was indeed more detailed than before.

Lin Yi listened very carefully.

Although he got the Dugu Nine Swords from Linghu Chong, his swordsmanship should have been at the top of the mortal swordsmanship, but the Seven Star Sword can still bring a lot of experience, which is much faster than his own sword practice.

An afternoon passed in a flash.

Taoist Simu's teaching made me doubt my life.

What's the situation? I can't do it after teaching it once, and I can't do it after teaching it again. Am I so much worse than my senior brother?

After the last teaching, Taoist Simu wiped the sweat from his forehead

"Ah Yi, how was it this time? Did you reply?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"I'm almost there, Brother Jiale, how about you?"

Jiale scratched the back of his head and smiled happily,"I've memorized more than half of it, but there are still some parts I don't understand."

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly in his heart.

Jiale, this is all I can help you with.

After his mind was cleansed by the system, his mind became much more flexible than before, and he possessed the ability to remember everything he saw and read ten lines at a glance. Therefore, when he learns from others, he will be very fast. Even if no one teaches him, the speed of his own comprehension is far beyond that of ordinary people.

In fact, when Taoist Simu taught him for the first time, he had almost learned it. He would be able to master it thoroughly after thinking about it for a while. Later that afternoon, Lin Yi became completely proficient in the Seven Star Sword and Tiangang Step. The

Tiangang Step can be used not only with swordsmanship, but also with boxing, palm and knife skills. It is very practical in close combat.

The Seven Star Swordsmanship is just average. Compared with the Dugu Nine Swords, it can only be regarded as mediocre.

Seeing that Lin Yi said he could do it, Taoist Simu nodded and said,"Okay, Jiale, you go cook. Ayi, you think about it. With your qualifications, you should be able to master this swordsmanship well."

""Yes, Master/Uncle."

Taoist Simu nodded with his sword on his back, then walked towards the house.

He had been speaking for several hours this afternoon, and his mouth was dry and thirsty. Now he just wanted to drink a pot of cold tea and lie down to have a good rest.

After Taoist Simu went in, Jiale smiled at Lin Yi,"Ayi, thank you for today."

Jiale is not a fool. In fact, he had already discovered that Lin Yi was willing to help him. Every time the master asked Lin Yi if he could, Lin Yi would look at him.

"We are family, so it's only natural."

Lin Yi patted Jiale on the shoulder.

This afternoon, Jiale caught fish for him specially. This afternoon was his way of returning the favor. Besides, he didn't work in vain. Taoist Simu gave him a lesson, and he also gained 100 points of sword skills experience and body skills experience.

"Yi, I'm going to cook. What do you want to eat? How about I stew a chicken for you?"

"OK, I actually like spicy chicken. Do you have any chili peppers at home?"

Jiale scratched his head, revealing a confused expression,"Spicy chicken? How to make it? I have chili peppers at home!"

"Come on, I'll teach you!"

Lin Yi put his arm around Jiale's shoulders and went into the kitchen.

More than an hour later, a dish of spicy chicken came out of the pot. Jiale brought the rice, and Lin Yi brought the spicy chicken into the house.

"Wow! What kind of dish is this? It smells so good!"

Taoist Simu came out of the house smelling the smell, looked at the fried chicken on the table, and swallowed his saliva.

Lin Yi originally wanted to make spicy chicken, but the chili that Jiale said was not the same as the chili he said. How could Erjingtiao and Chaotian pepper be the same?

There was no other way, so he could only make spicy fried chicken. In fact, they are both called spicy chicken, but one is Shandong cuisine and the other is Sichuan cuisine.

Taoist Simu and Jiale were sweating all over after eating this meal. They had never eaten such spicy food before. Today, although it became spicier and spicier, they became more and more addicted and wanted to eat more and more.

After eating a big rooster and a big bucket of steamed rice, Taoist Simu leaned back in the chair with his stomach, closing his eyes and humming.


I haven't eaten so well for a long time.

After eating and drinking, I slept soundly in bed...

Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the wooden fish came from next door.

Dongdongdong- then Master Ikkyu began to chant.

He was still chanting in Sanskrit!

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